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Family & Relationships - 22 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-03-22 07:49:30 · 6 answers · asked by chaunceyB#1 1 in Singles & Dating

I feel really, really terrible and I have asked for forgiveness, but I still am beating myself up about it. I went to my friend's house and snooped through all of his things. I was angry and jumped the gun and thought he was lying about something and so I went to snoop to look for an answer, to what I don't know. When he called, turns out he was really where he said he was going. Now I feel bad. I did it out of insecurity, totally dumb of me. So, now I feel bad because I snooped and based judgement on him AGAIN over some stupid things I did find, and I am hoping he didn't have a camera spying on me.... I feel terrible, because he wouldn't have done that to me, I don't think.

2007-03-22 07:48:44 · 5 answers · asked by La Mexicana 3 in Friends

I've really want my own kids. she is 20 years old and has a 2 and a 4 year old. I'm almost 26 and want my own kids. She is not very fond of this idea. This i think is not fair to me. what should i do?

2007-03-22 07:48:30 · 5 answers · asked by alexstone1st 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I know why, because you are the ugly train wrecks that she was referring to.

And some women wonder why good things never happen for them. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-22 07:47:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

The other night I had a dream. And my crush was in it. We were walking on the lunch line together and my arm was over his shoulder and his arm was around my waist. But, we weren't dating in my dream, we were talking about his "girlfriend" my mind invented named Kirsten (there are no girls in our school named Kirsten). I felt really happy, I'm guessing I was portrayed as his best friend (which I'm not) in the dream instead of a girlfriend. Then, the next night, I have another dream. This guy I don't really talk to in my class is in it. And I don't really like him either, but he's hanging out with me in it. We're in the cafeteria in this dream too. But, this time, the guy that I don't really talk to in my class was shown as my boyfriend. We were holding hands and walking in the cafeteria together and laughing and everything. I'm not entirely sure what this means, but I have been more attention to the guy I don't really talk to. So, can anyone tell me what this could be?

2007-03-22 07:47:22 · 6 answers · asked by Isabella R 4 in Singles & Dating

i bought this girl something..something that she wants..but i lie to her how i got it..she did say thanks..and i told her how i got it..and her response was "please dont to it again..it makes me uncomfortable"..does that mean anything??..i mean i did put an effort to her thing that she wants.

2007-03-22 07:47:19 · 25 answers · asked by bob s 1 in Singles & Dating

The two are 17 and fight a lot over jealousy, however his mother talks about my daughter behind her back and my daughter has tried to talk to her about this. She is very two faced and I am trying to think of a way to help my daughter by talking to her myself. It is really upsetting my daughter and her boyfriend is afraid to talk to his mother about this. He told me that himself. These are still kids and I don't think it is appropriate for an adult to talk about kids like she is. I treat her son with respect and always welcome him into our home. I need some advise.

2007-03-22 07:47:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He claims that he's done with me, Yet he answers my calls when I call him and he Keeps coming back for more to Spend time with me, including Sex and he Tells me "Im not the one" yet he's with me the Next day, He apologizes and says he doesn't know why he says the Things he say that's mean sometimes and Claims he's really not like that So is this Love?

2007-03-22 07:46:45 · 6 answers · asked by kittysweetie19 2 in Singles & Dating


2007-03-22 07:46:03 · 15 answers · asked by SPARKY 5 in Singles & Dating

I am involved with a guy, i have been thru a lot of stuff, guys being unfaithful to me and cheating etc, i tell my guy this, and bcause of past experiences i am scared to trust him in case he turns out like all the rest, i have resolved to trust him until he gives me a reason not to. but i am kind of getting suspicious feelings that he might be cheating, like one time when i called him and i heard a chicas voice in the background(i M his only female friend, he lives with his mom & i know her voice) he's most eager to see me when he wants the sex, 'n' if i can't come see him he's vexed with me.
could he be a cheater?

2007-03-22 07:45:24 · 22 answers · asked by kamarla_phillips06 2 in Singles & Dating

There's this 14 year old girl who I regret now giving my email address to, she follows me in the forum i post in and if i don't post in a few minutes she gets upset and thinks i'm gone

how do I hint she annoys me?

2007-03-22 07:44:53 · 16 answers · asked by Bea 5 in Friends

i'm 17 and my sis is 15. she's adopted and growing up she was sexually abused by her father and mom's many boyfriends (all of which are now in jail). i say she's still a virgin, and she says she's not. Your virginity is something you give away, not something that's taken from you. how can i get her to understand this. and don't say she needs counseling, because she's already in couseling.

2007-03-22 07:44:11 · 14 answers · asked by Big Sis 1 in Family

I was in a horrible break up and it was serious. I'm not gonna go in details cuz I'd run out of room and it don't matter. I wrote this poem while I was trying to coap with the pain after we got back together. We are together now but in the beginning it was still hard. Will you please read & rate 1-10 and tell me what you think plz---------------------------?

