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3 answers

Dont know of any but I did see an intersting article online about it.. I hope it helps.

Sometime, during the phase of rapid weight loss after gastric bypass surgery, many patients may find their weight loss is stalled. Talk about discouraging. The daily ritual of weighing and celebrating another pound gone has turned into depressing torture because the scale just won’t move- the dreaded plateau has arrived.

One reason for the plateau is physiological. The body reacting to the restrictive caloric intake sends out a signal to start burning less stored fuel. In other words, the metabolic rate (the rate at which the body burns fuel) is reduced as the body attempts to conserve fuel in reaction to a state of famine. Your body is hanging on for dear life to it’s beloved fat.

Face Down The Dreaded Plateau:

There are things we can do to face down the dreaded plateau. The first is to avoid beating up on ourselves or regretting the decision for WLS. Simply accept that a plateau is part of the natural course of weight loss and this too shall pass. Plateaus can last two to four weeks. Try to be patient and consider your body is simply taking a rest from the hard work of losing weight.

Avoid snacking during the plateau. Old eating habits that caused obesity may resurface as we comfort our disappointment with extra snacks or make unhealthy food choices. Try to avoid this type of self-sabotage. Keep in mind, a plateau is a difficult time emotionally. I can recall feeling, “I really didn’t deserve to lose all this weight anyway, so I may as well eat this or that.” Avoid the self-pity trap.

Re-examine your commitment to healthy eating and exercise. Sometimes a plateau can be busted simply by returning the very basic principles of living after gastric bypass. One nurse-dietician suggests a return to pure protein for 48-hours. That means eating only eggs, low-fat cheese, chicken, tuna, turkey, etc. - nothing processed. The science behind that is the intake of pure amino acids (protein) will boost metabolism and force the body to burn stored fat.

Another way to feel proactive in plateau busting is to kick-up the exercise program. Add an extra half-mile to a walk or an extra set of repetitions to the strength training program. Any little change will catch the body off guard and it just may respond by dropping a pound or two.

And of course continue to drink clear fluids, specifically water, to flush the body of toxins and fat.

Counterfeit Plateaus:

Now, What about the plateau that lasts longer than four weeks and you still have lots of weight to lose? These are referred to as “Counterfeit Plateaus” in the health community. Most counterfeit plateaus result from miscalculations or forgetfulness on the part of the dieter. For example, maybe we are forgetting to avoid starchy carbs or processed snacks. Maybe we are eating a tiny dinner and an hour later eating another tiny dinner? Perhaps we’ve fallen out of the habit of exercise. Little slip-ups or forgetfulness can become quite costly if we let it go too long without correcting the behavior. Take a hard look and find ways to improve habits and boost weight loss.

Water/Fluid Retention Plateaus:

Too much salt in the diet will cause a water retention plateau – avoid prepared soups or other foods that have excessive salt. A fluid retention plateau is the result of insufficient water consumption so the body retains fluid to compensate. Remember, drink the water.

Plateaus are Temporary:

Remember, plateaus are temporary. As discouraging as it may seem at the time it will pass and it is a natural part of the weight loss journey.

2007-01-21 02:37:25 · answer #1 · answered by jt66250 7 · 0 0

Weight loss surgery-like gastric bypass / lap band surgery / stomach stapling and gastrectomy have become very common and very safe now. My cousin got her Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in India. She has lost more than 65 lbs in 5 months and is very happy with the results. The price for obesity surgery is very less in India. My cousin just paid 25% of the cost she was quoted in America. She got her surgery from a company called Forerunners Healthcare.

Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines. I have read a lot of their patient stories also. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as bariatric surgery and weight loss surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that your Obesity surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.

2007-01-17 20:03:13 · answer #2 · answered by Leo 2 · 0 0

maximum folk do not comprehend this yet Tupac had "Thug lifestyles" tattooed on his abdomen even with the undeniable fact that it stood for "the detest U supply Little little ones Fu$ks genuinely all of us". so it is precious to to re-evaluate the completed "Thug lifestyles" tattoo thingy. on your poll: Neither ~ detect a observe or asserting that represents you, not one that somebody else made up or says. Be unique and authentic to your self. The surgical operation you're dealing with is substantial and is going to alter your finished lifestyles. you would be proud and searching "upward" extremely of "downward". there are various people who might decide to be on your shoes having that operation marvelous now. sturdy success!!!! Peace & Love :)

2016-12-16 06:51:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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