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Family & Relationships - 16 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i know this is long, but please answer both questions so i went on a cruise and i met this whole group of guys. me and my friend hung out with them every single night of that cruise. the first 3 nights i had noticed this one guy, but nothing was happening between us, we just hung out really as a big group and talked a lot. the 4th night strolled around and me and this kid were hanging out and we went to my room and talked the whole entire night. he had mentioned to me ahead of time that he didn't want me to think he was gay because he wasn't going to do anything with me because i had already hooked up with his brother. so i was fine with that, and the whole entire night we talked about so much. i started to have more than a physical attraction to him, and before we even hooked up that night he had already kissed me on the cheek and when he had to go to the casino he promised he'd be back in 20 minutes to hang out with me, and he came back in 10. then we talked some more and by the end of the night we had hooked up. he slept over my room, and he had asked me before we hooked up if we were going to be hanging out the next day. the next day my friend got him from the casino, because he was always there right after dinner, and she asked him if he wanted to hang out..so he said yes and he came to my room right away to hang out. we had talked for a little while, and then he asked if i wanted to go to his room, and we went and we were hooking up and everything led to sex happening naturally in the moment. it was amazing, although he didn't talk much, it was as if he was focusing really hard and concentrating. he did everything to me, and there was a lot of foreplay. after we had sex, we went to the casino for a little while, and i told him i was going to go back to my room to lay down. i wasn't expecting him to come back that night, but he came knocking on my door to sleepover. the next night he came looking for me to hang out, but he thought i was with another guy because i was hanging out in a room with another guy, but nothing happened between me and that guy. so now he got upset, and didn't hang out with me for two nights. eventually we met back up again, and he explained to me how he thought i was with another guy. i cleared it up for him and told him that i was not with another guy at all, and i wouldn't be. that night, him, me and my friend hung out the whole entire night talking, until this other guy came to hang out with my friend. and then me and this kid had sex again in the moment, which was even more amazing the second time. he was so caring, and seemed to be more comfortable. he was constantly asking if i was alright, and told me to tell him when to stop. he slept over again that night and we layed together. earlier that night he had pulled my friend aside to ask what the deal with me was. and he said that i was his girlfriend on the cruise, and if i lived where he did after the cruise we'd be together. it just so happens that i am going to college where he lives. the last night we hung out once again and talked a lot, and he kissed me goodbye on the lips. after the cruise, he commented me right away on myspace, and we talked a few times, but it's really hard to talk everyday, and it's not easy to get involved in a long distance relationship, because those hardly ever work, plus we never really talked about it. at one point he had been really busy, but i thought he was avoiding me..so i left him a message saying, i'd still like to be friends or at least talk for that matter, but if you don't write back then i'll know you don't want any part of me. sure enough, he wrote back, and told me that of course we're still friends, and let me know that he didn't have a girlfriend or anything. i surprised him one time and he was really happy to see me, he acted the same exact way he did on the cruise, and kissed me on the lips goodbye. he told me to call him next time that way we could actually meet up and hang out. he wanted to make sure i was definitely coming to college there also. it was a really nice visit, and after the visit, he had commented me asking me how the rest of my trip was , and telling me to call him next time i was in his state. we haven't talked in awhile, and for right now i'm moving on, and so is he..he has a girlfriend which he just got recently, and i'm sure i'll find someone new, but hopefully in the future this might work out. p.s. i never did anything to him such as giving him head or a hand job, and he wasn't with any other girls on the cruise.

does this sound like he really liked me a lot, and maybe we have a chance in the future?

2007-01-16 11:38:29 · 13 answers · asked by lucy aaaaa 1 in Singles & Dating

Okay i heard that somes guys dont like tall girls because they dont feel like the stronger one. Is that true???

