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Family - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Well im 15 and I love my dad, but lately whenever he talks to me I just ignore him or roll my eyes. I hate it, my dad is a bad guy he's really nice and goofy like dads usually are. I try really hard to not get so annoyed by him because theres no need for it. Is it all those teenage hormones?? bcuz if it is.....it REALLY sux! ive always been his little chicken ( weird pet name i dont understand) but now i always just want to tell him to shut up. I love him, how can i stop being such a jerk??

2006-12-23 20:35:08 · 12 answers · asked by Joze 3

2006-12-23 20:08:15 · 23 answers · asked by Pat M 2

2006-12-23 19:21:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom is the kinda mom who makes a big deal about almost everything! I want to see a therapist badly, but I just dont know how to tell her

2006-12-23 19:00:38 · 4 answers · asked by Allison C 2

2006-12-23 18:42:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really want to go to Japan for the summer because i can't go to my grandparents, cousins, or friends. I really don't want to stay home and i ahve always wanted to go to Japan. I asked my parents and they took it as a joke. How can i convince them i'm serious and to let me go? I've looked up hotels and they are actually pretty cheap. I did the research on the "dangers of the big city" and everything. They still take it as a joke. I understand why they might worry, because of my age (13), but i truly want to go. I tried telling them I'd stay in the Hotel and hang out there but they still aren't convinced. Please help me.

2006-12-23 18:24:17 · 15 answers · asked by bad_girl_375 1

My brother in law has been living w/ us for about 6 months and working for my husband (his brother) and going home to Al. on the weekends to his wife and kids. He has rented a house 3 doors down and after spending christmas w/ her family today they have moved up (ky) here. What can I do to help her feel more secure? This the first time she has ever left her family and she was from a VERy small town in AL. I really want her and the kids to feel at ease. Any suggestions? They will be spending Christmas day w/ us.

2006-12-23 18:08:07 · 4 answers · asked by GI 5

my grandpa (my moms dad) has diabetes and i think his dad had it what would be the percentae of my getting it, and if i dont get it could i still pass it on to my kids? if so what could i do to help reduce the risk of them getting it?

2006-12-23 17:58:57 · 4 answers · asked by pixie 1

O.K. this could be long so I am sorry about that one. My sister and I became close again about 15 years ago. I did everything for her children, my neice and nefews. Firt she left her kids with a not so great father, because she decided she was over being a mother. She didn't speak to them for 2 months. This is something that happend about 2 1/2 years ago. I have a daughter, I could never imagin leaving mine, for my own wants. She hurt these beautiful children so much, and it is still weighing on my 14 year- old neices heart. My sister is the type of person who is only worried about herself, no one else. She is still doing this to this day. So, with how close we were, how can I get it back??? It sounds awful, but I just don't feel LOVE towards her. She has hurt our family so much, but she never takes the responsiblity for her actions, everyone else is always to blame. I'm fine with only talking to her beacuse of the kids, but I care nothing about her. Is this right?

2006-12-23 17:58:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband got mad at my daughter and threatened to not go with us on Christmas Day to my grandparent's house for dinner! I am very upset because everytime he gets angry he does stuff like this and puts lots of tension on me! Granted, my daughter did make him angry, but he must remember she's only 13! My kids are upset and I do not want our Christmas to be stressed or ruined! He loves my grandparents, but it is like he always threatens with stuff and says he isn't going, etc. It really hurts me and my kids! What can I say to him to calm and down and make him realize the importance of sharing Christmas with your family and sometimes letting things slide? Thank you for your help!

2006-12-23 17:58:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Differentiates a lot between him and her daughter. Actually both her son and daughter cannot handle and tolerate her. I have been keeping my distance but now she is telling me what to say to who and how to say and tells me to always defend her and her daughter in public. I am finding it so wierd but it would be disrespectful to say anything. I don't play family games and i don't like what she is doing but what to do..I am confused...

2006-12-23 17:52:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is all so weird to me!!
My husband has been devorced from his X-wife for nearly 30 years, and was married to her for six yrs.
He had a step son when they were married but it ended in devorce.
For years there was no contact between them, then my husband decided to track him (the step son) down.
He found him living in CA with a wife and family.
My husband and I have been married for two years now, and he
has repeatedly tried to push this X step-man down my throat,
by wanting me to eccept him as my step child, and treat him like one of the family.
I decided to post this question after getting a phone call from his
X-wife, telling my husband that his X-stepson was on his way to spend the holidays with us!!
I am still shaking from the anger I felt inside, especially when my
husband thought that was a good idea.
Not to mention the fact we already have family coming for christmas.
Am I wrong not to eccept him as my step son?

