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Family - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

my dad is 32 years old i am 13 and he dose not want 2 be in my life 4 13 years so plz help me i am ask u plz i need help ur help so plz help me bye bye bye

2006-11-12 10:30:29 · 5 answers · asked by jessica a 2

So my parents have taken me and my siblings out of the church where I grew up in. I understand where they are coming from, about why we had to leave, but now I dont have a youth group to go to, and I really want to go back to the church i was in because thats where my youth group is. My mom and dad think I should set all of these "emotions" aside, and just deal with it. I can't just turn off my emotions. They dont even want to talk to me about it anymore, their shutting doors. Help!!! I have no one to really talk to about it. At least on a consistent basis, what should I do? My brother/mentor "in Christ", his name is Steve, said I just need to hang in there, and if I ever need to talk, he's there, but its getting harder to hang on.......so tell me what I should do.

2006-11-12 10:23:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother is a deadbeat, drug addicted, perpetually ill, manipulative, pathologically lying, person who is constantly putting stress on everyone. She has horrible mood swings and is either your best friend or your worst enemy. Pretty much a perfect example of Borderline Personality Disorder.

She dumped my sister and I with my grandparents when I was three and disapeared until I was in high school. She has been living in the same town as us since then and I've gotten to the point where I never want to see her again.

How should I go about telling her that I don't ever want contact with her again without it becoming a big scene? I have to make sure it sticks because she has a habit of 'forgetting' when things happen that she doesn't like.

2006-11-12 10:22:20 · 20 answers · asked by Dysthymia 6

He didn't come to school the past few days and my other friend's english teacher told the class that his father had passed away from cancer. I'm really sorry for him. No one at school even knew his dad had cancer to begin with. When he comes back to school, is there anything I can do? I know I can't change the past, and that it's a situation no one can really make better. But i would feel wrong sitting at lunch laughing with friends, while hes going through this. What can I do?

2006-11-12 10:11:50 · 24 answers · asked by Sarah 4

My family treats me like the unofficial emotional punching bag. Whenever something is going wrong in their lives I'm ALWAYS the one who ends up being the blunt of their anger.

I assume that they do this because I'm the only family member who generally doesn't carry grudges and is very forgiving. I do stand up for myself, but that just makes them angrier.

In return for my service as their emotional release, I am not allowed the same privilege. If I EVER blew up in the way that they all do they would never forgive me for it and would in all probability kick me out of the house.

How can I get them to stop treating me this way?

2006-11-12 10:11:23 · 11 answers · asked by Dysthymia 6

My grandpa passed away last year and now it's only my sister, my grandma, and myself living in the home.

My mother, who doesn't live with us (thank God), is a deadbeat, drug addicted, perpetually ill, manipulative, pathologically lying, person who is constantly putting stress on everyone. My grandma can't seem to decide whether to cut her daughter off completely, or forgive her and try to help her, so there ends up being swings from one extreme to the other. I have decided to cut off contact from my 'mother' and my sister is almost at the same place as myself. If my grandpa were still alive he would have cut my mother off at the time we found out about the drugs, but now he's not here to support my grandma.

My grandma is depressed and angry and every little trial in our lives becomes a big horrible crisis which she "just can't handle anymore". She keeps taking it all out on me because I'm the oficial family "safe person" to take out their feelings on.

2006-11-12 10:06:13 · 7 answers · asked by Dysthymia 6

you went over to family's home for Thanksgiving to stay the week and they had you sleep on the couch, your daughter (age 6) on an air mattress in the other room while they slept in the bed? My sister-in-law and niece are staying at our house for the week of Thanksgiving. Our current plan is to put sis on the couch and niece on the air mattress in the office (We only have a two bedroom house and with no kids the second bedroom is an office). We will remain in the bedroom. If you were in my sister-in-law's place, would you mind? She really doesn't want to stay at a hotel and I love that she wants to stay with us, but should my hubby and I take the couch and air mattress and leave the bed to company? Niece still occassionally sleeps with her parents anyway when she has nightmares. I was thinking about helping her set up a fortress in the office with boxes and bedsheets that first night so she'd have a fun place to sleep. Would that be alright?

