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Family & Relationships - 13 October 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Except your bedroom which other place you find safe to have physical fun with your partner or even your girl friend ??

2006-10-13 05:39:59 · 14 answers · asked by chemburbroker 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My best friend is a girl (i'm a guy) and we get on great, but some days in school we dont even talk. We are both 15 if that matters, and there have always been rumors flying around about us. Today for example, I only talked to her during the last 3 classes, before that we barely said hi. Also, the thing is that when we do talk she seems to be more honest with me, like if I ask her how she is she will tell me if she isnt feeling great (whereas with most other people she will just say fine or something). So, why do we not talk at all so often? With other girls whom arent as good friends with me, I can joke and mess with whenever I see them, but with her it is only if an actual conversational chance comes up, like if we are standing in the same group. (We don't just shout out hi to each other from accross the room--which I would with other people) Despite this she is my best friend, but I am just wondering why it is awkward sometimes.

2006-10-13 05:38:57 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

if it is not nice to confront due to respect..etc..?

2006-10-13 05:38:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

why dont men after being with someone 2 years and then leavin u give a shyt if ur hurting?no feelings when u cry no remorse they hurt u they dont remember the good times likeus woman.why ?how do u make a man hurt over leaving u?and losing u how ?suggestions he dont call he doesnt wanna see me he said he loves me but..doesnt want to fight nomore..will he hurt at all everyday together 2 years living together..is he cheating i wonder.anyways i want him to feel the pain im going thru help

2006-10-13 05:38:49 · 15 answers · asked by cbutterflyc 2 in Singles & Dating

Its our 6 month and I need some good ideas for picnic food

2006-10-13 05:38:06 · 5 answers · asked by Miguel G 1 in Singles & Dating

what is your favorite type of a kiss

2006-10-13 05:36:57 · 22 answers · asked by Justin B 2 in Singles & Dating

What did you use as your wedding favors?

2006-10-13 05:36:22 · 26 answers · asked by me 1 in Weddings

I have a BF that asked me to marry him. He gave me a ring (which is turning my finger black). I have a 17 year old son that is a Senior in HS. Because I often feel the need to stay home with my son, (he is having problems with school and pot) my BF has often become angry. He and I discussed moving in together this month, but I don't think the timing is right concerning my son. He was upset, but said he understood. Ever since, he has been intolerant of me and impatient.
We had a fight last night with the end result he hung up on me. I got up to go to the bathroom and looked at the pc, and discovered that he is back on the singles sites!! I am so hurt and angry. He sent me an email saying the following, "I feel down in my gut that you will never be there for me.There are
two standards of value in the world,one is money,the other is time.You
have no money so your value exchange is time.Time which I feel I have to
beg for a morsel of.My lifes on hold." What should I do?

2006-10-13 05:36:22 · 13 answers · asked by anny 2 in Singles & Dating

My best friend is a girl (i'm a guy) and we get on great, but some days in school we dont even talk. We are both 15 if that matters, and there have always been rumors flying around about us. Today for example, I only talked to her during the last 3 classes, before that we barely said hi. Also, the thing is that when we do talk she seems to be more honest with me, like if I ask her how she is she will tell me if she isnt feeling great (whereas with most other people she will just say fine or something). So, why do we not talk at all so often? With other girls whom arent as good friends with me, I can joke and mess with whenever I see them, but with her it is only if an actual conversational chance comes up, like if we are standing in the same group. (We don't just shout out hi to each other from accross the room--which I would with other people) Despite this she is my best friend, but I am just wondering why it is awkward sometimes.

2006-10-13 05:36:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Looked very big when I put it into the oven

2006-10-13 05:36:01 · 9 answers · asked by your pete 4 in Marriage & Divorce

my daught tells us that some bad people broke in to thier house and killed all of them, his parents went to heaven and he came to live with us his name is jacky some times we have to set a plate at the tabel for him and buckle him in the car. He is very friendly and my daughter loves him im not sure if this is real or all made up.

2006-10-13 05:35:50 · 10 answers · asked by tontoe 1 in Family

I ran into this guy about 7 months ago and we had hit it off talking,i was still bitter about catching my ex cheating on me(they are friends)he listened and understood,he drove me home that night and i invited him to stay,I asked him to sleep in the bed with me,he did,i asked him to put his arm around me,he did till i slept,he was a complete gentleman,things were awkward the next morning when he left,a mutual freind told me he liked me but is freaked about my ex(who is still trying to get me back)I saw this guy once since that night and he came to me and said"your killing me",my ex was also there so we had to keep quiet.I have thought of him ever since.So there is this yearly party coming up and my ex and this guy will both be there(I dont mind seeing my ex,for i am over him)but i want to see this other guy in hopes of talking to him again,the problem is he rsvp'd for himself plus a guest,so i am assuming he has a date.Would you still go?