All these feelings I try to hide
but all I do is strip my pride.
All those nights you slept, I cried
just because you never tried.
I wanted you to take my side,
but all you did was tell me lies.
I've cried so hard my eyes are fried.
Why can't my thoughts be justified?
I want my eyes wiped and dried.
My heart can only stretch so wide.
My feelings are tied,
my thoughts caulide and now
my hearts been denied.
It's like my lifes been crusified.
You know that night we took that ride?
I really wish I would have died.

I know it's harsh but I was really hurt and I write to help me deal with things.

2007-03-22 07:44:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I see a lot of people who are more concern about gaining adn collecting points then the question itself! They just go to all questions leaving, just one single letter, just for the sake of gaining and collecting their points. Do you think tehy are faire to rest of us?

2007-03-22 07:43:51 · 4 answers · asked by D. M. 1 in Family

2007-03-22 07:43:50 · 3 answers · asked by mark t 1 in Singles & Dating

my (now) ex has a close relationship with his son's mother, they talk alot. He came to me and asked if it was okay to move in with her, (to help her with the kids). I told them that they are taking their friendship too far. CAN THE TWO OF THEM HAVE A FRIENDSHIP THAT IS JUST FRIENDS?

2007-03-22 07:43:35 · 4 answers · asked by LDYBLK 2 in Friends

Do they really think it looks good?

2007-03-22 07:41:57 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If a spouse left to be with a coworker thinking grass is greener how long till the fantasy of him being perfect last? I was the one who got dumped after a 17 year marriage which I thought was good but I guess not good enough!

2007-03-22 07:40:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

If you are in love w/ someone would you choose them or choose the father of your kids to make a better life for them

2007-03-22 07:39:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My fiance and I wrote our own vows and they are somewhat lengthy in comparison to traditional vows..I'm concerned with whether or not we will be able to memorize them. Is it acceptable to read them off a paper or does the minister tell us what to say or do we just have to memorize them and deal with whatever happens if we miss a word or two? Especially with all of the emotion and such I think that it would be easy to forget some of it. Please help!!

2007-03-22 07:39:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

Well my really good friend and I have always liked each other on and off. Everytime we try to move on, we find it hard to because we like each other. He flirts with so many girls, that it's hard for me to try to compete. I really like him, but I'm scared that if I come back to him again, he'll just hurt me. You see everytime the 2 of us start getting close, he'll push me away, but once I move on to a new guy, he likes me again. He told me that when we hang out he falls for me, but when we're apart, he starts to fall away from liking me. I don't know what to do this time!!! I still really like him a whole lot and I know he likes me right now 2, but I don't wanna make a mistake. We had such an amazing time this past Saturday night. I need some advice pronto!!! Thanks!!!

2007-03-22 07:38:35 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok the most popular guy in school is picking on me and won't leave me alone. Him and his friends glued my locker shut and cut a chunk of my hair out!!!! But I don't know if I can stand up to him. He is always pushing me around. I am tired of it. I know I am nothing but the book worm of the class but does he have to pick on me because I am smarter then him?? No offense to anyone I swear. I seriously am thinking about boping him right between the eye's if he don't stop. But I don't know if that is fair. What should I do??? How should I go about getting this problem fixed???? Thanks.

2007-03-22 07:38:32 · 21 answers · asked by The Irish Princess 2 in Singles & Dating

I hung out with this really great guy, hes sweet and really knows how to treat a girl good. He is alot pretty hot and last night we were talking about all kinds of things, we have known eachother for about 10 years now and it got into a make out session and I hate to say it but it was bad I mean really bad (maybe because I was with my ex for the past 4 years and it was great) but i dont know what to do I dont want to hurt his feelings but I dont want to do it again either. Help.

2007-03-22 07:38:04 · 11 answers · asked by princessbarbiex04 2 in Singles & Dating

A few bridesmaid and I are looking to decorate the honeymoon suite for the wedding night. In addition to candles, rose petals, champagne, and strawberries/whip cream, we want to give them a couples' honeymoon basket. They're in their late 20s, and we want it to be affordable. Let me know what suggestions you have.

2007-03-22 07:37:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

what are some unique things/projects you can do w/ your best friend??

2007-03-22 07:36:32 · 2 answers · asked by aliceInWnderland 1 in Friends

I'm going to go to my new boyfriend's place for the first time tomorrow. Should I bring anything? I thought a bottle of organic white wine, which we both love, might be nice.

Any other suggestions? I don't want it to be too housewife-like

2007-03-22 07:35:49 · 24 answers · asked by Bisch 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have been seeing this guy for about 4 months, only on weekends. He is the one to say which weekend, seems like I have no say so. We have fun together. He will call about once a week and that is it. Time to move on, huh??

2007-03-22 07:35:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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