First question, is where can I find a prostitute or just an anonymous sex encounter. Also, if you think this is a good idea? i'm 24, and increasingly self-conscious of the fact that i'm a virgin, i declined at least one opportunity in college at a party, and i feel lately having hit a dry streak dating wise, that maybe this would be a good thing for me, just to have some sexual encounter, and get that out of the way, so i can not have to feel like i'm constantly having to catch up to my peers in terms of dating experience and everything else. our society is so sex-obsessed and sometimes i fall into that, i guess. of course, i also try finding dates, making female friends and all of that, but the whole process can be very slow. Sometimes, I also go to bars with the aim of losing my virginity, usually i just end up getting someone's phone number at best and that usually doesn't lead to much.
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