2006-10-13 05:34:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

So I have been dating this girl for about 3 weeks now. And I have no problem with her being a *****, but we do get stares and hear comments everynow and then and I'm just wondering when people are going to get over this interracial dating thing and just leave interracial couples alone. It just pisses me off royaly.

2006-10-13 05:34:07 · 17 answers · asked by Cliff B 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm 19 years old and my husband just turned 19. We fight almost everyday now that were married but it's over the stupidest stuff i try to let it go but it's hard to ignore it...ok here's the thing we have been married for about four months we were together for about a year and seven months. When we were just a couple he was living an hour away from me he was only 17 and living with his aunt who was very strict so we snuck...well he cheated on me twice when we were just boyfriend and girlfriend...well now that were married we still bring that subject up maybe cuz i can't forget about it and it bothers me he only cheated twice but we barley saw each other before and he got drunk..well he moved in with me on his 18th b-day that was his choice not mine and his family drives me nuts cuz now were married their mad at me for him moving out but it wasnt my choice he wanted to! We cant seem to forget about the past! Sometimes when we talk he brings up stuff i didn't even know b4 i need advice!!

2006-10-13 05:34:04 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Why do hypocrites and racist Jews/white guys try to reverse their racism by telling you you're racist for pointing out the truth?
White guys who answer these posts always leave this out of their argument about how it's ok for everybody including Asian guys to accept these relationships when these are the same people who would denounce relationships between Asian males and white females. This is obvious by the way the white media in this country pair up Asian females with White males 90-99% of the time when the majority of Asian relationships are between Asian females and Asian males. The media doesn't do this to women of any other race hence you don't see those women have a thing for white males in the same proportion as Asian females.
The influence of the media towards it's targeted audiance has been proven to be substantial in study after study. The media has a substantial affect on Asians in this country because their population is smaller than other ethnic groups here. There is also a lack of an Asian American culture in America leading to a lack of a defined Asian American identity. Look at it this way, African Americans have a defined African American Identity (black music, black stars etc), White Americans have a defined white identity (white music, white stars etc), Hispanics have a defined Hispanic identity (Hispanic music, hispanic stars etc). Asians in this country really don't have an Asian American culture so the majority of them will take up either a white identity or a black identity. In essence, it's like having an Asian person that looks Asian on the outside but are either white or black on the inside.

How the media conditions Asians in the country and how it divides Asians Americans: The media portrays Asian females and Asian males divergently. Asian females are paired up with white males the majority of the time yet the majority of Asian relationships in this country are between Asian males and Asian females. The American media almost never pair up Asian males with white females even though these relationships, though fewer than AF/Wm relationships make up a portion of Asian reltionships in this country. What you have then is a mirroring effect of how the media actually conditions Asian Americans to socialize in this country. Asian guys can get white women and women of any other race as can be seem in this website:


The problem with the distortion of Asian interracial relationships is that the media gives a thumbs up to Asian female interractial relationships-showing this mostly with white males, sometimes with black males and almost never with hispanic males and you get the mirroring effect of social dynamics for Asians in this country. One has to ask why the media continues to portray Asian females with nonAsian males the majority of the time when Asian female Asian males male up the majority of Asian relationships in this country. The media doesn't do this with women of any other race.

Link to what happens when the one way conditioning of the old media gives way to the internet.


Links to media influence:


http://www.troubledwith.com/stellent/groups/public//@fotf_troubledwith/documents/articles/twi_013924.cfm?channel=Parenting%20Teens&topic=Media%20Influence&sssct=Background%20Info The white male dominated media does not like to portray Asian males with white females because they know what giving a thumbs up to these kinds of relationships can do. Imagine what would happen if 90-99% of all media portrayals of Asian males are with white females and Asian males are portrayed in the most positive light while Asian women are dogged out in the media. There'd be a pretty dramatic impact on Asian interracial relationships in this country.

2006-10-13 05:33:57 · 10 answers · asked by sidewinder45 2 in Other - Family & Relationships


I'm analy clean, I like everything to have an order. My bofyriend and I don't live together currently. He's incredibly messy. Do you think when we get married this could be a huge problem in our lives? Do you think someone who is messy can ever change?

