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Family - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family


2006-12-17 15:40:30 · 2 answers · asked by Jestarz. 2

my uncle is mean but I want to see my cousin's and give them there gift befor they go down to grants pass. I havent seen my step mom sence last year. I also want to meet some of her family.

2006-12-17 15:20:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two daughters. One is 5, who is by my ex and a 2 year old who is by my husband. Every year my family, just the girls, get together to bake cookies for Christmas. This year it was at my house. My 5 yo, was with her Dad and he brought her over so she could play with her cousins. Since my Grandma lives close to my ex, she was going to take my daughter back to him (his visitation time wasn't over yet.) Before leaving, my Grandma wanted to pack up some cookies for my ex. She tried to make it a secret knowing I would get mad. Well, I found out. I did get mad at her for it. This is a guy that hasn't paid me a dime in child support for 5 months now and has been dragging out the court hearings about it. I don't understand why she would want to do anything for him. I feel like she is always taking up for him and that I should bend over backwards for him. Everytime I'm upset over something he does she's like "you have to get along." We do get along. How do I confront her?

2006-12-17 15:11:38 · 9 answers · asked by dmh2105 2

i need advice...i have a enourmous crush on my aunt...she is so beautiful...but she has three boys...single mom...should i tell her? every time i see her its just...wow...

2006-12-17 15:05:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-17 14:53:33 · 4 answers · asked by Mental Patient 29 3

Do I invite his wife...the mother of his three children...(who will be there with his girlfriend)?

His wife said he could pick up things at the house, but please not to bring his girlfriend into her home. The (college-age) kids just say this is all really hard on them...really tough for their mom...they're not used to it (less than 1 year) and don't think they'll ever get used to it.

Brother, gf and all kids were together at family Thanksgiving, while mom was home alone.

I love my sister-in-law...I love my brother too...

2006-12-17 14:44:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-17 14:33:24 · 3 answers · asked by Chard P 3

I'd like to know some of your favorite memories of the holidays or some traditions that you hold year after year that are special to you? I'm always thinking and looking to add to our family traditions and to do things different to make the holidays unique and fun. Thanks in advance for your thoughts, stories and valued memories.

2006-12-17 14:14:19 · 8 answers · asked by DreamingofU 4

She just moved from to Tacoma,WA from Peoria, AZ.
Now living w/ her mom and her moms CHURCH of SCIENTOLOGY Husband...He is an author/ "whatever"??? RICH$$$ and my daughters mom is not involved with ANY OF HER FAMILY, including me...
She has a child w/ a friend of mine, and made up lies about him to get a PROTECTION ORDER to keep him away!!!
What do I do?
I miss you Ashley!
Love Dad.

2006-12-17 14:07:15 · 5 answers · asked by gemseeker 3

My daughter is 2 years old. Her Daddy, my husband, is in the military and overseas right now. He has been out of her life more than in it because of the military. Over the past year we were able to move to Colorado with him and be a real family. Since my oldest daughter has a different father, I was forced to move back in July. Since then my husband was deployed again. My youngest daughter has these hysterical crying fits. She won't let anyone touch her when she does this. I thought they were getting better but they're not. She tells me everyday that she needs her Daddy. My husband trys to call once a week and talk to her. We also made a teddy bear with a pocket picture of him on it. She takes that to bed with her every night. I am running out of ideas for her. It breaks my heart everytime she crys for him. I don't cry in front of her because I know that will make it worse, but it absolutely kill me inside to have her cry. What do I do?

2006-12-17 14:02:38 · 14 answers · asked by dmh2105 2

i bought my mother a 400 dollar necklace for christmas. she said shes always wanted a real pearl necklace. i felt so warm when i bought it. i have 30 thousand coming in i felt that i wouldnt ever be able to buy her something like this again i put it on my charge card. its only 150 a month. do you feel it was to expensive . its a one time thing. if my husbad found out he woudl be mad

2006-12-17 13:59:57 · 10 answers · asked by sophie 1

Okay I am 21 years old and my fiance is 26, we love each other very much and want to have a baby. We are renting our place and oth have full time jobs that earn decent pay. We dont have anything in savings as yet but are starting to save money. We both have very nice cars we are currently paying off. We have already got everything set up (eg:cot, change table etc etc) and the australian gov gives you $4000 when you have the baby as a baby bonus. We arn't that worried about money, it would be a struggle but if you love each other and you bring up your baby with morals and with love does it matter? But my father thinks im stupid and should wait until i own my own home, i want to tell him to mind his own business but i dont want to lose him either help....