2006-11-12 10:00:53 · 28 answers · asked by bubb1e_gir1 5

2006-11-12 09:50:02 · 25 answers · asked by Claire M 1

I have a problem with the hoildays. My parents are devorced so for the hoildays I am suppost to see my dad for one and my mum for the other. The thing is this thanksgiving I told my mum that I would come over to her house for dinner, well just after that she said she might be working so my plans were on hold. A few days latter I got a call from my dad wanting me to go spend thanksgiving with him and my aunt and younger brother. Well then my mum decided she was going to stay home from work. Now I'm stuck. I Have my mum who wants me there and my dad that wants me somewhere else. Theres no way that I can go both places and no way we can have it together. What should I do????

2006-11-12 09:40:52 · 8 answers · asked by Cherry 3

So my family has decided 2 sell my deceased brothers house & my mom hates my dad & refuses 2 talk 2 him at all! They both want the house (I thought) for the rest of us kids so I suggested that they sign it over 2 us kids 2 have it & my dad's ok with it (im pretty sure) & my mom refuses? She said that my brother's possessions were 2 be given 2 us kids 2 decide who wants what but when I talked 2 her earlier she was already basically telling me what she wants & what my older brothers wants/is getting! And then she said u guys devide up the possessions but I'm not signing over the house 2 N E 1. When I try 2 talk 2 her about this stuff its like she is 2 busy & something 2 do that she has 2 get off the phone or so on & so forth? What do i do, this shouldnt be about materialistic things my brother just died for goodness sake!!!

2006-11-12 09:31:40 · 6 answers · asked by iilive4music 2

I asked the question recently about my sister-in-law getting angry at me, not apologize, and take it out on my family and her brother,my husband. I have an update that happened about 2 hours ago!!!!!! My 2 daughters went to church today and she was very nice to them..She is in charge of the Youth Ushers and 1 of my daughters is a part of it. She is usually nasty to my children but she was nice today.... I asked the First Lady of our church to talk to her and maybe she did. But I wanted to let you all know that progress was made today. My daughter was so happy that she hopes that this bond continues, I hope it does also. Maybe she will call and invite us to Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner, since she did cancel it. we will see!!!!!! Baby steps lead to giant leaps.....

2006-11-12 09:30:11 · 5 answers · asked by purpleone726 3

I want to send my two year old neice a gift for Xmas. She lives hundreds of miles away and I do not get along with her parents. I
have seen my sister once in the past six years but I want to send her daughter something anyway. Any suggestions?

2006-11-12 09:24:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad died really suddenly recently and i never said goodbye or told him how much I loved him.

2006-11-12 09:22:00 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-12 09:19:25 · 22 answers · asked by Lisa Nicole t 1

i saw him yesterday with hes friends and he smoke cigarrete.he didnt saw me i dont know wht should i do?besides im 21 so i think i can solve this proplem myself and dont need to tell it to my parents.(sorry bc of my weak english cause im from sweden)

2006-11-12 09:16:01 · 26 answers · asked by last spiritual man 1

i think i should tell a little more... i do not smoke crack, weed...no drugs...i do not worship the devil... i just hear things... i see things... and there are times i feel like someone is watching me... but it is not just me people have told me when they are around me they feel different and i even has one freind see the same thing i saw... like a shadow running out of the corner of your eye... mental things do not run in my family... it isjust a strange feeling that i have been having...my father passed away 7 years ago and it feels like he is still home...has anyone felt like this before?? another thing...it just started happening a couple of months ago... could be stress from school??

2006-11-12 09:07:06 · 11 answers · asked by stefani 2

Has anyone out there attended a family counceling meeting for foster children. We are invited to go to one because of one of the foster children we currently have in the house. It's a way for the bio parents to feel like they have some type of say so in the future of their child as they are terminating their rights after the first of the year. They get to basically say, I would still like to have visits..open adoption...closed adoption...etc. They know already that once their rights are terminated and if we are offered, we are adopting him. Has anyone attended one of these...what are we to expect? Our input will be asked about certain questions...I guess I am just a little unsure. If anyone has any insight that would be great! Thanks

Also, any comments on open / closed adoption. He has been in the system for most of his life (age 4) and thinks it's normal to just VISIT mommy and daddy. He is in the system for a reason, (can't say why) so please remember that.

