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Marriage & Divorce - 27 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

If we get married, I don't want his ex wife to want to include my income as part of her "rights" to have him pay more child support.

2006-06-27 06:50:22 · 10 answers · asked by kiki_va2001 1

My wife and I are parting ways. I've promised to put a CD-Player in her car for the last 2 years, and flaked. After we decided to part ways, but still living with me, but out of town.....I decided to put in the CD-Player to keep my promise and help her. When she got back, I told her, and she flipped out and instead of thanking me, she said that now her car is more likely to be broken into. I'm going to have her old tapedeck put back in on my day off per her request.
I was shocked that she was not only not appreciative, but was nasty to boot. She's been nasty about almost everything.
I'm considering not having any (I mean ANY) contact with her for 3 months. She is incapable of being nice right now. I don't want to take her fallout to her kids, or the next relationship.

2006-06-27 06:45:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If your spouses loves to chat with the opposite sex over the internet, and sometimes very intimate words are being exchange between them. How do you react on it?

2006-06-27 06:35:30 · 21 answers · asked by camcam 2

I love heavy ladys but cant find one isnt there any if your here email me streetpower11@yahoo.com

2006-06-27 06:31:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some women will keep a man for a number of reason's, whether it be sex, money, a good father to her child or their child, or just moral support, when does it become to much and how do women deal with letting a man go knowing it will break their hearts?

2006-06-27 06:30:32 · 6 answers · asked by knickcelticyankee 2

(This is a question from my husband)

2006-06-27 06:18:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband recently had back surgery. I'm the only one working right now. I work full time and take care of everything at home, including my 1 yo daughter & 2 step kids. I call him everyday and as how he's doing and I do everything at home or get a family member to help so he doesn't have to. I run to the store 1-2 times a day to get him snacks or whatever he wants and I don't let him try to do things that will make him sore. But he says that I'm not supportive enough, and that I don't show him concern enough. He even got mad a week after he had his surgery because I used my last sick day to go to my grandma's funeral. He said if I had a sick day I should have used it to stay home with him.(I had used the other ones to do that already) we've gone rounds talking about it and no matter what I do for him he doesn't notice. I'm actually even considering a divorce. I get no love at home, at all. any suggestions....

2006-06-27 06:03:47 · 28 answers · asked by lv82 3

My ex-husband does not live anywhere near me. When I told him I wanted a divorce, he basically said he would write me a check and then he never wanted anything to do with me ever again. However, now he's invited himself to my friends' wedding and sent an expensive gift. He's also pulled some random stunts, like refusing to mail some keepsakes to me or lying and saying that his parents had already given my wedding gown to charity (I had planned on selling it).

Over the last few months, I have tried to be very kind and patient. I know he's going through a lot right now, but so am I! And I don't need his drama when I already have plenty of my own.

How do I defuse this situation?

2006-06-27 05:57:02 · 3 answers · asked by mybrilcareer 2

2006-06-27 05:44:24 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-27 05:41:02 · 11 answers · asked by Jennifer F 1

2006-06-27 05:36:33 · 24 answers · asked by Maria 1

I am engaged to be married next year. I love this woman with all my heart and she loves me too. But I made some decisions in my past, that I am not proud of. I wasn't always a good man. Have been for ten years, but some things never go away and eventually comeback to haunt you. Mine caught up with me, but she does not need to be involved. I love her enough to let her go, without going through this with me. How do I do it? how do I break up with her?

She would stay, but I can't put her at risk

2006-06-27 05:29:44 · 25 answers · asked by Luis T 3

I know three attractive girls in their 30s with successful careers that got married after getting pregnant from "elegible bachelors" with whom they were not necessarily involved in long term relationships. Is this a trend or a coincidence?

2006-06-27 05:29:35 · 24 answers · asked by funstory101 2

I don't understand how a man could love you and then just say well this is just not working for me-I'm not feelin' it anymore. I feel that I am a good woman-I love him-I cook, clean the house, work, support him in every decision he has ever made! All I expect is for him to be faithfull to me. We have a small child-does he not think about that? He tells me that this is just not what he wants for his life-these things he is saying hurt so much. What am I supossed to do now? It is like he is shattering my whole world and my child's world

2006-06-27 05:27:55 · 76 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-27 05:26:14 · 12 answers · asked by Texas318-222 2

2006-06-27 05:24:34 · 20 answers · asked by Texas318-222 2

My husband and I have been married for 3 years. We want to allow at least 2 years for planning and are open to suggestions?