2007-01-16 11:38:20 · 13 answers · asked by Shelby N 4 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and I were going to his aunt's new house in the country (he just turned 16 and got his lisence so it was just us) but when we got there, his aunt wasn't there, because we were really late, so she went out, but my boyfriend has a key, so he decided to give me a tour. This house is HUGE and in the middle of freakin no where. When we came to guest room, he asked if i wanted to have sex. I told him no. But he pushed me on the bed, and....raped me.....
He's at least 6'3 about 160 pounds, and Im 5'8 and about 113 pounds. I told him to stop but he didn't. I couldn't fight him.I screamed, but no one was around to hear me. When he was done, he left the room, and I started crying....he drove me home and acted like nothing had ever happened. I'm terrified. He's supposed to love me. This is going to be impossible to prove, because we were going out and no one was there to hear me say no. Its his word against mine.
I dont know how to tell my mom...im so embarassed. What to do?

2007-01-16 11:38:18 · 31 answers · asked by help! 1 in Family

Okay well ive noticed my boobs are getting flatter since ive lost so much weight but now how am i gonna go to school with a flatter chest? my friends are gonna think i stuffed..help!

2007-01-16 11:37:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I dont have any piercings currently and decided that I want a tongue-web piercing. NOT A TONGUE PIERCING, a tongue-WEB piercing. A tongue-web, aka tongue frenulum, is that little skin-flap-attached-thingy underneath your tongue. I have done a lot of research on it and my parents have given me permission to get it. I am 15 years old. Can someone help me with a few questions?

1. How long have you had your tongue-web piercing? I know that they tend to migrate or reject, but I've never found a time on how long they usually last.

2. Did it hurt? Did they use numbing stuff?

3. How much did it cost?

4. Did you have any problems with it, like infection or unusual pain or etc?

Any other information or comments would be greatly appreciated! Please dont lecture me about it though, because it wont do much good. I will readily accept relevant criticism or warnings, but dont gripe at me like a grandma. Thank you very much! =)

2007-01-16 11:37:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Need some more opinions on this. She dumped me a week and a half ago (mostly my fault). She texted me a week after saying she misses me. I called the next day to see if she wanted to meet. She didn't reply but sent me a text saying "i don't know what i want to do. Just give me a while. I'm sorry". My response was "No worries. If you give me a chance to show you change rather than tell you that would be great. If not, that's okay too. Sometimes you get one shot and if that's the case here than there is nothing i can do. I hope you let me win your heart. take care.

Did I do the right thing here? I don't know if she will come back? Is she playing games? I am moving on regardless. I hope she does give me a shot but I don't know what else to do. I don't know if she is with another dude but i guess i can't control that either. What do you guys think? Is she coming back? She has not called me since, its been almost two weeks.

2007-01-16 11:35:49 · 21 answers · asked by D 1 in Singles & Dating

When a guy has a crush on a girl, what do they do, how do they act...how do shy/quiet guys act around girls they like? this shy guy i really like knows i like him, but how can i tell if he likes me back...we don't talk, but sometimes in homeroom he'll glance over my way...how do i know if he likes me??

2007-01-16 11:35:44 · 6 answers · asked by Surfergirl 4 in Singles & Dating

There is this guy at school that I really like, I just posted about this but I need way more answers. I really like him and I want to try to get to know him. Should I try to get to know him by my firneds and his friends? Should I have one of my friends ask him if he likes me? Should I have one of his friends ask him if he likes me? What should I do? I am really scared because I really never had a boyfriend and almost everyone else has. Please help me. This is just really hard for me. I never get advice from my parents. Just please help me people. Please and thank you.
If you need more infromation e-mail me at Babii_Jeremy_Lover@yahoo.com.

2007-01-16 11:35:34 · 15 answers · asked by babii_jeremy_lover 1 in Singles & Dating

Isn't cheating one night just as bad as cheating over a period of several months? What would be the difference to you if your spouse cheated for one night or had an affair? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I just wanted to get everyones input. My husband had an affair and sometimes I wonder if I would hurt any less if it had been just a one night stand. He slept with this tramp 5-10 times over about 8-9 months he was out of state working. We are in the process of working everything out, and he is very sorry. I am sorry but I do not believe once a cheat, always a cheat. I believe he deserves a second chance. Its hard to throw away 13 yrs together. He had to go to the gulf coast after Katrina and that is why he was away and me and my son were not able to go with him. We have since renewed our vows and things are GREAT.......most days. I still have tough times, but everyone says this is normal, and it helps that he has been so supportive and patient with me.

