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I just got diagnosed with severe depression and i m not feeling all that great. I was put on anti-depressants right away but i dont feel any different. They first diagnosed me with Anxiety and put me on depressants drug that made me almost had an overdose. I feel quite hopeless right now and all roads are blocked in my life. I want someone to give me a dose of happiness so i wont feel so crappy anymore. But you know it's funny, i dont frown all day, i smile with friends, it's not like i dont know how to smile anymore.

Is there like things one person in depression can do while waiting for the medication to kick in? Or does the meds really work? Or are they just sugar pills that make you feel like something is working? What other symptoms are there of depression? Or if noone can answer the questions please just make me laugh a little. Thanks.

2007-01-17 04:06:39 · 10 answers · asked by pattycatty 2 in Health Mental Health

10 answers

hey kiddo:

depression is a bear. you've taken a real big step in seeking help for your depression.

i suffered from depression for years before i sought professional help for it. my doctor has worked with me and been great about finding a medication that works for me.

all medications for depression affect different people in different ways. what works for me may not work for you. what works for you may not work for me---and on and on and on. i was on effexor for years--it helped the depression but had side effects to it that were so bad i went off it. the depression came back with a vengeance and my doctor gave me Lexapro. now the depression is gone and so are the side effects. woohoo!

it may take a lot of trial and error to find the right medication at the right dosage for you. and don't give up! most antidepressants don't start showing therapeutic effects till you've been on them for at least 2 weeks--and sometimes longer. it takes that long to build up the drug in the brain to therapeutic levels.

as far as doing things in the meantime---try prayer or meditation. it sounds corny, but positive thinking can go a long way toward beating depression. you said yourself that you enjoy being with your friends---i'd spend lots of time with friends!

don't give up on the meds. if these don't work in time, move on to something else. i'm sure you'll find something that works for you.

if you need to talk more---email me. best of luck!

2007-01-17 04:33:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There is this commercial on TV that ask where depression hurts and then they answer by saying that it hurts everywhere! I know first hand how true that statement is!
I feel into a very deep depression about 3 years ago. The first prescription they put me on was to strong and I to almost overdose! When they finally got the right dose and the right medicine it did take about 3 to 4 weeks for me to begin to feel somewhat normal again! Thank God I had some very supportive family and friends to surround me. Without them I do not know what I would have done!
It is good that you are able to talk about your feelings! Everyone needs an outlet. The only thing that helped me was to keep remembering that there were so many things that I still wanted to do in life, so many things I wanted to see. And I knew that the only way that that was going to happen was if I determined in my mind that I was going to feel better! I was going to look at the bright side of everything! Don't get me wrong, I know that the medication helped alot but I also know that you have to turn that switch on in your head that says that you are going to beat this thing! I know that it can be very hard but just think of how rewarding it will be in the end. Hope all turns out well for you.

2007-01-17 04:23:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The doctor should have explained to you that you need therapy/counseling. The medication is only meant to take the edge off your severe symptoms and the therapy will help to fix why you are depressed in the first place. Then you shouldn't need the medication anymore. Medication alone is NOT going to make you feel better. There is a reason you are depressed. You and your therapist need to find out what it is. Then you WILL be smiling again and mean it. And you will know how to handle other things that come up without becoming depressed.

2007-01-17 04:14:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The medicines are real, all right. But it might be the wrong medicine for you. How long ago were you put on the meds? They might not have kicked in yet.

Try going for walks in the sun and getting a bit of extra exercise: It won't hurt you at least, and some forms of depression are seasonal in nature, and linked to a lack of sunshine.

Another thing you can try- and this might sound silly- is to practice thinking happy thoughts. Negativity is a habit as well as a product of depression (experience talking here).

Meanwhile, keep working with your physician. If the medicine isn't working, try something else.

Good luck!

2007-01-17 04:14:15 · answer #4 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

Over the last five years I had begun to have increasingly withdraw into a downward spiral of depression..

But now with the method I can fully focus my energy and thoughts into a decisive line on how to make my life better constantly. And it works like magic! I'm beginning to attract people to me once again and things have just been looking up since then.

Helping you eliminate depression?

2016-05-16 09:11:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am like that also. I was diagnosed with major depression/ I have tried suicide before, nothing makes me happy, I look forward to nothing.If it was up to me I would stay right in bed with the curtains drawn.I have let myself go, Man I hate to even get in the shower, but when I do get up and spend time with my daughter and grandchildren I laugh, hell I might +even have a little fun, but when I get by myself, will I guess you know, I am my own worst enemy.I guess meds will work if you give them a chance to kick in. I go to this free clinic where they only give you a couple of weeks worth.Its up to you to get the medicine filled but I dont have any way to get them filled so right when I do start to feel a little human,, I run out and end up right back where I was.Sorry I cant make you laugh, just wanted to share a little something with you. God Bless!

2007-01-17 08:50:48 · answer #6 · answered by Leneki 4 · 0 0

Sorry, to hear about your diagnosis. They say that, depression is rage turned inward. Is there something you're enraged about? Only time will tell if the medication is working. You'll know when people ask: did you take your meds today?(lol)
What roads are blocked? Who sent out the secret police to prevent your progress? Pick yourself up, shake off the dust of the past and get on wit the get on! Do not allow yourself to enjoy a pity-party.Life is too short--hey, we all have issues. Some worse that others.If you are saddened by the diagnosis--let it go! You could be on Thorazine--walk'in on your tippy-toes. If you feel CRAPPY--GET HAPPY! Get involved in something to help others.Get active, do you workout? Hey, do you smell something? Smells so smelly that, you know its CRAP! Avoid it! Let go! Laugh! Be gentle with yourself. Love yourself!
You have so much to offer humanity--find your purpose and be passionate about it.Use this time to find your purpose and be the best you can.

2007-01-17 04:52:38 · answer #7 · answered by FunkyMcNasty 3 · 0 1

well if you arent feeling great right now go out to the store and get a blue collar comedy tour dvd and that should raise your spirits because the blue collar guys are very funny. also try watching a pauly shore movie like biodome. it also has steven baldwin in it so that should raise your spirits as well. funny things will always help.

and dont forget to take your medicine.

2007-01-17 04:20:34 · answer #8 · answered by buzz kill 3 · 0 1

well i ahve depression too and a lot more wrong with me but for my depression pills to take affect it was like almost 2 months they work dont dive up on them or you giving up on yourself it jsut takes time

and to help it out hang out with a bunch of happy people not people who are also depressed or there depression will only make yours worse

if you ever need anyone to talk to about anythign with ur depression ill try and help so IM me if you need to talk


2007-01-17 06:13:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well laugh i don't know about just go to the most rundown area you can find and watch the kids playing look at their dirty faces and torn clothing then look at your self and remember you have/had a chance to do something with your life.

2007-01-17 04:12:44 · answer #10 · answered by won_fulano 2 · 0 0

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