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Health - 17 January 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

If a person urinates to often than normal and mouth very dry, does this mean dehydration??

2007-01-17 04:14:55 · 7 answers · asked by Stylish_Stylist 1 in Other - Diseases

In other words, adding bleach to hot water kills the bleach effect of killing germs and bacteria, that one should use only cold water !?

2007-01-17 04:14:35 · 3 answers · asked by mother4_grandmother11 1 in Infectious Diseases

I'd really like to lose a stone and a half and everytime I try to diet, ie. eating 3 meals a day and snacking on fruit, the good work lasts for about 2 weeks and then I end up bingeing on chocolate and other baddies. Is there anyway to end this pattern, because it's soul destroying!

2007-01-17 04:14:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

I'd really like to lose a stone and a half and everytime I try to diet, ie. eating 3 meals a day and snacking on fruit, the good work lasts for about 2 weeks and then I end up bingeing on chocolate and other baddies. Is there anyway to end this pattern, because it's soul destroying!

2007-01-17 04:13:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

my doctor told me tht i've chicken pox, at that time i had few blisters, but within a day they 've spread all over my upper body. they 've also started appearing on my thighs. now i'm in my 3rd day of this hellish experience.i cant lie down or even sit properly cos all of my back and neck is covered with it. the itching never stops and especially in my scalp and the back its the worst. the doctor gave me some capsules for infection and calamine solution but i cant see any effects. i havn't slept properly for the last two days. i've to skip school for over a week, i guess. please give me some advice how to get over this quickly?? i am also worried about blisters on my face, if they can leave marks or spots on my face and neck ? how long it takes for the C.P. to go away without a trace? please help.

2007-01-17 04:12:57 · 9 answers · asked by karan d 1 in Infectious Diseases

what im asking is does ur breast development have anything to do with getting ur period? like can u still get ur period if u still are not developing or in the middle of developing???

2007-01-17 04:12:53 · 11 answers · asked by sweets 2 in Women's Health

does anybody know anything about implants

2007-01-17 04:12:42 · 10 answers · asked by MIKEL 2 in Women's Health

Hello. If you read back you'll see that i've had some fun dental adventures in the past Three or Four months. I've had Oral surgery to get four molars removed, three fillings and now i have braces.

I've been having some personal stress problems (those boyfriends i tell ya) and minor work related stress, and i'm not entirely sure thats the cause, but i've been clenching down on my teeth so hard that it wakes me up. Since my teeth already hurt from braces moving my teeth around, it just makes it that much worse. Recently i snapped a brace off from my teeth clenching, and now i have wire poking my cheek.

Please don't tell me to talk to my orthodontist, because i plan on it, (i'm set up in a situation where the Dr. only comes to the dentist office every other thursday otherwise i would have gone to see him sooner) but i'm wondering if there are any options right now? i see my Dr. next thrusday. And i've now acquired some built up anxiety about sleeping ... HELP Please!?

2007-01-17 04:12:34 · 4 answers · asked by ♥ Eiluj 3 in Dental

What exactly does water do? What does it mean to flush your system? Flush your system of what kinds of toxins?

2007-01-17 04:11:49 · 9 answers · asked by :-) 3 in Diet & Fitness

If there is a younger person who is desperate need of full-time care, why won't nursing homes admit that person? Why is age such an important consideration?

2007-01-17 04:11:01 · 3 answers · asked by stillstanding 3 in Other - General Health Care

They like to poke fun at me if i diet? They are both overweight and i know they are not happy with their bodies. The put pressure on me to eat food like cookies and things i don't feel like eating sometimes. I feel like i am not part of their clic if i don't stuff my face like them. My mom acts like anyone who cuts down on food is anorexic and that is just ridiculous. Any suggestions on how to deal with them? Why are they acting this way?

2007-01-17 04:09:57 · 34 answers · asked by ♥queen b♥ 4 in Diet & Fitness

presumably it cannot damage diabetics?

2007-01-17 04:08:49 · 16 answers · asked by Hilary W 1 in Diabetes

My mom's always said I've had a really good 'health appetite', but I think I'm having trouble with my wieght because of it. I work out on a regular basis, but I'm always eating.