2006-12-23 17:47:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know I will sound ungratefull when people read this, but I am in my 30's and EVERY Christmass my family buys me clothes and every Christmass I am happy but I cant stand receiving them as gifts, so I tell everyone PLEASE, NO CLOTHES !!!! (yes, my clothes are fine). I just found out people have bought me clothes again and I know I should be happy to receive anything but it gets me angry to be honest that while I take time to get people I love something I think they will like, they in return get me something they know I cant stand receiving. (Honestly I would rather have them donate the money to people who need it than receive something I will never wear). The issue comes down to that I feel like why would someone I care for buy me something they know I hate ? Seriously, I love my family, but if I knew my girlfriend or parents hated candles or something, I certianly wouldnt buy them any !! Is there any way to deal with this, or just be happy and give them to charity ?

2006-12-23 16:42:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

His name is Timothy Armstrong
The last i saw him he was in Litteton Colorado
He used to run his own bisnuss with my mom
THe last place we herd he was in was in Florda
He is 40 years old

2006-12-23 16:39:04 · 6 answers · asked by mnalovesjesse 1

My mom has never tried to understand me,but my brother's word is the gospel.She's made me feel like I've been a burden to her my entire life,and yet I've done more than she will ever give me credit for.The first event of our feud was a broken promise by my husband to take me on a cruise,that lead to an idea by my aunt for my mom,her and I to go to Las Vegas.I made all the arrangement and the date was set.The day before leaving my husband had a near fatal motorcycle accident that left him in critical condition.I thought the trip would be postponed, but my mother didn't see what she could do by staying behind,so she went!Even had enough gall to ask me to pick them up at the airport on their return.I was stunned,but should have expected it.(2.) My brother made a promise that on his return from Iraq, wife, him,myself,and husband would go on a cruise. Found out my mom,aunt,bro,and wife leave in a few weeks.Wasn't even asked!Have I lost my mind to be mad as hell?They think I need help.Do I?

2006-12-23 16:31:12 · 6 answers · asked by boogians 2

We were the best of friends before Thanksgiving and I went out of town and came back and she hasn't spoken to me since. She told my husband she felt uncomfortable talking to me and that she loves me but doesn't feel right around me. Instead of solving it she now acts like she doesn't like me at all by not speaking and so forth. Is it worth discussing about with her since it is her problem or should I let her be set in her ways? I'm not hurt by any means but I feel she needs to learn how to speak up if she ever wants to make it in the real world.

2006-12-23 16:00:05 · 9 answers · asked by Stephanie 2

2006-12-23 15:53:14 · 14 answers · asked by Breana W 1

2006-12-23 15:50:35 · 23 answers · asked by Vamp Chick 1

she was blonde, then brunnette now, whoo thinks she shuld go blonde again, and y?

2006-12-23 15:27:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

What did your parents say? What would they do if you were mad at them and mean to them then? I was just wondering. I never got into any trouble.

2006-12-23 15:24:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am pregnant and my step-dad dont aprove of other races dating other races hes not racist but that is something that he dont believe in , i need help i want to tell my parents but he will dis own me i laready know i dont want to lose my family but i want them to know help me someone please its not that simple to just tell them ya know

2006-12-23 15:17:53 · 14 answers · asked by Peta P 1

I have a 9 yr. old. daughter & dont get me wrong- she is a beautiful & smart girl who I adore & dote on, but, I also find her at this point to be totally annoying (which I do not reveal to her). I know this sounds absurd & I'm sure that I'll get some hate responses, but, honestly; who wouldn't get annoyed after the same person has been following them around & talking non-stop for almost 10 yrs?

2006-12-23 15:06:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an 13 year old child, who does not think my 10 dollar per month allowance meets her needs. Should I raise this cash gift?

2006-12-23 15:03:38 · 26 answers · asked by k@Ti3 1

My aunt can get really annoying whenever I come to her house. Any tips?

2006-12-23 14:58:37 · 3 answers · asked by ♥~gracie girl~♥ 3

i knew for about a year just havent told my family

2006-12-23 14:56:47 · 5 answers · asked by Lana 1

My son just turned 17. I'm not his biological father and he does not know this. I married his mother when he was just 6 months old. I have always thought of him as my own and raised him as such. He is a very well adjusted child / young man. I know they day is coming when he will find out on his own. He will need his birth certificate for things, this I know. So my question is, how do I tell him, or do I just let him find out at this point. What is past is past, so please no down talk about why I didn't do it when he was little. My wife and I chose not to and that was our choice. We are thinking to tell him once he goes off to college next year and we are afraid he could get really upset, we do not know. As for his biological father, well he is dead and never wanted anything to do with him. He wanted my wife to have abortion, she refused, thus the divorce and then I came along. I am his real father as far as I'm concerned, but the real world does not see it that way. Help.

2006-12-23 14:42:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-23 14:29:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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