Please, please help me get my mother in law out of OUR house!!!
My wife and I are going through a divorce, that is pretty bad. But my mother in law is making our divorce a lot worse than it has to be. My wife "hired" her mother (my mother in law) to watch our child. Mother in law doesn't have to be in house because my wife works mon-fri, 9am-5pm, and I work wed-sun, 5pm-3am (opposite shifts). My wife and I only see each other a couple of hours/week, but mother in law lives in our house mon-fri. We only need a babysitter for a few hours/week, and I prefer a babysitter, than my mother in law. I am capable of caring for our child (feeding, putting to sleep, etc,) and I want to watch our child, and I have been doing that for several months.
I know if my wife "hired" her mother to watch our child, I can't tell her "no" when my wife is there. That is ok. But when I am there, 9am-4pm daily, do I have the right NOT TO HAVE MOTHER IN LAW IN THE HOUSE? Please help with specific legal advice.
14 answers
asked by
Sylvester L