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Family - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

I have this problem and don't know how to deal with it. I have a little sis (7) and she is a little brat no a little devil anyways she is always getting me into trouble. she is always starting fights with me and is always crying. sometimes she is good and the rest she is evil!!!!! what I am asking is what should I do if she keeps getting me in trouble when i don't do anything??hurry give me an answer fast......PLEASE!!!!!

2006-11-27 14:30:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm already sick, but well enough to go to school.
I need to finish an english project thats due tomorrow so I don't want to go.
Any idea how to fake sick?

2006-11-27 14:26:36 · 18 answers · asked by DisneyLover 6


well i am recently married and i have no idea what to get a mother-in-law for christmas. any suggestions?

2006-11-27 14:24:57 · 8 answers · asked by melanie 1

I've been using Crystal Meth for about 8 months now, I can't stop using, and my brother drinks a lot. What can I do?

2006-11-27 14:24:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is 9 years old and 5 years ago she lost her grandma. Her grandma and pappy used to take her everyday and all weekend long a lot of times. When she died a part of my daughters spirit died as well. I have talked to her, I have her talking to therapist, but nothing seems to help. every other night and, her grandfather has put her through a lot since the death. Not long (meaning within a month or 2) after her grandma died, he tried on more than one occassion to commit suicide. Very tramatic for her to go through that, then he started dating a crazy woman only 2 months after she died, then that didn't work. Then he dated another woman a month after the 1st and then announced on her birthday only 9 months after her grandma died that he was going to marry this woman. This woman hates our kids, has tried to stab her grandfather, has watched her slap me, and won't allow him the time to visit. We did move away for awhile, but I think she needs him, as much as he needs her. HELP!!!

2006-11-27 14:06:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my parents told me whenever i get a bf they needed 2 meet him and c if hes ok. and i got my 1st. friday hes going 2 stay 4 dinner and i am sooo nervous that i wont b able 2 c him. please!!! i need advice and FAST!!

2006-11-27 13:56:49 · 6 answers · asked by Bleed!ng Star 3

her doctor says that only 1 in 100 die these days with all this new technology but yet i am so scared.i know its normal to be scaeed but i need to know what to do to make my mom,my dad and myslef deal with this.

2006-11-27 13:54:34 · 12 answers · asked by heart b 1

i need a good birthday qoute for my sister

2006-11-27 13:46:11 · 2 answers · asked by jam 1

well today i was walking home and i didn't know who it belonged to. i took it inside and i gave it something to eat. i went outside to take it to its owner cause i thought i knew who it belonged to.. right then my other cat tackeled my kitten i found to the ground and was trying to kill him.later after that i took it who i thought it belonged to and she said she only had one cat and it was at her house so i walked back and i decided to keep it in my room. i want to tell my mom but there never was a good time to tell her. because she has been mad lately. i have three sisters and the oldest is coming home from college and might have to stay in my room while i'm at my grandparents house since i didn't get to go on thanksgiving. how should i tell her and like!! what if my older sis finds out and tells my mom??? how should i tell her!! when??

2006-11-27 13:45:43 · 15 answers · asked by mischa m 2

We are looking for our dad Kal Mantyla who lives in THUNDER BAY, ONT. Last time we laid eyes on him was 7 years ago when he promised he was going to be here for Christmas dinner - we're still waiting. Anyone who sees him or his girlfriend, Betty (ex sister inlaw) please ask them to have Kal call his kids.

2006-11-27 13:43:05 · 1 answers · asked by junebug 5

Will i have this sister and she is like so me to me and i try to be nice to her but she is never nice back want sould i do to make her be nicer to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-27 13:42:45 · 4 answers · asked by zingokid2 1

Me and my mom tend to buck horns ALOT. I am 16 and yes i know this is the age when this happens but im sick of it! goshh she is such a b*tch to me sometimes!! Ne one else going through this or went through it when they were my age??

2006-11-27 13:15:28 · 6 answers · asked by whereHAVEallTHEcowboysGONE 2

I threaten to eat my girlfriened puppy and everything! I ROCK!

2006-11-27 13:08:00 · 19 answers · asked by Apprintance Gore Unlimited! 1


my mom is bipolar, she found out about 5 or 6 yrs ago so she is disabled and cannot work she is getting ssi but its not enough to run a house, im the only one working and im working 2 jobs to keep up with the bills but i feel like im being used , she babysits my lil girl and everything she does for me or my kid she has to throw it in my face and to her im the worst thing in the world im starting to get frustrated with her and her bipolar clicks i mean my friends call me stupid because i put up with it and she treats me like a 10 yr old she complains about everything , if i start dating someone ( i already am she dont know him though) its a big deal she doesnt want me to leave my kid to go out and she doesnt wanna babysit eaither therefore i cant go out i have a really close female friend and because im close to her she thinks my friend is a lesbian (im not gay) i wanna move out but i dont know what to do!!! im going crazy she is going to killme before im 30 help me please

2006-11-27 13:04:31 · 11 answers · asked by ~*Berry Me*~ 3

My son's father is demanding that he be called "Dad" or "Pop", not his first name. He says that is not showing respect. My son (10) has voiced his concerns and he does not feel comfortable calling his father "Dad". I do not want my child to feel uncomfortable; at the same time I don't want to stop visitation. Any suggestions? Serious comments please.

