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Family & Relationships - 4 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Why do I feel that I'm not good to have a boyfriend, I have a great boyfriend, and we been going out for two years, and someday to get married and have kids, but I feel I dont derseve to have one, I dont think I'm pretty and not very bright, I dont have a job yet, cause no one will hire me, I feel, ometimes my boyfriend, deserves better, but he told me that I was a kind loveing person , and I'am pretty, sometimes I wish I was Perfect for him, why do I feel like this, and How can I get over this, even his friend's say that my boyfriend is lucky to have me, but Why do I dont beilve it.

2007-02-04 15:26:57 · 39 answers · asked by kitty 6 in Singles & Dating

or is it just me....is this spot just for 16 year olds now????

2007-02-04 15:26:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I realy like this girl now but she liked me about a year ago when I was kind of with someone else and we talk occasionaly on the cpu. Is there any chance of her liking me again when I kind of broke her heart indirectly last year? Do girls always have a feeling for boys they used to have a crush on but did nothing with except they moved onto someone else because they didnt want to wait any longer?

2007-02-04 15:26:33 · 13 answers · asked by theoneandonly4251 2 in Singles & Dating

my aunt said that when a woman has a baby they have bonding time and she said that i never got that when i was born and so she said that she thinks that has to do with part of my emotions and so i didnt know if she meant that i dont show emotions that much or what, what exactly does it mean

2007-02-04 15:25:55 · 3 answers · asked by Shi 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My ex-girlfriend keeps talking to me like if we were still going out or could just go back to how things were, my boyfriend doesnt like that at all. I'm still friends with her but I dont like the way she is about this either, how should i confront her about this?

2007-02-04 15:25:29 · 8 answers · asked by His_Fallen_Angel 1 in Friends

my boyfriend broke up wit me 2 weeks ago on aim cuz we were in a huge fight then ignored me and was a big jerk and was talking to my best friend..they talked wen we were dating on the phone and on aim more than me and him talked..and they seem like there goin out they take pictures together and are always together and there are rumors goin around..my best friend says she wouldnt do taht to me and my ex says he loves me and wants to be with me still...but i think there is more goin on..and he is still a jerk to me but then isnt..and i know it ruff for him rite know cuz his mom has problems with her lungs and is not to good..and he makes me feel like it my fault and make me feel guily about it like i shouuld date him cuz of his mom what should i do?

2007-02-04 15:25:22 · 10 answers · asked by courtney 1 in Singles & Dating

idk my friend is 280 pounds
but shes really pretty and nice
but idk
i was just wondering if any of you guys would find her attractive?

2007-02-04 15:25:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I used to have a huge crush on this guy in high school. A couple years later, I met my boyfriend who I am very much in love with and now live with him. He was the only person I'd ever been sexual with. When he and I were having problems about a month ago, I contacted my high school crush (who goes to my college) and we hooked up. Since then, we hooked up 3 more times. I don't know why I came back for more...the sex wasn't even that good. I called the other day and broke things off with the high school guy, because it's wrong and my bf and I are now trying to work on things, but I feel horribly guilty because my bf and I were still together when I did cheat on him. I'm not the person ANYONE would ever think would do such a thing. I'm very surprised and angry with myself. When it was going on though, I never felt an ounce of guilt. I just need to get this out and get some advice of how to completely get over and forget about this.

2007-02-04 15:24:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

who on here on this thingy is in love or confused about love or needs love or advice let me know...

2007-02-04 15:24:27 · 7 answers · asked by ASHLEE 1 in Singles & Dating

When I was little, it seemed like my father hated me. He was always hitting me and choking me until I was ready to pass out. He always yelled at me over everything. He died when I was 13, and I am afraid to talk to anyone around me about it. So...Can this affect my life now in any way? I wish I could've talked to him about it, and now I will never get the chance to. I feel mad all the time, and I have recently been told I have anxiety disorder. I don't want to take the medicine the doctor gave me though, because it don't seem like it works. But I am worried because I get feelings of anger all the time, and I have even thought about just going nuts one day and killing some people that bother me at school. So...I was just wondering if this could be the reason, and how I could possibly get any help for it.

