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Family & Relationships - 28 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My girlfriend and I both work in Wall Street. What is a good diamond size? Thanks.

2007-03-28 06:20:46 · 9 answers · asked by mbpuzzled 1 in Weddings

think my fiance is cheating on me.. we supposed to get married in July I know him for 4 years now but we weren't talking for 2 years he left me for no reasons. now that I gave him another Chance. everything was good in til. my family lost all The money that we were saving . so he didn't even talk about it. he seems to be happy he told me "now we don't need a wedding .I said why not if u love u will be there form and u will get me a wedding and I Will help out to. he said baby don't u think about what after the wedding.he dosent like to go out. if he wants to go out he only go to the movie theater so now I know hes cheap he always asking and talk to me about sex. even know my culture and his doesn't alowed u to have sex before marriage. I am still virgin but hes not. I don't care aboutthat . I Don't know he seems to be paying around again and only wants a free women to help out with rent get kids and sty home .. witsh is not ganna happened. Didn't know this thing about him until I get to know him better.yesterday I had a long day at work. he call es me and asked if he can stop by my house I said okay. he set down 7 feet away from me. and he didn't say nothing to me not even whats going on. I was so sick and not on the mood. his phone rings. I heard a woman's voice.asking he if he can pick her up . as soon he finish he stand up ."gtg I was like why he said I will see u tomorrow. I said why don't u see me today. I was like who is SHE he said no its he. I said I know its SHE he said its my Coworker needed a ride . I said well u r here with me and she Call u don't she have other or BF or husband why she calls u . he said LOOK AT U U SETTING 2OOO FEETS AWAY FROM ME ." I was like what about u u want me to give a kiss u supposed be the one who makes me smile an forget a bout my long day. he left an closed the door in my face. I felt like hes cheating on me. 30 minits letter he called me and was like I am sorry I apologizes u just don't understand me blahs blha bahababababab and I was like why are u ling to me . I asked u a Q I just need the A that's it. he said Didn't pick up nobody and I m just home now. I hung up and I was thinking whats going on.??!!! could he really be cheating on me >???!!! WHY becouse I don't do what he wants . I didn't asked him to be with me he choose not me ??!!!

2007-03-28 06:20:25 · 6 answers · asked by I_belong_to_me 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Upon getting few responses to my online ad, I took out the part that mentions I don't drive. I don't see what this has to do with a relationship as I live in a large city and have managed to get around for 20 years without a car. I got some responses and when I emailed them back a few times and the subject came around where I had to tell them I didn't drive or have a car (they wanted to meet somewhere not on the busline and I could not get too as many of these guys live outside the city) they lost interest or stopped writing. HOWEVER, some of these same guys left off a child on their profile or added on after we talked. Why is it worse not to review that you don't drive till after you start chatting with someone but it is o.k for a man to say he has a teenage daughter and then after talking to him he adds that he has a 5 year old?

2007-03-28 06:20:13 · 13 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5 in Singles & Dating

every time we kiss i open my eyes and find him staring at me its either he really likes me or hes thinking of breaking up with me what do think?

2007-03-28 06:19:14 · 29 answers · asked by SHY1 2 in Singles & Dating

I just recently met this guy like a few weeks ago on myspace n i met him face to face at school like a week later. Were now reeally great friends. Hes the greatest guy and i really really like him. The problem is Im not sure if he likes me like that or just sees me as a friend. He always calls me sexy nd we talk on the phone for hours every night. Were both single now and I want to ask him out or just tell him I like him, but I'm so afraid that he's just gonna turn me down and tell me he just wants to be friends. I don't think I can handle that cause I love him so much. What should I do??

2007-03-28 06:18:57 · 12 answers · asked by nicole 2 in Singles & Dating

If so, why did you cheat? Did you later tell your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend that you had sex with someone else? Did it ruin the relationship? Would you do it again?

2007-03-28 06:18:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Although my boyfriend and I have only been together seriously for about a month, we are very close. We are at the point (at least in my mind) where things are starting to settle in and get comfortable. This truly scares me because I'm afraid he will get bored with me and start looking elsewhere. Normally I let guys go at this point so that I won't be hurt. However, I trully love this guy and want to stay around. Any advice? I guess my question is: is it a good thing to get comfortable or should I change something???

2007-03-28 06:18:52 · 3 answers · asked by Richelle 2 in Singles & Dating

I mean, they shape your every day from the start. Completely control everything you do and participate in. Do they use put downs and ridiculing to keep you in a zombie like state?

2007-03-28 06:18:25 · 19 answers · asked by TinajaLove 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm concerned that my husband is cheating on me. My husband has for the last few months been going to the VFW where he hangs out with drinking buddies. Monday's, Tuesdays is a drawing so he goes for this and Wed night he bowls. In Jan he got a new job and one night after we had gone to bed he got a call on his cell phone, I asked who it was and he said Gina, Julio's girlfriend. (Julio is the bartender at the VFW). I told him I did not think it was right for her to be calling him when he was married. He said it was nothing, she just called to tell him he did not win on the racing game. Then 3 days before our 17th anniversary I found him on messenger talking to Gina. Our sex life is good and he has been showing a lot of affection lately and wants sex a lot. Is this reason to suspect anything. He says that Gina is just a friend and he didn't think about it being a threat to us. Please help! Should I be digging deeper?

2007-03-28 06:17:31 · 38 answers · asked by snailspace77 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband married me for a visa, something I learned much too late. He planned to divorce me from the beginning and a year ago started provoking me by various means hoping i would initiate divorce. He started being abusive and threatening to see other women and then saved every response in emails and chats as evidence. Isn't this entrapment and invasion of privacy ? The case is in Turkey but i wondered how the law here works.

2007-03-28 06:17:01 · 9 answers · asked by seker 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i have not long been out of a really good relationship. when we broke up the feeling was mutual but i still have feelings for her. i only realised what i had when it was gone. now my best friend is seeing her what do i do?

2007-03-28 06:16:24 · 13 answers · asked by pete s 1 in Singles & Dating

alright well my girlfriend broke up with me about 2 months ago. we stayed in contact but i had finally started to get over it 2 weeks ago. well about that same time she started telling me she missed me and wanted to hang out. so we did a couple of times. the first time was really weird, i got depressed and everything was awkward. the second time we just had fun, like we did when we were together, you know just playing around outside and stuff. the third time was at a friends house. again we just had fun. then when we were getting ready to leave she hugged me a lot and kissed my forehead and asked me to carry her to her car and said we needed to see eachother soon. we both went back to our respective colleges after that weekend, and we had planned on seeing eachother that week. so i drove an hour to see her and we went on what she wanted to call a date. we just had some dinner then i was going to spend the night in her room. i thought we could watch a movie... continue below...

2007-03-28 06:15:56 · 10 answers · asked by runninback2822 1 in Singles & Dating

i have a bf and we known each other since childhood he is all I want in man but sometimes I think about other man.. I feel like I missing out like dating and having fun

2007-03-28 06:15:21 · 12 answers · asked by unverified 1 in Singles & Dating

or do u put up a fight?

2007-03-28 06:14:43 · 10 answers · asked by kitten 3 in Singles & Dating

Was widowed at 36, several relationships, last one 13 years. But all the good guys are taken!

2007-03-28 06:14:37 · 12 answers · asked by Norah B 4 in Singles & Dating

im verry retared what can i do??

2007-03-28 06:14:27 · 36 answers · asked by I lovE mY dorK 1 in Singles & Dating

My husband is messy! He leaves drawers open, cabinets open, cables, gadgets, wires laying everywhere, paper, paper paper on every surface, shoes, socks tangled in the wires, he buys TONS of stuff and has packed in every closet in the house, the boxes pile up in our garage!!
I could go on! His daughter is real messy too and he's always saying something about her. I wonder where she gets it from? Duh. I'm reasonable, patient, but this one does have me stumped! No snot answers, PLEASE!!