Any suggestions on how to reduce my eating habits?

Thanks a million :)

2007-01-17 04:07:38 · 13 answers · asked by Heather 1 in Diet & Fitness

I just got diagnosed with severe depression and i m not feeling all that great. I was put on anti-depressants right away but i dont feel any different. They first diagnosed me with Anxiety and put me on depressants drug that made me almost had an overdose. I feel quite hopeless right now and all roads are blocked in my life. I want someone to give me a dose of happiness so i wont feel so crappy anymore. But you know it's funny, i dont frown all day, i smile with friends, it's not like i dont know how to smile anymore.

Is there like things one person in depression can do while waiting for the medication to kick in? Or does the meds really work? Or are they just sugar pills that make you feel like something is working? What other symptoms are there of depression? Or if noone can answer the questions please just make me laugh a little. Thanks.

2007-01-17 04:06:39 · 10 answers · asked by pattycatty 2 in Mental Health

I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but how do someone who works regular office hours 9-5 enjoy a big delicious and healthy breakfast meal when they have to take a bus or the train to work every day? It's not only the time constraint. What about getting in a morning exercise before work? And how can they enjoy a big breakfast when they know there's at least 8 hours of work still ahead? No wonder people eat the most during dinner.

2007-01-17 04:06:13 · 7 answers · asked by xander 5 in Diet & Fitness

for the past week everytime my husband and i have sex no matter what position it is i get a pain in my left side. down by my hip like in my pelvis. it only hurts during sex then goes away. what could it be? i am not pregant

2007-01-17 04:05:53 · 3 answers · asked by jessica_6902 2 in Women's Health

I asked a question last week about how to magage stress and pain and one person told me to put a rubber band on and snap it. I have been doing this for a week now. Is this a good idea or a very bad one? Thanks for any help.

2007-01-17 04:05:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

2007-01-17 04:05:24 · 2 answers · asked by Jillybean 1 in Other - Health

I donate about 4 times a year.

2007-01-17 04:04:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I checked alot of guidelines... and im not really overweight... I weight between 130-135 and im 5'5 tall......
But I really want to lose weight around my butt and hip area...
It seems liek I have alot of fat around my hips , lower stomach, and thighs. I dont necessarily want to lose alot of weight, just 10 ounds or so but I do want to tone up those parts of my body.
What can I do as far as diet and exercise goes..please help!
Im starting grad school in a week and I want to be in good condition.
Thanks guys =)

2007-01-17 04:04:40 · 5 answers · asked by committed 1 in Diet & Fitness

Use the pic, and please use the ears to base it on.

2007-01-17 04:03:52 · 15 answers · asked by Bob 1 in Other - Health

My husband had his prostate removed over a year and nine months ago because they found cancer. He is only 44 years old. The doctor gives him viagra and cialis, but he doesn't get a complete erection, and the pump only keeps it hard for a few minutes. Anything else we can try? I heard of some other methods, but what is it, how does it work, where can we get it, and what are the side effects? Any men know? He is concerned he doesn't satisfy me, even though he does. I just need the emotional feelings there and I can have an orgasm, but for his sake, he is feeling less of a man. Please only serious answers.

2007-01-17 04:03:16 · 4 answers · asked by Mother of One 2 in Men's Health

I have a lung disease and when I take Vicodin I can breathe easier. Of course my doctor thinks I'm just trying to have some fun, therefore will not right me a prescription. So I was wondering is there anything else out there that may have the same effect?

2007-01-17 04:03:09 · 0 answers · asked by Knome Lover 4 in Alternative Medicine

2007-01-17 04:02:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

Hi my daughter has a really bad diaper rash and i have been using A+D ointment, and baby powder, Aveeno and balmex and everything out there that they have and it is not working! I need help does any one out there have any suggestions.

2007-01-17 03:59:36 · 21 answers · asked by sprincess692003 3 in First Aid

will breathing exercises etc help?

2007-01-17 03:59:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

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