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Vegetarian & Vegan - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan


Just a reminder aimed at 'Indepence Day'

Please reconsider your burgers and opt out for some nice salads, potatoes or other foods.

for current vnv, I apologize if you didn't want to see this.

2007-06-30 19:22:58 · 13 answers · asked by veganconscript 3

2007-06-30 18:58:41 · 10 answers · asked by kay kay 7

for the vegetarians the fields still have to be plowed, so don't you think that in doing so, that plowing kills small animals, insects? Are their lives worthless because they are not so cute?

2007-06-30 18:51:50 · 11 answers · asked by Shaz 4

Do any help raise money for habitat restoration and rally support for new and better ways to manage wildlife. Or work outside restoring nature areas. Help create new nature areas and reserves so animal are protected.

2007-06-30 16:10:36 · 9 answers · asked by kelly 2

It carries alot of diseases!

2007-06-30 14:53:08 · 34 answers · asked by emilysoftballprincess 3

Does anyone know a healthy diet for a vegetarian? It needs to include all the basic stuff and also stuff that a 13 yr old wants and needs. Im having trouble finding a healthy way to eat that doesnt involve meat and its a little harder than I thought it would be.

2007-06-30 14:41:31 · 10 answers · asked by ~*^ :)^*~ 3

i am 14 years old .i saw on peta2.com how they slaughter these poor little animals and it made me sick to my stomach and cry.

my questions are

-how do i stop eating meat do i stop in one day or does it take time if so how long

-besides meat what other products cant i eat(can i drink milk or not, things like that)

-what can i eat(things that teens like to eat that does not have things i cant eat)

What made you become a vegetarian/vegan and what age did you switch over(am i to young)

how did your family react

and are you healthy

2007-06-30 09:37:07 · 32 answers · asked by nikki 2

The part on saturated fats really made me think twice. What do you all think?


2007-06-30 09:30:55 · 19 answers · asked by Sakmeht 3

You were literly starving and in front of you was cooked pig, chicken, cow, turkey, fish, and sheep.

What would you pick to eat! Because afterall you are on the brink of death!

2007-06-30 09:06:44 · 27 answers · asked by For Petes Sake 1

I heard it on a tv show, which im not sure is that reliable, and I am a vegitarian, so i would like to know. It would be cool if it were true!

2007-06-30 08:38:10 · 20 answers · asked by kewlness75 1

I only liked cooked vegetables. I dont eat them that much...

2007-06-30 05:32:10 · 19 answers · asked by skdjmv 3

I have found a lot of recipes for quiches that I would like to try.... but most have bacon. Is there a vegetarian substitution that I can find at the grocery store for this? Or can I just leave it out or replace it with something different?

2007-06-30 05:15:23 · 16 answers · asked by SST 6

Have you noticed anything improve about yourself?

2007-06-30 05:10:09 · 12 answers · asked by BeBopaLuma 1

I'm starting one!

2007-06-30 05:09:02 · 15 answers · asked by BeBopaLuma 1

Why do you care?
if somebody wants to be vegan, why do people give them advice telling them to eat meat? it's their choice and it doesn't even effect anyone elses life.

why can't we just be nice to people, especially if they aren't mean to us?

2007-06-30 03:00:17 · 9 answers · asked by enderbean 3

I follow a Vegan diet. For myself, I'm like many of the other Vegans - where I differ has to do with other people. Me, I don't care what other people do or don't do, I don't care if they eat meat or not - it's their body - they can do what they want. That's a hard thing allowing them to destroy their own body - but it's their body to destroy - right? Eating meat/dairy is not something I want to do myself, but I'm not going out telling other people that they are wrong or whatever, and the truth is I think God has given people the freedom to eat meat or not. How can we say that killing is wrong when the Almighty God Himself slew and animal and clothed Adam and Eve. So I'm very understandable to allowing other people to be themselves, but the problem is I'm in a wierd place - I don't fit in with the meat eaters because I don't eat meat, and I'm different and in Wisconsin you really stand out. I don't fit in with the other Vegans because I don't think that eating meat is morally

2007-06-30 02:24:39 · 7 answers · asked by art_flood 4

What are some suggestions to: 1. Do this properly so that I can ensure I am receiving the right vitamins and nutrients, and 2. What are some tips and suggestions that I can follow in order to help suppress my urge for meat and or non vegetarian type foods etc...
I anticipate this being difficult, however I do really want to do this in order to be a healthier person inside and also to loose a lot of the weight I've been lugging around with me.
Only serious replies, please.

2007-06-30 01:08:03 · 5 answers · asked by Tiffany_XVIII 2

2007-06-29 21:12:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean regular dine in ones, not fast food.

2007-06-29 17:26:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

whats the best food you can get at walmart? (i'm going tonight)

umm.. whats i can get that doesnt have meat, and how much it would cost...

2007-06-29 16:06:41 · 16 answers · asked by Hellenic Storm 4

How much protein should I have a day if I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, 15 years old, 5'5, and weigh about 140 lbs? (I don't eat any meat, including fish, or gelatin, Red 40)

2007-06-29 15:37:12 · 11 answers · asked by ♥ Animal Lover ♥ 4

I am vegetarian but don't get enough protein. I don't like protein shakes but don't know what to eat. Any suggestions would help. Thanks.

2007-06-29 15:13:43 · 23 answers · asked by Elime22 2

I bought a vacuum sealed package of lettuce cuts to make for my sandwiches and nothings that on the edges and on some of the "veins" I guess you could say of the green romaine lettuce is turning a reddish color. Is this normal, or should I throw out the lettuce? How do I know when the lettuce has gone bad?

2007-06-29 15:10:49 · 5 answers · asked by Marisa 2

2007-06-29 05:27:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-29 04:17:31 · 36 answers · asked by Marxsparx 3

what does a vegitarian think about a lion stalking a baby zebra and slashing it's throat? about a shark tossing a mostly alive seal around like a vollyball for twenty minutes before consuming? about your vegan cat getting out and killing a baby sparrow that fell from the nest?
we're animals as well- why is it wrong for us to have a spot of meat on occasion?

2007-06-29 03:50:20 · 21 answers · asked by MeaCulpa 3

Just curious. I'm seriously considering vegetarianism and I'm curious to see how your diets are and your reasons for doing so.

2007-06-29 02:37:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

She just doesn't want me to. . .but I want to become vegetarian for the health benefits and because I know that me not eating meat will save an animal some where. . .I might eat salmon every once in a while. . .so how can I convince my mom to let me become vegetarian??

2007-06-28 20:49:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been on Peta before and stopped eating Pork because I saw what they do to poor innocent animals. I want to become a complete vegetarian. Where do I start?

2007-06-28 19:27:06 · 10 answers · asked by ... 5

Im a veggiterian, and with that i also eat veggie meat, but i do eat dairy products... today, well this afternoon about 1:15 pm,
i made 2 burritos with veggiterian meat in it (veggie meat is made from soy) and i also had some wheat ceral with vanilla soy milk... and then i had a chocolatte milk drink on the side, which was also soy ..... and that is all i had today nothing before or after.... and ive felt full all today even tonight and it is almost 1:00 in the morning!!! is this a good thing or a bad thing

2007-06-28 19:07:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous