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Family & Relationships - 4 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I'd like to think not, but I'm not so sure. It's like, all I hear is how women are looking fo a great guy, who will love and respect them and when they find that, BAM! Seriously guys, is it any wonder we get confused? Ladies, I'm starting to think I have to be a bit of a dog before I get your attention, and that just ain't me!

2007-01-04 03:45:21 · 24 answers · asked by randyken 6 in Singles & Dating

once the guy becomes 44 or 45 , what would the age range be then ?

2007-01-04 03:45:17 · 9 answers · asked by don;t know 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-04 03:45:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

After a huge and somewhat physical argument my man told me that if I put my hands on him again he would leave me for good. But now it seems he seems to be doing things that he really knows aggravates me. Do you think he is trying to see if I have refrained from being verbal or physical with him? Or is he looking for a way out. I just found out that his ex was physically and verbally abusive to him.

2007-01-04 03:44:54 · 7 answers · asked by stella 2 in Singles & Dating

few weeks before i graduated from college which i just did, i met a girl. one time, late at night, when we were both studying, she said she was starving so i wanted to feed her, but it was 2am so no place was open so i told her to come back to my room. i was REALLY busy at that time with papers and working a full time job so my room was really messy, even though i had cleaned it a week before. there was newspaper on the floor because i am a painter. that was the only time she saw my room. we are still friends and both kinda like each other but i still can't get over the way my room was the only time she saw it. i feel like a bum. why do i keep dwelling on this??

2007-01-04 03:44:42 · 3 answers · asked by rhiannon_kc 1 in Singles & Dating

what should i do to make him marry with me!

2007-01-04 03:44:27 · 22 answers · asked by afsoon 1 in Singles & Dating

Hi :)

I'm foreign, 20 yrs old , I have a pretty decent life in America but still I don't like it..
Please do not get offended. I know some will say go back to your country, I really can't wait to do that but I have to stay here until I get my masters degree in 4 years.. This is a good country to make money, get a good job,it has a very good education system, but still :(

I am feeling depressed ever since I came to this country.. I got separated from my friends, my best friend, my boyfriend , and everyone...
I only have my parents and my brother here...

After 2 years of long distance relationship my BF brokeup with me..

I miss him and I miss my friends and I can't seem to get along with Americans, not enough to have STRONG friendships..

The problem is, everyone here ia pressuring me to forget my past and start a new life, to date a local guy (there is nothing wrong with them they'r cute) and have Local friends..

Is there anything wrong with me?

2007-01-04 03:44:18 · 10 answers · asked by leave me alone 1 in Friends

2007-01-04 03:44:09 · 11 answers · asked by mustangdm02 1 in Singles & Dating

i have been just reading i love being the enemy by reggie miller and it seemed like he loved his wife alot. why did he get a divorce.

2007-01-04 03:43:52 · 7 answers · asked by A K 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I have been trying to break away from my highschool girlfriend for several years. In highschool everyone was always talking about how smart and pretty she was, but as an adult she is fat and never went to college. Once I got to know her I found out that she is a lying, vindictive, needy person, who cheated on me constantly with her old boyfriend and other guys. I took her back even after she was riding around town with her old boyfriend in his new car. I come from a small town where everyone knows each other, I am adopted and I lost my adopted mother at a very young age. After I graduated highschool I went to the military, but when I came back I kept seeing her and at 19, she got pregnant by me. She also has a second child that is not mine. She knew the second child was not mine but let me sign the birth certificate anyway and Iet me give the child my mothers name. We live together and she wants to get married, she is always there for me and holds on the me no matter what. I do have ??

2007-01-04 03:43:39 · 24 answers · asked by Dasher777 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I want to buy some life insurance for my dad. He is 59 years old and is a stroke victim. He doesn't live with me he lives in an assisted living facility. Is there an affordable life insurance policy that I can buy for him? I tried Globe Life but they rejected him due to his history of stroke and high blood pressure. I am trying to find something that is very very affordable because I will have to be paying for this myself along with my own personal bills. Thanks

2007-01-04 03:43:23 · 10 answers · asked by Cheryl J 2 in Family

I am 39 years old I guess you can say I look younger, but 39 is still very young as I feel young and great, younger guys, who don't get me wrong HOT are attracted to me, as I too would be, but are they to young? or would it be and are they just looking to be in abooty call thing< Trying to understand, but I am very flattered and almost tempted.

2007-01-04 03:42:59 · 12 answers · asked by homespaparties4u 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-04 03:42:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How many of u guys like a younger woman and why? i love older guys!

2007-01-04 03:42:29 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

it is this boy in my cllass who i skip class with and it this relly strong boy who he scared of now and he about to get punched what should he do the boy that i skip with is geting punched

2007-01-04 03:42:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I am 17 and i would like to move out because my father recently passed away in feb of 06. and now i am stuck with my horrible step family. Just because i am not there child they treat me like crap. and treat me totally diffrent then everyone. I really really could use some help trying to find a way out of this house...hopefully w/o invoving emancipation or CPS. that would be great THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP

2007-01-04 03:42:19 · 5 answers · asked by Bao 2 in Family

i have been with my partner for 4years now.he has 2kids from a previous relationship.i love his 2kids as if there my own.the problem is his mother.anytime i see her,i have to put up with her talking bout the kids mother.i no i have to listen about her for the kids sake&if its to do with them,but their names get mentioned.all she ever says is wat a ***** she is&wat she has done yrs ago.i hate havin 2see her.me&my partner cud be in his mums house,but whenever he leaves the room she starts talking 2me bout her.she says nothing infront of him.i said it 2my partner&he said it 2his mum 2stop but its a waste of time.shes obsesed wit her. i dont think i deserve 2put up with this. anyone have any advice. thanks.xx

2007-01-04 03:41:30 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I have a big birthday coming up in a few months & my husband keeps asking about giving me a party, but I can't decide if I want a party or should we take that money and go somewhere? And if we go, do we take the kids? (teens) can't decide - what do you think?

2007-01-04 03:41:05 · 4 answers · asked by Forever 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

Im almost tweenty and my bf wants to ask me to marry me but says i need to grow up, i want too get married to him but he said i need to learn how to manage my money stop getting in debit with credit cards pick up after myself get my ged be more responsible what age do u think im acting in his mind, i asay im gonna do these things but i just dont he said talk is cheap so any ideas on how to help me act more mature and stick with things i say i want to do?

2007-01-04 03:40:54 · 20 answers · asked by babygirl00087 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My mother has never understood "boundaries". I think she views me as her own personal property. You can tell her repeatedly how you want things to be and she acts like she's never heard it before.

My husband and I decided two years ago to move 5 hours away from her so we didn't have to deal with her daily. A year later she started looking for a house 30 min. from us. She wanted to know what I thought....I told her, "Don't move, don't sell your house." (My dad still works...she sold the house to buy one 30 min. from me and he has to commute 5 hours...they rent an apartment to stay there during the work week.) But she is mostly here.

I told her before they moved, "I will not be your life after you move over here." She said, "I don't expect you to be." Now she is mad at me because I won't come see her everyday and I don't call her.

She calls me as much as 5 times a day. We've had an argument over me not seeing her and I have been issued the silent treatment. YES!!!

2007-01-04 03:40:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I handpainted white backs with the letter S as this is soon to be the last name my fiance and I share. Do you think that filling these bags with Easter candy will create a nice favor for my spring wedding?

2007-01-04 03:40:37 · 13 answers · asked by orangeflameninja 4 in Weddings

we've tried every postion i've even tried swinging after he cheated (i was his first) i forgave him. stupid i know :(. i've even gone to the point of tring to make his fantasy come true. i just don't know how to spice it up anymore. i'm not into the swinging so i put a stop to that real fast. but i just need some advice on how to spice up the love making and realtionship part. we also have 2 babies

2007-01-04 03:40:10 · 24 answers · asked by trblmmmy 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Hey, I am 16 and I am having a really BIG problem gettin over my ex. Can you help me by telling me ways to get over him?

2007-01-04 03:39:33 · 14 answers · asked by ~sweatypie~ 1 in Singles & Dating

What would happen if women just shut down? No sex before marriage. How would men respond?

2007-01-04 03:39:25 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

So, my wife wanted to go to her moms for dinner last night and I didn't. She then mentioned making dinner at home and watching a movie, So I changed into my pajamas and went to the couch. A few minutes later, she gets her coat, purse, keys and leaves, without saying anything to me. I wait 45 minutes and put my clothes on and head over to my buddy's house for Wed night poker. I'm there about 15 minutes and my phone rings, it's her, she's at home and just needed a number, I said, I thought you went to the mommas, she said no, went to the store.... I said okay and she said okay and we hung up. I got home about 10:30 and she was already in bed... I showered and went to the couch, as I didn't want to wake her up... ( she is a light sleeper ). This morning, she gets up and ready for work, doesn't say a word to me, so I didn't speak to her either. During our workdays, we always email each other, but nothing today....

2007-01-04 03:39:23 · 15 answers · asked by jairman2004 2 in Singles & Dating

Why is it that two people who love each other cannot seem to get their crap together and make things work? Is it fate or a test? Why can't a grown man make his own choices and stop letting other people dictate his life and happiness? How much do you withstand before you give up and move on?

2007-01-04 03:39:02 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2 in Marriage & Divorce

when i am around this guy i get so nervouse!! he is a very nice guy and we're actually friends but i for some reason i get so nervous and get butterflies in my stomach. i nver used to do this this episode just started like 3 weeks ago. if it means that i like him , should i tell him. thats the problem if i should tell him .. how should i ? im not that good at talking w/ the guys i get very nervous around them especially to the ones i like!! so help me please!!!

2007-01-04 03:38:39 · 6 answers · asked by britt- britt 1 in Singles & Dating

We've been together for 7.5 years, married for 5. We talked about this very early in our relationship, with me telling him "I want kids, if you don't, then maybe you should just move on." He said he would be fine with one, two max. Well maybe be fine with, got lost in translation. He told me last night that if I were to get pregnant without specifically asking his permission, he'd leave- "accidents don't happen." Also, that he'd probably be happier to see our dogs that any child we might have. His dad was absentee, and he resents him for it, and I've pointed that out, but he says he resents him for the ensuing divorce not the absenteeism. I am 31 and he is 36 so age is not an issue. He is used to doing what he wants when he wants with little regard to others, and I think losing that is his biggest fear. I really wanted him to WANT a kid, not just accept it. I don't think it is responsible to have a child into those circumstances. To me this seems almost like a deal breaker, am I right?

2007-01-04 03:38:37 · 11 answers · asked by bunnyhead 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

my boyfriend don't know if he loves me and he keeps talking about his past i need help i don't know what to do shuld i wait for him to find himself or face the pain and wait..i love him alot but now im lost please help??

2007-01-04 03:38:32 · 2 answers · asked by Chi 1 in Singles & Dating

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