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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My sister's husband has raised her 4yr old son since he was 9mons and now he wants to adopt him. We can't find the baby's real father and we heard that we could run an ad in the newspaper but not really sure. Any info that you know may be helpful. Thanks

2006-08-29 15:29:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

they hv sex .. still thy pretend as if thy r decent nd virgin??

have seen many in BOMBAY??

2006-08-29 15:21:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

"DAD, STOP IT UR TALKING AND SCREAMING ABOUT POLITICS AND EVERYONE IN THIS CAR (there here four ppl in the car, my bro, my mom and me) IS SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" after my mom politely asked abut 5,000 times. now he is mad HELP (dont say o well u need to see a family counselor cuz they wont, when u explain how it was annoying u he mite understand cuz he wont. he isn't a very understanding person

2006-08-29 15:18:25 · 14 answers · asked by the5500 2

when does a child who are in the preteen get to date? our son has a girl who he likes alot! Could it be puppy love?or more?can you help!

2006-08-29 15:17:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you had an opportunity to have unconditional love that you knew would be temporary vs condtional that would be everlasting....Which would you choose??

2006-08-29 15:13:57 · 35 answers · asked by O Jam 3

2006-08-29 15:10:45 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is at my parent's house far more than just to visit once a year...He's always got an appointment or something here in California to go to and he stays for like more than a 1-4 weeks at a time.

2006-08-29 15:07:28 · 17 answers · asked by roqzanne 2

My auntie died last year and I always cry. All I think is God I'm Simple.

2006-08-29 15:06:55 · 41 answers · asked by lil_poet_10 1

I am a 33 yr old woman never been married or has children.I have fallen in love w/ a man that has full custody of his 2 kids 10 and 13 The mother was insane and is not allowed to see them for only two yrs now I have been in a long distance relationship for a yr.-with him not seeing them much Over the last 4 months we have fallen in love My issues are I have become more of a friend to the daughter, now she is being disrespectful and talking way too mature for her age and I feel she is not respecting me as an adult. She is making up stories to make her dad think I am doing something wrong I know there are issues of me and her father. Things are starting on the wrng foot. I am suppose to move to his state at the end of the month and I am feeling scared . that things will just get worse as she gets older! I have told him and he has talks with her, but it hasnt improved yet. She asked me if I could have kids I responded yes.. she says I doesnt want a baby sis. what do I do for her underst

2006-08-29 15:06:05 · 4 answers · asked by Teresa 2

"DAD, STOP IT UR TALKING AND SCREAMING ABOUT POLITICS AND EVERYONE IN THIS CAR (there here four ppl in the car, my bro, my mom and me) IS SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" after my mom politely asked abut 5,000 times. now he is mad HELP (dont say o well u need to see a family counselor cuz they wont, when u explain how it was annoying u he mite understand cuz he wont. he isn't a very understanding person

2006-08-29 14:55:36 · 12 answers · asked by the5500 2

Mine smells like rotton eggs and sour cream

2006-08-29 14:53:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is a good babysitting rate for a second grade child?

2006-08-29 14:51:15 · 1 answers · asked by No O 3

If your not a parent, dont answer.
just because your 18 and think you know it all,,you dont.
i hate arrogance

2006-08-29 14:50:26 · 7 answers · asked by Jazz Q 2


my 4 year old starts pre k tomorrow my first and only child i'm scared to send on the bus alone

2006-08-29 14:47:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

She has been phoning this boy for a month and she thought her dad knew about it. She found out he did not know about and is now trying to fgure out how to tell him. He is a fairly cool dad but is also rather strict. What would be the best way to break it to him?

2006-08-29 14:39:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

he was ok at first i was a cashier he kept comming in the store where i worked he asked me out several times i finally went out with him we talked about my problems he ending up buying the house i live in and put it in my name only then a few months later asked me to marry him i a 3 kids ok then after i married him i found out he was a control freak i mean he is 20 years older than myself he has had several surgeries including a back surgery he is a diabiet and on alot of meds but does not think he takes to much in the past 3 months he has had 3 wrecks he is still ok just banged up did he marry me cause i was young and me and the children could take care of him he also has a farm i do alot of the feedin but not all so what do you think is up?