2007-02-04 15:23:35 · 21 answers · asked by Blakke 1 in Family

we've kissed & stuff, but how can i make him realize that i really like him, not just for the physical stuff? i've handed out tons of hints - even told him flat out once, but the guy is dense! the only reason i've done anything with other guys is cuz i have no reason to believe he wants a real relationship with me - but he always comments on that kind of stuff to me. like 'oh, i saw you dancing with joe, why don't u just go home with him' what's his deal??? (i'm 24, so no high school answers, please) should i try one final time (with the direct 'i like u') or just give up?

2007-02-04 15:23:34 · 5 answers · asked by how empty of me 2 in Singles & Dating

We both go to school and we talk about our school history. She told me she used to go to private school and had to wear a dress. And she didn't like it. So she now goes to public school. And are conversation ended when the bell rang. She said i'm a loser and she walk away and I told her no your not. And that was it we both walk away and headed toward to another class. Why do you think she called her self a loser for?
She sound pretty serious when she called her self a loser. Maybe she thought I was bored with our conversation. Next day in class I was doing my work and this girl ask for a piece of gum and she was behind me and she ask for a piece too. I gave both of them a piece and the girl i'm interested said i'm sorry for bothering you and I said that's alright and that was it. So do you think she likes me?

2007-02-04 15:19:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I like this guy. the other day he told me he liked me and when he did i just said well i kinda like you too. then all of my friends were telling me he was going to ask me out the next day but he never did. its been a week since we found out we liked eachother and he still hasnt asked me out. we are ALWAYS together and he keeps holding me like i'm already his girlfriend but i dont think its official until he actually asked me to be his girlfriend. what is up with him taking so long? and does he already think we are "going out" just because we like eachother? i need guy help to help let me kinda get a feeling for what is going on inside his head.

2007-02-04 15:19:17 · 5 answers · asked by oneshaniafan 1 in Singles & Dating

Its first date with this girl, how do i build up the courage to put my arm around her.....we r going to a scary movie...i think shes pretty into me, we kinda kno each other but not like GOOD, so is this even a good idea? and if so how do i build up the courage to do it?

2007-02-04 15:18:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I need advice about a girl... can you help me?
We went out once, we are both 20 and are coworkers. We haven't talked in almost two weeks cuz i stopped leaving messages after not getting replies (although her phone had been acting up?). The past 2 days at work have been really awkward around her and I feel like crap/like a jerk, because people have given me the impression she's upset at me. I tried leaving a voicemail but it got bounced back to me, and I'm just too scared to call her. I've thought of what to say, but i can't even say it WITHOUT her on the phone, HELP!!!!!

Additional Details

17 minutes ago
it's the only girl i've ever talked too, and I know i'm a pu**y, so don't bother even saying it. and yes, i know i need to grow a pair.

2007-02-04 15:18:47 · 1 answers · asked by Wocka wocka 6 in Singles & Dating

when i was a kid i was expected to address adults with respect such as calling them Mr. Jones or whatever i was expected to shake the hand of an adult say thank you and so on. I knew to respect my elders. it seems though that as time goes on in our country we as a society are getting away from that, we are pushing towards treating children as equals, they are not they are children. we allow children to cal adults by their first name, and not shake their hand, we allow them to disobey and no one says anything. now i am not saying that every family is like this i am saying that there is a growing trend nationwide towards this. i am trying to figure out why it is that people feel that kids should not have to treat elders with respect.

2007-02-04 15:18:04 · 17 answers · asked by big_john_719 3 in Family

2007-02-04 15:17:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

How did I propose?, hmmm, I didn't, my wife proposed to me. We met in a online chat room, after a couple meetings, she proposed to me in the chat room, we have been married now for 4 happy years.

I will pick the one I like most in about 24 hours or so, and they will recieve the 10 points.

2007-02-04 15:17:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

OK, heres the deal. Last year I met this great girl at a Super Bowl party. We started going out that night. But then a week later she broke up with me for another guy. But then she broke up with him and she and I got back together. But then I broke up with her. Time passed and we eventually went out again, and then broke up a week or so later. But we still stayed close friends.

I went to a Super Bowl party this year, and she was there, and we talked and had a good time. I realized that I felt strongly for her. But when I asked her out again, she said she wanted to stay friends (probably because of our previous relationships failing). Now I have the worst feeling in the world and I really want to hold her and be with her.... what should I do? I need some advice....