2006-11-27 12:52:02 · 13 answers · asked by Inquiring Mind 19 3

My little sister is really into the boys.She wants to kis this boy but doesn't know how to do it at shool with out getting in trouble.I don'y know what to tell her.Help me.

2006-11-27 12:50:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my best friend CJ and his "brother" DJ were coming to my house to help me change the tires on my dirt bike and fourwheelers, their dad said it was ok, when they got to my house they started helping me when their dad's girlfriend pulled up and got out screaming about them stealing her purse and running off with it then she grabbed DJ and tried to push him into the creek that runs past my house, CJ and i got her off but then she pushed me down into the water DJ came to help me up because it had hurt my ankle while CJ kept her away, when we got back up to the top of the bank she hit CJ across the face and told them not to come home, i knew they didn't steal her purse because they aren't like that and CJ's dad was there when they left.he watched them leave then when we got to there house to get their bags she was there saying that we had hit her and stole her stuff when she came to my house to give CJ his cell phone, he had it the whole time, she told all this to his dad.now shes worse

2006-11-27 12:48:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-27 12:47:19 · 3 answers · asked by Whatever299 2

2006-11-27 12:45:25 · 33 answers · asked by chill bill44 1

I just moved 100 miles away from my family and friends. I know to some that is far away but to me it is. I just got engaged to a guy and I live down here with no family and friends. I get sad b/c the holidays are here and I had to work turkey day and I couldn't spend it with my family. Over all I am home sick and I don't know how to over come it. Even though my mom and I fough like cats and dogs I still miss being there. I am with a guy who likes to work a lot and has little time for me. I work a lot of hours myself but it's a very stressful job so can some one plz help on how to get over my home sickness?

2006-11-27 12:36:29 · 7 answers · asked by Sarah 2

My sister is handicap and she always follow with drool and has a weird odor. My mom doesn't do anything about this and doesn't care that she hasn't took a shower in 5 months. What do I do to help her since I can't deal with her odor and droolingness?? I reall y really love her and want to help her how can I ?

P.S...showering never helped so making her take a shower although it has been 5 months wont work

2006-11-27 12:29:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i think my son is watching porn using the family computer.. how do i find out if he really is doing that?? besides checking cookies and browser history?? i've checked those already.. he deleted them..

2006-11-27 12:26:53 · 12 answers · asked by cooldad59 1

My husband was recently laid off and has finally found a job. We always counted on the xmas bonus from his employer but now will not get one. We are behind on our Bills and are trying to catch up. I am currently working and going to school.What I am making at my job is just enough to get the groceries and gas. Sorry to ramble...I am just so worried that my two children will not be able to have a christmas. Please let me know if you have any organizations in mind....we are from the Cincinnati area.

2006-11-27 12:24:20 · 7 answers · asked by hopelessfortheholidays 1

help her recover as wells as my grandmother and lil 13 year old brother. I would like to know if there is a website on inspirational quots to help her if she gets a little down from any pain and being confind to the house. Thanks

2006-11-27 12:17:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband has had 2 pinched nerves for the past year and has put off the surgery to work & support our family. He has been in so much pain waiting for an O.K. to get this surgery. It is through Workers Comp. but he does not get paid for being off because it happened through a different job. He is going to have a device put in his lower back and wires in his back that will send tingling sensations instead of pain. We are not guaranteed this will even work. If it doesn't he will have to have a fussion done. He is the type of person that would do just about anything for enyone. We have been married for only 3-1/2 years. He doesn't know I am posting this. He doesn't want people knowing his personal business, but I don't know what else to do! Please help w/ suggestions or anything else you can ofer. Thanks, Ernieb

2006-11-27 12:08:55 · 9 answers · asked by ernieb 1

im 15 and live with both parents im taking my mom to get her nails done what do i get my dad who is into music but has just about everything?

2006-11-27 11:59:34 · 14 answers · asked by alwayzpinkgirl 1

my husband is still greiving the loss of his mother a couple of years ago. christmas is a very hard time for him because she died a couple of days before. am looking for a card that i can send him to tell him i understand that he is still in pain, and that i am here for him.

2006-11-27 11:58:26 · 2 answers · asked by sarah 5

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