2006-08-29 14:38:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend (Call her Ann) went on vacation, met this guy,a nds has been phoning him. She thought her mother had cleared it with her dad, but recently found out her mum had not. How does ann tell her dad that she has been phoning a boy for the last month? (Ann is 16)

2006-08-29 14:32:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

That is what my dad will need to figure out in a few hours when he reads the in-school suspension letter I received at school today....good thing he is working late tonight and does not know yet.

He won't be happy but I don't think he'll spazz about it.

2006-08-29 14:26:37 · 47 answers · asked by Lori 5

I have an older half-brother (dads side) that was put up for adoption at birth because my dad and his mom were very young. He's recently contacted our family and wants my parents to fly him here to stay with them. I'm glad they've found each other- but I've talked to him a few times and he's said some things that have caused me to be concerned he's only wanting to reunite with dad for financial reasons. I'm afraid my dad will be hurt- I don't want to stop the reunion because I feel they need to know each other- but is there anything I can say or do now that might prepare my dad without coming off sounding bitchy?

2006-08-29 14:22:21 · 8 answers · asked by Jennifer F 6

Im 17 and turning 18 in 3 months. I moved to fl 2 years ago and absolutely hate it here, and I wish to move out to cali. my parents are old-fashioned and they dont want me to move out. (problably have plans to keep me till im 30) i love them very much but i just have things that i want to accomplish and places to see with experiance to gain and grow. A friend of mine wants me to move out with HER to cali, where we split rent, and she can get me a job, but when should i go about doing this? she wants me to do it now but i kinda feel bad about moving before im 18. i havent told my parents the news or anything, but i know they will flip. One reason cuz im moving out, 2nd ill be in with a female, and 3rd pretty far away. Also, when i go about telling them the plan, when should i do it? now? or give them small notice about it. If i do move out now, i do risk them "not letting me" since im 17. i dont want to hurt our relationship, i just want to grow up and start life. Any help apprecd.

2006-08-29 14:09:24 · 19 answers · asked by sf4fun 3

I'm a guy.
When I was really young, I remember being at a picnic and my cousin made me practice french kissing with her. I was about 4 and she was about 7. Does this qualify me as being a victim of sexual abuse?

2006-08-29 14:05:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

they are my younger sisters and they cry they tatle on meif i look at them i hate them

2006-08-29 13:47:06 · 31 answers · asked by philroco 2

i can afford to live on my own.
i am the only child and my parents don't wont me go
i grew up without them, and i feel guilty for leaving or whanting to leave.
they always include me in their future plans
i tried talking to them but they don't understand...all they say is that living alone is tough and borring.
i don't have a serious boyfriend (actually no bf at all) and i don't wanna live wtih a roommate....
are they right?
or should i just pack my bags and quiting asking their permission
i feel so guilty

2006-08-29 13:20:02 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

In your household:

Do you speak to your children with it?
Can you speak freely to your parents with it?
Do your children use it amongst themselves?

What is your family's view/policy on profanity? Thanks in advance for your responses.

2006-08-29 13:05:20 · 14 answers · asked by dj_feva 2

been a lot of scary things in them can anyone explane

2006-08-29 13:03:40 · 8 answers · asked by dawn44005 2


2006-08-29 13:02:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter has a child custody case which needs to be addressed. Unfortunately,we are tapped out money wise. My daughter was very young when she lost custody of her daughter and was talked into signing over custody with promises. Since all of this, the father has fled with my grand-daughter and we do not have the money to pursue any legal actions. My daughter did not have the financial means to keep fighting and had to give up. I think we have located him, but do not know what legal rights she has. My daughter has not ben able to see her daughter for 6 years now. They were supposed to have court appointed visitation so my grnad-daughter could become reunited with her daughter and this only happened twice. The courts also tried to contact him and was unable. The one attorney we had managed to get to help us died from heart failure. Of course there is more to the story.

2006-08-29 13:01:46 · 2 answers · asked by sherwoodangel1 1

if u fall in love with a boy/girl .. why is it that some important person in the family does not agree and goes againt you ?

2006-08-29 13:01:41 · 21 answers · asked by Mohsin Khan 1

I know something that should be told. If I do,there could be a serious backlash in my family if I don't someone may get hurt(mentally,emotionally).

Please help.

2006-08-29 12:59:15 · 5 answers · asked by defender163 2

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