2007-02-04 15:17:07 · 5 answers · asked by unreal_punk_rocker 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-04 15:16:40 · 5 answers · asked by lcag3415 3 in Singles & Dating

well. eversince i was in 4th. more 5th i cared how i looked. in 4th grade they told us about periods for girls. they told us to tell out mom but i cant cuz its too personal for me. she might think i grow up too fast probably. she even has this boyfriend policy and she even wants to know every boy who even likes me.... and this boy likes me. should i go up to my mom and tell her everything and they ugly girl thing? but she might over react. im 11 and its hard for mr to confront my mom. i dont have a dad to let you know

2007-02-04 15:16:27 · 8 answers · asked by Jennnnifer 2 in Other - Family & Relationships


Me and my GF of 2 years decided we want to move in together, Now she says she doesnt know if she wants to get married. That is ok with me but I think I would rather get married. I think living together first is a good idea and I agree with it but I do want to eventually get married. what to do?

2007-02-04 15:16:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


My co-workers automatically assumed that they were invited to my wedding as soon as I announced my engagement. For personal reasons I am unable to invite my co-workers. I would like to celebrate with them at a shower. How do I word my regrets. My fiance and I both have large families. We are having a private ceremony in my parent's backyard

2007-02-04 15:15:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

2007-02-04 15:15:30 · 4 answers · asked by wendy r 1 in Singles & Dating

my gf of 8 years just left me 3 days ago.We broke up 6 months ago but have been back together for just under 3 months.She just wants to be able to do things without ties for a while.She is going overseas for a couple of weeks soon and hopes to find work and stay for a few months.She still loves me and thinks i'm a great guy and i know she means it and i know she does not want another boyfriend.Because it was the 2nd breakup i told her i did not want to hear from her or see her so i can move on.That upset her but she said ok, now im worried she may never contact me again.We also have a house together so eventually will have to sort that out.My heart tells me there is still a lot there but it just isnt the right time.Should i just back off and move on for now and give her time to sort things out, let her discover what she wants.I definately dont want to force her back or push her away,i think we rushed back together last time.Whats the best thing to do in this situation?

2007-02-04 15:15:27 · 2 answers · asked by whitey 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Several days ago, the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, called me up on the morning that we were going to look at a house to live in, and dumped me. He had been begging me for months and I finally said yes and then he called and told me that he has issues to sort out and he thought that what he wanted was a loving and supportive partner but that a relationship isn't what he wants. He was divorced 18 months ago and it was really messy and there was a child involved and I am the first person he has dated since the split and he was the one that said all the romantic things and begged me to move in with him, then BAM- He sees his councellor again and suddenly he has all these issues to deal with and doesn't want to be with me. WHY?????

2007-02-04 15:15:07 · 2 answers · asked by Claudz78 1 in Singles & Dating

becuase i always say like if a girl is talking to me and is jokeing around i just say shes being nice. how do i know when she really does like me or she is just being nice?? IM me if you need to

2007-02-04 15:14:45 · 4 answers · asked by dc_snow_rules 3 in Singles & Dating

1st am not asking how to be disabled. Well aware. Asking specifically on how to handl overbearing aunt who treats me like a child and intentionally launches into long speeches on why i should do should do something around family. This is after i told her no. She intentionally sabatoged two things imp to me over christmas. Not asking advice on how to be disabled. Already know, and non disabled people have nothing of any importance to add to a total strangter they dont know circumpstances of disability. Very condescending and will recieve low rating. I am asking how to when an aunt intentionally tries to go over head over things that do not involve her and she is not paying for around family, how do i handle situation. Especially when in private, i told her no.

2007-02-04 15:13:53 · 9 answers · asked by Miss Johny 3 in Family

He says he's staying in the marriage for his daughter. Of course I 'm not planning on waiting for him. And no, we haven't had sex (thank goodness). I walked away because I knew it was going to happen. But I'm curious how many people stay in a bad marriage for the sake of their kid. I can't imagine why people put themselves through that torture. then again, I'm divorced, I guess it depends on each person.

2007-02-04 15:13:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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