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Marriage & Divorce - 2 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-02 15:29:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey you single moms out there! First, cheers for all the single women who are raising children and doing a wonderful job! Now, my question, From my experience w/ court and family law, I am frustrated and just want to know are there more people out there who wish that the legal system looked at each case individually and really spent time on finding out what is in the best interest of the child? Seems to me that the court system is so hung up on the parents having specific rights of visitation time and support money, that it's just treated as a cookie cutter solution. And, what really matters - the child's physical and mental well being, family stability, the ability of a parent to raise a child that is brought up in a moral environment free from chaois or drug use or violence of any kind, seems to just be dismissed becasue many things can't be proven by a document & could only be proved by observing and spending time on it. Why should the child have to suffer?

2006-09-02 15:29:03 · 4 answers · asked by star22 3

I did mary the second time for 60 days and it was abusive and I di vorced him. I am 62 1/2 and working full time.

2006-09-02 15:26:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-02 15:25:20 · 10 answers · asked by JJ N 1

2006-09-02 15:20:16 · 23 answers · asked by stacey_marie_08 1

I took his bank card and got money out of the bank 2 pay the utility bill and didn't ask him now he is mad at me, won't talk 2 me, or sleep with me.

2006-09-02 15:18:26 · 14 answers · asked by Candace M 1

when you see people that are not there, you see clothing that remenice you of the past, the past seems to hunt you and prevent to move on seem that allthe mistakes are weigh heavy on you, need moral support or talk to a sicologiest.

2006-09-02 15:18:16 · 6 answers · asked by kathy c 1

I've tried everything that i know to try. The sad part is we are both only around 30 years old. We get along great and the only thing we argue about is sex (or the lack of it). I want to and she does not.

2006-09-02 15:08:57 · 33 answers · asked by dvd_blkly 1

My divorce date in court is on September 11. I don't want to show up for that date. Do u know what i should do to delay it ? Give me good ideas that works & how to do it please.

2006-09-02 15:06:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, I know I can ask my attorney, but it is the weekend.
Problem is my son has severe allergies w/ lots of dieatery and environmental requirements. His Drs. are all out of state so having them come to be expert witnesses my be impossible.

2006-09-02 15:00:52 · 6 answers · asked by bob 2

2006-09-02 14:58:36 · 5 answers · asked by allison76217 2

2006-09-02 14:53:58 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are men so stubborn!!!!!!!!

2006-09-02 14:47:09 · 19 answers · asked by Cookie48 3

I want to be wild and sexy in the bedroom for my husband what turns a man on? Please don't get out of hand and be sarcastic be genuine!

2006-09-02 14:36:04 · 25 answers · asked by Cookie48 3

I need money for school (about $42,000), I've been woking saving for my car. Are there any Boca Raton ladies out there looking for a sex slave, must be descent looking and in good shape, max age is 55, no others dudes involved with the sex. I'm 24. Yes, I know about student loans, scholarships, and grants, I just thought we would be in a win win situation. you don't have to cover it all, atleast 6,000. Hey, no one will need to know. Email me.


2006-09-02 14:34:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

when he gets mad he says he regrets the day he met me with my daughter, he calls me fat and stupid. does he really loves me?

2006-09-02 14:34:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


My girfriend and i live with her mom, which i hate with a passion. The frequent guest the sharing with other people etc.. we just had a beautiful baby and we are both working and going to school fulltime. We havent had sex in about 4 months. she wants to, i dont. I often think about other women but still love her. I cant stand living with her family. never a moment of peace. What should I do?????

2006-09-02 14:28:56 · 16 answers · asked by ceddy712 1


Whats the best way ta tell your partner that your not sexually attracted to them anymore but you still love them?

2006-09-02 14:23:55 · 15 answers · asked by ceddy712 1

my parents are always arguing back and forth on the phon and when ever they can what do i do to keep them from putting me in the middle

2006-09-02 14:14:36 · 18 answers · asked by candy 2

He tells me he's one place then I find him in another. He tells me one thing then I find out quite the contrary. He spends so much time with his friends on the weekends then he forbids me to go out with my only homegirl in the world. He tells me I am fat and that I'm ugly then accuses me of messing around. I don't know what the deal is but I don't think I have what it takes to keep living on "for better, for worse". You don't have to give advice but words of encouragement will help so much.

2006-09-02 14:09:09 · 40 answers · asked by Jaggie 1

He is married in Mexico and his wife left him 8-9 years ago with the kids. When he came to the U.S. he meet sopmeone and got married to her , but he did not know he could get in trouble of that. Now he got the divorce from the one here and now he is getting the divorce from the one in Mexico. Mexico wife is threatening to put that charge on him. Now I would like to know if she has a leg to stand on? He even has a letter when she left them stating that she abandoned them.

2006-09-02 13:57:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been married to my wife for 6 years and things couldnt be worse right now. I recently discovered her cheating and its really getting to me because she basically has an attitude of 'get over it, it was just sex'. Not to try and sound like I am perfect; i have had a real hard time trusting her since an affair she had about 4 years ago and I have been unreasonable in my accusations. I try so hard to trust her but I just have such a hard time. Its gotten to the point that im about to lose my job which I love because my work has suffered due to my uncontrollable thinking. This is gonna sound nuts but I get MYSELF worked up about it react without even having talked to her.
Is it worth staying around for? If we didnt have kids it would be much easier. She says she loves me and wants to work it out and stay with me but I just dont trust her. Is marriage counseling worth it? I have nobody to talk to because I moved with her so she could be closer to her family...it was a big mistake.

2006-09-02 13:54:24 · 39 answers · asked by j 1

I want to get married but I amfacing a challenge. You see I have I have had a number of relationships and have been seriously hurt. Now I am at the point where I have decided that I will not be hurt anymore. The result is this: I want to get married but I will give respect, responsibility and resourcefulness but not emotion.
Do you think I should be honest and say this to anyone?
Would youaccept this in a marriage? Would you think about marrying someone with this problem? thanks for your response.

2006-09-02 13:53:38 · 26 answers · asked by sexonsight 3

I'm in my 30's and due to petite size I look in my 20's. Boyfriend is in 50's. 2 teenage daughters are sophisticated, well read, well traveled and super adoring of their dad. I don't want to pretend I'm a cool 14 year old, or act like I'm much cooler and younger than their mom...I just want them to feel safe and OK with me being with their dad. Advice??

2006-09-02 13:52:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm sending a care package to a guy I'm seeing who just returned to finish his last year of grad school....
It's a fairly new relationship, so anything sexual is out.
What can i send him that will be really appreciated??
I don't want to use the "L" word yet, (you know, love) but I want him to catch the drift that I am definitely falling for him....
He's a really nice guy, so I don't want to be too farward....
I know, complicated, but help me get creative!!!!

2006-09-02 13:49:45 · 9 answers · asked by smarty 2

He lives abroad,had a love marriage !

2006-09-02 13:39:26 · 8 answers · asked by krishna g 1

I keep getting e-mails from this company advertising black magic, love spells, ect. do they actually work?

2006-09-02 13:36:30 · 9 answers · asked by hemi_beepbeep 3

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