2007-01-16 11:35:27 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

This is what I've heard but I figured I'd take it to the polls. I've had long hair my whole life, but I want to do something different. Everyone keeps giving me dire warnings if I cut it. So Guys in all honesty I know this is a very frivolous question but do you prefer long hair or shorter hair!

2007-01-16 11:34:21 · 17 answers · asked by Marie 3 in Singles & Dating

Once you get to know the guy well enough to have a one on one conversation with him, can't you just come out and say something like, "I wish we could be more than just friends"?

I recently learned (from a friend of ours) that a girl I thought cared nothing about me has had a major crush on me for over 3 years. I probably would have went out with her, but she always gave me the impression that she wasn't interested.

Ladies, please tell me WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?

2007-01-16 11:34:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I was just about to ask this guy out that I have liked, but when I was about to ask I froze up and could not talk! I don't know what to do because he likes me, but I can't ask him. What should I do and say?

2007-01-16 11:33:52 · 2 answers · asked by monkeyluver 3 in Singles & Dating

A young wife and mother of one has been stuggling with intimacy with her husband. She loves her husband but has continually been drawn to another man she new before they met instead of him. She and this man had a romatic relationship before but over time it morphed into a fulfilling friendship that she kept secret from her husband. Though she loves her husband she also has deep feelings for this man and cannot seem to stop contacting him. She is struggling with letting this man go and move on with her future. A year ago the husband discovered that she was in contact with him, was angry but still took her back. Recently it was discovered that she had not stopped speaking to him when she said she did. The husband is stuggling with serious trust issues and the wife just wants to get past it and move to thier future but admittedly is apprehensive about being able to let him go. She cites the husbands lack of romance and sense of style as a mitigating factor. What is your opinion on this??

2007-01-16 11:33:47 · 5 answers · asked by Magnus01 3 in Marriage & Divorce

My bf and I have been together for a little over a year. I have noticed lately that all the things that really made me like him, he stopped doing and I finally understand my irritations about our relationship. For instance, he used to cook and help me around the house (he is often at my house 2-3 times a week). The other day it snowed pretty badly, he left my house to head home pretty late, but I noticed that he didn't even shovel a pathway on his way out (my neighbor was sweet enough to do this the next day for me as I am a single mom). He doesn't keep a very clean house, so I guess I am lucky he somewhat tries if I ask. But I hate asking!!! It is annoying and actually angers me because we are looking at the same stuff. He wants to move in with me in a couple of months and I am thinking "no way". Rather than spend another month or even year with him, I am wondering if we part ways now based on compatibility. Has anyone experienced similar? Is there hope for us???

2007-01-16 11:32:24 · 5 answers · asked by Nutzzzzz 2 in Singles & Dating

i need 2500$
why because i to enter this school
you dont need to know everything so dont ask me about my life
god i hate when people do that
well you would become my hero if you could help me out with a great idea
please dont answer if its a answer like get a job
im only 12
also this is one of those question where if i find a great answer i will be soo thankful and i will never ask another again this is how important it is for me please help

2007-01-16 11:31:57 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends


for not wanting my gf's kids to sleep with us?? I know they are her flesh and blood and still young and all that, but I want to sleep with my woman ALONE!!!

2007-01-16 11:31:40 · 15 answers · asked by donnie b 2 in Marriage & Divorce

He sends an email saying he likes you a whole lot but cannot date you. You tell him that you two can still share a good friendship, but then he starts to compliment you a lot and share his deepest secrets with you. What is he up to???

2007-01-16 11:31:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what is a good song to say i love you ? its over ? or lets take a break?

2007-01-16 11:30:35 · 5 answers · asked by JADE M 2 in Singles & Dating

We have been married for a little over a year, we have AMAZING sex, at least, at the very least once a day. He's being very selfish because I for one am very good looking, I'm a part time model and a make-up artist. I do anything sexually he wants and give him whatever he wants. Is It Me?