2006-11-12 08:51:47 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love my father, and I know he's the adult so you guys will say he can do whatever he wants, but it really, really annoyes me when he swears. Everywhere I turn I hear the F word come out of his mouth. He knows I don't like it, and I've told him this many times. And my brother, mother, and sister don't like it either. And he knows we don't like it. It seems like he does it to annoy us. Or maybe he just swears because he's mad. But either way, if he knows we don't like it, I don't think he should do it. But I have no idea why he does it. Please tell me how I can get this to stop, and why he does it. Thanks!!!!

2006-11-12 08:40:56 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a middle child i have an older brother who is in college and no longer living at home, and my younger sister is 12 and actually somewhat lazy and doesnt do much to help with the house chores. Im a 17 yr. old female and my mom is one of those people who believes that the women should do the cleaning, now i dont mind cleaning but i mind when im the only one doing the cleaning, my mom does the cooking and shes a stay at home mom so i dont mind too much if she doesnt help clean, but my parents say that my sister is "too young to clean" when i was cleaning at 9/10. how do i talk to them and get them to have my sister help with the chores.i find my parents often doing her school reports, and homework (which by the way they never helped me with mine at her age). they seem to think she is too young for everything, they even clean her room for her. they never did any of this when i was her age. how do i convince them that she is old enough to help with chores and i need the help.

2006-11-12 08:36:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The boys are 7 yrs, 5 yrs, and 7 months old. They are all very wonderful babies and they just do not understand why they are not gonna get anything from Santa! These kids think that they have done something wrong because they still believe in Santa. I feel so bad and can only do so much because I have 3 small babies myself, and can only do so much! I Love them all and it really hurts me to see this year after year!

2006-11-12 08:35:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are some of your family traditions?

2006-11-12 08:03:17 · 8 answers · asked by aluminum22rocker 3

I'm not sure what 2 do I can't get my son's father to contribute financially 2 our child. We live apart and as he's not a british citizen I have no legal rights with the CSA here, Why would he not want to help out? I can cope without him I just think its sad my son might loose out (for what he is worth!) I just don't see why I should pay 4 everything and he just takes. Any ideas?

2006-11-12 08:01:12 · 19 answers · asked by carlsloki 1

Its scaring me, I called my mom and she said to ignore it... what should I do? I think somebody might be in there... i hear footsteps.. its scaring me...

2006-11-12 07:57:31 · 11 answers · asked by ♫ singin_gurl1200 ♫ 3

everyday every word that comes out my moms mouth is negitive... she complans everyday and she just trys to bring outher people down with her whats going on?

2006-11-12 07:54:29 · 11 answers · asked by goochie1234 1

So my grandmother and uncle are living in my house. But they are not nice people. They are very ignorant and rude and selfish and hate everyone and everything. Trust me, if you met them, youd hate them in a second. Anyway the only reason im keeping my mouth shut is because shes my mom's mother. I need ideas on little things that could drive them out of the house. They dont appreciate anything, they gossip and badmouth me to everybody. Even when im the one paying there bills. So what could i do to drive them out????? (sorry for a long summary)

2006-11-12 07:48:47 · 20 answers · asked by MelXXX 2

2006-11-12 07:36:55 · 10 answers · asked by halvey_37 1

I have fallen in love with the love of my life but she lives 65 miles away. We have decided to move in together but she can't move here. If I move away, I will no longer be able to have my kids half of the time (they are 16, 14 and 11), but will see them at weekends and other times. If I don't move I don't think our relationship will survive as we are too far apart and it now needs to move to the next stage. We have been seeing each other over the distance for 14 months. What do you think? Anyone have any experiences of this?

2006-11-12 07:36:49 · 13 answers · asked by ni_p1 1

i know they live in or around the area but I cannot get an address. they are 23/22 yrs of age any help would be apperciated.

2006-11-12 07:30:17 · 2 answers · asked by bonnie j 3

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