My son's father & I have been divorceD for about 7 yrs. & I am recently remarried. I have told him numerous times that he needs to take his child support more seriously, but he will go 2 to 3 weeks without paying, because I think his attitude is "we don't really need it." I have been very soft on him, but my husband is insisting that I take him to court, or take some other action to enforce him to pay. I am not trying to get anything in arrear, just want him to pay each and every week. I only ask for $60 a week. He says he has this bill & that bill, (he also had a heart attack 3 yrs ago.) I feel sorry for him & his new family, as he has a wife & a daughter, but it is putting a strain on my marriage. What is the best way to get him to pay? Sometimes I feel like he is just snowing me & making me feel like times are SO hard, but is it really that hard to come up with $60 a week?
29 answers
asked by
Chrissy C