2007-01-16 11:29:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

what is the worse thing you could ever do to a women?

2007-01-16 11:28:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce





2007-01-16 11:28:45 · 17 answers · asked by MARIA TORRES 2 in Weddings

My spouse and I have a child together. Do I need to go thru any legal procedures to get custody of my son before our divorce?

2007-01-16 11:27:58 · 10 answers · asked by km_angelheart 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a boyfriend whom I've been dating for about 1 1/2 years. In this amount of time, due to other issues, I have alienated myself from most of my friends and people I would confide in. My BF is kind of hard to talk to as well. SO, in July, I began keeping a diary of things going on in my life (be it our relationship, my family, friends, work, etc.) I do this to get out frustrations and thoughts that would otherwise stew inside of me, and put them on paper, so I can later reflect while in a different mood! People tell me this is good for me. My BF on the other hand feels I should not have this journal and thinks I'm keeping secrets from him. I told him if he HAS to read then go ahead. But he won't. He assumes its all bad stuff about him & he'll just give me crap about it when he notices I've had it out and written in it. Keep in mind we're not married, engaged. or co-habitating, so I have 2 questions. 1) Am I wrong for keeping this diary? 2) Am I obligated to share it with him?

2007-01-16 11:27:53 · 23 answers · asked by Haleigh's Mommy 2 in Singles & Dating

im 17 and im really into this girl in my math class. we talk everytime in , she sits behind me. we dont really talk much about our personal life. we mostly talk about school related stuff and sometimes we help eachother with math. I really wanna ask her out but i dont know how to ask her or tell her how i feel. whats the right time to ask her??

2007-01-16 11:27:34 · 6 answers · asked by rainman0116 1 in Singles & Dating

help!?! my friend lives in springside, saskatchewan canada.
he has DAS, slight autism, stuttering, paranoia, schizophrenia,
his mother yells at him, and treats him cruelly, sometimes beats him,she doesn't let him go out, doesn't let him use the phone.

and he was recently expelled from his 'special' school for getting in a fight with some kids that were tormenting him, picked on him, made fun of him, then they threatened to kill a dog, they messed with him persistently until he got expelled for fighting with them.

he has gone to the police, and told them that she does these things, but she says that he tried to kill her, and they believe her over him, and then that night she beats him. he has gone to child services and they said he cannot be taken because of his ''preferences'', and his mom is forcing him to move out by feb. 2.
they say he is 2 mentally unstable for a normal home, what can he do? is there anything i can do? please help!?!

2007-01-16 11:27:16 · 11 answers · asked by Kenny 2 in Friends

2007-01-16 11:27:01 · 12 answers · asked by RUBY D 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My spouse and I have a child together. Do I need to go thru any legal procedures to get custody of my son before our divorce?

2007-01-16 11:26:51 · 5 answers · asked by km_angelheart 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Okay, I love this guy, and he loves me, but when he told his aunt(pratically his mom) and showed her a picture of me, she said that he would either have to find a skinnier girl, or that i'd have to lose weight to be with him, And that his whole family is small, and that he is supposed to keep it that way. I asked him, what he would do in this situation, and he said that he would do whatever it took to make my family happy. And i dont think like that, the way i see it, im going to be the same person, no matter what i look like, take it or leave it. but i dont know what to do. Should i change for him? or not? and if so... any suggestions?

2007-01-16 11:26:45 · 3 answers · asked by xbilbiex 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My friend is turning 21, what should I get her? She seems like she has everything! I need an idea!
I was thinking of taking her out for lunch or maybe taking her to like Holt Renfrew or Mac to pick out some make-up (since she doesn't wear much) and buy it for her, but if I did it feels like she knows how much I spent, I doubt she'll let me pay for lunch either...
Need ideas....was also thinking to get her a robe and slippers...
Please any ideas, what would you get one of your best friends

2007-01-16 11:26:40 · 6 answers · asked by nikki d 1 in Friends


when u have butterflies towards a person, what are the feelings like that u have against that person.........concerning love

2007-01-16 11:24:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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