2006-06-27 05:22:45 · 1 answers · asked by DELICIOUS EYE CANDY 2

My husband is well endowed with an 8 1/2" penis. He wants it to be bigger (he thinks that it's not big enuf). It's perfect now! What do I do?

2006-06-27 05:08:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was with the man that I married for a total of 9 years. I left him two years ago because I wasn't coping well with his mental illness and I didn't think I deserved to be treated badly any more. The break up was terrible and very traumatic. I was very much in love with him though and believed throughout our relationship that he was my soulmate; he used to be my best friend.

Anyway; I have moved past all that and got my life going again. New city, new friends, new job..... new boyfriend. A very lovely man who I have a lot in common with. We have been going out for 6 months, but I feel like I have been holding back from him because of previous bad experiences and because I kind of feel like I've had my change for love and I screwed it up.

What I need is some advice on proceeding with this relationship. Has anybody had a successful 2nd relationship under similar circumstances? Any advice?

2006-06-27 05:07:00 · 11 answers · asked by SmartBlonde 3

he is an asshole, i know that. he had the nerve to ask me to marry him "to prove to me how much he loves me" even though he behaves poorly when we are out. he is the one who gawks and gropes other women when we are out...still when i tell him how he makes me feel...he professes his love for me...with that special phrase "there is no woman out there that could measure up to you...". Yet he continues to behave in the manner i find degrading to me...i get tired of the whispers...form other women..they judge our relationship because of his actions and still he claims it is innocent and wants to marry me to prove his love for me....DOES HE THINK I AM REALLY STUPID OR SHOULD I GIVE HIM A DOSE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE?

2006-06-27 05:05:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it bad when your man is curious about sex with other women??? He is seriously not the type to go out and cheat or flirt with other women. He so in love with his girl but he is a lil curious every once in a while.

2006-06-27 04:50:22 · 21 answers · asked by KJ 1

I am happily married but I feel like I have to have guys flirting with me and drooling over me all the time. Don't get me wrong my husband gives me plenty of attention. We have a great relaitonship. I don't feel hes lacking in any way. I just feel like I need approval of other guys for some reason. ONLY SERIOUS RESPONSES PLEASE!

2006-06-27 04:42:54 · 8 answers · asked by u_wish1205 2

I am a mulim lady was married to a muslim man but he divorced me at his advantage now I am alone in life very upset but now a hindu boy 25 years old is interested in marrying me with a condition that I will convert to his relegion.I am redy but my society is putting pressure not to do so but when I am in trouble no muslim help came to me now when I feel I can be settled they are creating problems. please advice me seriously as its a question of my life.

2006-06-27 04:41:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


HB and I been married for 17 years, the last 5 have been bad. Neither of us have been happy. I have been trying to talk to him at different times throughout this time, but he shuts me out or gets mad. So I gave up! Now that he realizes I have had it he wants to make it work. Problem is I do not know if I am still in love with him. I have been on medication for depression and anxiety for the last 5 years now I am at the point of being numb. I don't seem to feel anything. HB thinks I should forget the bad last 5 years and just go on. I don't think I can do that.

During that last few monthst I have been talking to a male friend out of state who is going through a divorce. We have been eachothers sound board. I think we are developing feelings for each other. I know this doesn't help, but I have been feeling so bad for so long that talking to him makes me smile. Any ideas? Plz be nice. I never thought I would be in this position!

2006-06-27 04:39:55 · 12 answers · asked by limbomom 1

I met a man 6 1/2 years ago. I had seen him before and it was like everything just stopped. When he finally came up and talked to me, and asked me out, it was like we were the only people in the world. Since then, we have made it through horrible arguements, being states apart for months and years at a time, and so many obstacles. That man is now my husband and the most generous person I have ever known. The weird part is...the very first time I saw him, I knew. I knew I would marry him someday...and look at us now!

2006-06-27 04:35:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-27 04:17:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've posted the entire story in a new myspace blog I created just for this. It's detailed so that everyone has a good idea of where I'm at and where she's at. I've done my best to remain unbiased

It's at:


Please read the whole thing before replying and feel free to contact me for more details by sending me a message on the blog or sending me an email through yahoo.

2006-06-27 04:04:00 · 10 answers · asked by Darkwater 1

i dont think i would but need to know if a good amount of cupples do im not to fond my ex had asked me befor

2006-06-27 04:03:56 · 28 answers · asked by bsbb 1

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