2006-10-13 05:33:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm feeling very depressed. Reality has finally set in, I thought women were looking for a man that was polite, generous and trustworthy. Well, my date last night clued me into reality. When I opened the door for her at the restaurant last night, she didn't say Thank you, but brushed her right hand against " me " ! Well I know that was no accident, she was checking out the " package ". When I was paying the tab , she asked me if she could see my wallet, Again, she was checking how many credit cards and cash I had on me..From her " brush at the door against my " package " it was apparent she was overjoyed, but when she saw I only had two credit cards, one was Sears the other visa, she couldn't hide her disappointment ( I actually thought she was going to throw a glass of water in my face ). So where do I find a nice girl where the size of the wallet and package are secondary to the nice guy I am ?

2006-10-13 05:33:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok like yesterday, im only 16. i felt so much pain and sadness and lonelyness. all day. i dont kno why i felt this way. i felt like noone was there for me. I had thoughts of killing myself. i dont kno whats going on. I cant see my parents because i want to learn to care for myself. I'm only a wiccan child in need of advice. i cant see a doctor either.

another thing. Do u believe suicide is someones choice to kill themselfs and respect their choices.

please say something

2006-10-13 05:33:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

my boyfriend worked with this girl who obviously had a major thing for him. she was always after him to hang out with her and would call him all the time. he said he only liked her as a friend, and thats all. then, he didn't call me for 2 days, and i couldn't get a hold of him. when i got out of my night class i saw that he had called me, and when i called him back, his phone was off. i called his roommate and he told me that he had left the apartment. i tried to call him all night and his phone was still off. well, needless to say, i was ready to kick his ***, and the next morning he calls me back. i went to his apartment and asked him where the hell was he, and he lied to me and told me that he went to bed early. i said i talked to his roommate and i knew that was a lie. then he said he was at his co-worker's house (that girl i mentioned earlier) and was watching a movie and fell asleep on her couch. he said nothing happened. i don't know what to believe. can someone help me?

2006-10-13 05:33:00 · 8 answers · asked by Katy 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

A friend of mine in India belonging to so called upper caste wants to marry a girl from so called lower caste with respected social status. But my friend's parents are against it. How do you think parents can be convinced so that everyone is happy

2006-10-13 05:32:23 · 16 answers · asked by nimmi 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Why do i either attract men who are losers who just want to play around or leave or men who are too clingy, possessive, desperate, and want a baby right away? Also, why would this guy ive been dating for two months who admits he is a player after i finally called him on it keep apologizing that he cant commit and he keeps asking me how i feel about it and telling me how great i am and that one day i will meet someone worthy...does he just feel guilty? Sorry if the question is dumb...also...im 24, attractive, successful and well educated...so its gotta be me then?

2006-10-13 05:31:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a hard time believing that all the men I deal with every day are this stupid. At work, they seem to have no clue where anything is or how to find it...however at any given moment can tell you exactly how much money is in the bank and who owes how much. You wouldn't actually be able to find your way into the receivables system to look at the information though...you just know it. You can't dial a number on the fax machine and press start but you can build a house, a commercial complex or a 50 story sky scraper...I'm not getting it. Is it the attention you like? Obviously your not lazy...at work anyway, so is it attention? Are you just trying to see how much you can get someone else to do for you?

2006-10-13 05:31:10 · 16 answers · asked by sasha 4 in Marriage & Divorce

So you start dating again and meet someone really nice, then three others come along. So begins the problem. You kinda want to date only one but friends say to keep options open. You do but then you don't. Do you tell the first one that your dating other people, or keep your mouth shut and see where each may lead? How do you do all of that w/o getting lost?

2006-10-13 05:30:59 · 8 answers · asked by Hot one 2 in Singles & Dating

Like what does it entail? Is it good enough to simply 'come' whilst you are expressing yourself on the phone. And does this moaning and groaning get a guy off?

2006-10-13 05:30:18 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Boys, please, give me the most interesting phrases... that you have to break the ice when we meet a strange but attractive girl.

Girls, please, give me the ice-breakers you like to hear...

You know, I wanna learn some in English.

A good one that I know is: "Your father is supposed to be a thief, because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."

Other: "when they invented the alphabet, they whoud put the u and I together."

That's my English repertoire!

Ie - B r a z i l

2006-10-13 05:30:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

home alone...................................

2006-10-13 05:28:38 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I'm talking about one hundred guests, a decorator, and all the works. If you or someone you know has done so...please respond to this with details...I NEED YOUR HELP!

2006-10-13 05:28:26 · 3 answers · asked by hereiam 1 in Family

I have a friend who likes this guy but she is white and he is black and her mother said she thinks it's a sin. HELP!!!

2006-10-13 05:26:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I dated this guy for 7 months and he got to where he was being verbaly abbusive. I told him to get out and ever since this happend he wont leave me alone..

2006-10-13 05:25:03 · 30 answers · asked by blue eyes 3 in Singles & Dating

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