2007-03-28 06:14:25 · 1 answers · asked by Eve 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

how many times do you need sex in a day, because it seems that i am having to give it atleast 5 times daily. good thing i dont get loose lol

2007-03-28 06:14:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My 60 year Mother and 82 Grandmother are broke.They are currently in a budget hotel. and my OCPD (refuses treat)brother who left them high and dry and in a Hotel for 6 months everyday telling them he was organizing a house for them when he was in S of France living high life with Russian model. I tell them that they could go into temp council acc or use £12,000 I gave them to rent for 6 months and stay off my back i could actually help them in about 6 monthsThey spent all £$ from house sale(£230,000) on 5 years of rentals,3-5 * hotels.. I borrowed some cash but paid it back even though Grand likes to invent and tell everyone she lent me times 3 what she did. I found so many decent apps for them 4 years ago when there was still $£. Mother only wanted luxury and Grandmother (she had mental illness in past) threatened suicide when i suggested a warden assisted flat. IT GOES ON AND ON. I had a nervous breakdown before Dec and love my wife and kids and cannot risk it again.

2007-03-28 06:14:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-03-28 06:12:57 · 23 answers · asked by cheekie 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-28 06:12:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my husband loves to drink. i've asked him to stop. but he says that he won't. what should i do?

2007-03-28 06:12:24 · 45 answers · asked by gapeach_83 1 in Marriage & Divorce

thanks for honest opinion

2007-03-28 06:12:01 · 45 answers · asked by daneka j 1 in Singles & Dating

Okay, it seems that my 17 year old(will be 18 next month) has gotten back into a relationship with a boy that we forbid her to see. We found out after her grades droped to d's and f's. This kid has been kicked out of school for smoking pot twice, has disrespected my husband, and I on many occassions with his smart mouth. My daughter left home, and a teacher called us to let us know that she's moved in with this boy, and his family. My husband gently packed up the rest of her stuff, and since my daughter won't take our calls, a friend came got her things. We now have her mustang up for sell. This school teacher wants us to have a sit down with this boy, and his parents to try, and work through this. In my opinion we don't owe these people anything. They have no respect, or regard for us a parents, or they wouldn't aide my daughter in defying her parents. This boy will get off the dope, and then he's back again. Now, we found out he quit school...

2007-03-28 06:11:55 · 17 answers · asked by ks 5 in Family

i moved out of my moms house to get away from family and bit**ing all the time and now i live with my boyfriend. i am 16 where should i be? is it all up to me???

2007-03-28 06:11:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-03-28 06:10:45 · 42 answers · asked by CrispyBacon 1 in Singles & Dating

some chic on my space is trying to pick up my husband and she knows he is married. I found out because we are honest with each other and are very happily married. We would never even consider it. Would you?

2007-03-28 06:10:44 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Many people have told me that i'm gorgeous but this guy constantly picks on me. He calls me "black" and "short" and makes fun of my ethnicity. He says,"i will never go for a dark girl". He's obviously obsessed with me. He calls me everyday and spends half da day talking to me. Is he insecure? Plus he's pretty obsessed with race and colour....He gets on my nerves real bad.

2007-03-28 06:10:23 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Okay, I'm seeing a guy that we've only been on one date and that was 3 weeks ago, but he says he is still wanting to see me again. He works out of town, and so he stays with a friend during the week until his job is done there, which ends in two weeks, and he wants to go out then. He calls every once and a while, but now I don't know that I want to even waste my time with him. I mean he can't be that into me if it's taken this long, and the fact I haven't seen him I am really losing interest. Should I even bother going out with him if he even calls? What do you guys think?

P.S. For the pervert sending the same answer for every question, no I don't want to thier pants down and stick it to em. If your gonna be distrubing on here at least come up with a diffrent answer for each, or do you have limited brain flow activity? :)

2007-03-28 06:10:17 · 15 answers · asked by TootsieGirl 3 in Singles & Dating

This is for the guys...Say you are married or are involved in a serious relationship. You go to work and one of your female co-workers is dressed very sexy, I know you guys like to look but would it be just looking or would you think about the way she looks and how she is dressed through out the day, do you day dream about her in your office, does she constatntly pops up in your mind?

2007-03-28 06:09:38 · 3 answers · asked by Gio 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

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