2006-12-17 13:52:47 · 10 answers · asked by Krystle C 2

i bought my mother a 400 dollar necklace for christmas. she said shes always wanted a real pearl necklace. i felt so warm when i bought it. i have 30 thousand coming in i felt that i wouldnt ever be able to buy her something like this again i put it on my charge card. its only 150 a month. do you feel it was to expensive . its a one time thing. if my husbad found out he woudl be mad

2006-12-17 13:52:36 · 7 answers · asked by sophie 1

im 14, my mom is like 35, i dont have much money because i just bought a new kayak, any ideas on what to get her

2006-12-17 13:46:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

im living with my husband and my 2 children and im a couple hundred miles away from my family. i took a look at my credit report and it shows many many delinquent accounts under my name but used under my fathers. i owe like $500.00 to these people that i dont even have an account with such as phone and cable companies. what do i do? i dont wanna hurt my dad by telling him to pay, but i need this off my credit to get me a new house. any suggestions?

2006-12-17 13:43:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son goes into my bedroom anytime he wants, takes whatever he thinks he needs but doesn't want me in his room. He took something of mine and then lied about it. When I found out, I took his Christmas gifts back and destroyed his room. Am I wrong? Is there a better way to teach respect, mind you I've already tried talking to, reasoning with and currently have him in therapy.

2006-12-17 13:26:55 · 13 answers · asked by Shoe Lover 2

She is 13 years old and very boy crazy. Also I may have to mail the gift. I got kicked out of the house. Should I go back and give it to her in person? My parents are not calling me. Should I still get them a gift?

2006-12-17 13:20:22 · 3 answers · asked by Skylar 2

2006-12-17 12:52:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know whether are not to open my presents in the morning or open it in the afternoon when i come home from school my mom goes to work at 2:00 and i come home at 2:45 some no one is gonna see me open it and see me reaction but she might come home early to see whether are not my happy with it or should I open it in the morning then my mom will see how happy i am and shebut when i come home all i'll get in cake,food,take pictures,video tape my self,and watch tv and go to sleep or i can come home celebrate and then open presents and be happy cuz it i open it in the morning then i want have anything to be excited for when i go to school and leave to go home


2006-12-17 12:49:38 · 2 answers · asked by Jennifer 3

i have to visit them every year in december and the summer... i know its not much, but you dont understand! its HORRIBLE! i HATE my stepgrandmother she is a b***h!! and they always offend my sisters and my mother!! (they are my cousins from my dad's side) my dad never comes with us, and we cant make him... i always get these negative vibes when im with them!! what do i do!! should i find an excuse not to visit them? or should i just put up with them? should i try to be nice? or should i bi*ch back?

2006-12-17 12:45:37 · 5 answers · asked by sofia 3

they fight over the stupidest things like which direction to put the Christmas tree into the house, i.e., trunk first?

2006-12-17 12:37:18 · 12 answers · asked by mark balfour 1

2006-12-17 12:34:12 · 5 answers · asked by Alberto L 1

I know am but I don't want to go sleep wright know.

2006-12-17 12:32:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

alright, my friend,Cori, and I are planning a party and have absolutely no idea where to start! pretty much all we have is a place, and a dj/lights. what else do we need? we plann on inviting around 100 people and we do not want this party to be bORING!!
Thanks for your help!

2006-12-17 12:31:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousin is in 5th grade. He's quite smart, but really spoiled. He has a cell, PSP, PS2, XBOX, and is about to get a PS#. Isn't he a little young to have all those things. I'm quite older than him and even I don't have a cell. I get so annoyed around him because he's such a show of in front of me and my brothers. His dad just gives and gives to him. Obviosly I can't stop him. I don't want to say something mean because he'll tell his parents. Sometimes I feel like telling him off. I tell my brothers why they get so obsessed with him all the time. Like for example- "Hey you know David's getting his own PS3" all I say is "Yea thats great\'. In a completly bored voice.

2006-12-17 12:25:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When i went on a vacation she keep on following me every where I go even my parents don't like her because her grandparents didn't take care of her and she is very arrogant and foolish she never listen to me even though i'm older than her please help me!!

2006-12-17 12:20:08 · 21 answers · asked by prado v 1

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