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Teaching - October 2007

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hopefully my question makes sense.

2007-10-31 18:53:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have known businessmen who make good money, but did not pass the 5th grade, can't read, write or spell. Their wife, or lawyer does it all for them. So people don't be mislead when it says you have to have a master's degree. Even these people don't know how to spell and speak as well. Your thoughts.

2007-10-31 09:12:38 · 4 answers · asked by Born Valentine's Day 5

i want to teach english online, some koreans find their tutors through the net. how can it be possible? how can i have my name advertised?

2007-10-30 22:54:05 · 9 answers · asked by jeon_darla 1

2007-10-30 20:38:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is it that they do not teach practical accounting in the school levels itself instead of giving so much prominance to history and geography

2007-10-30 18:33:56 · 1 answers · asked by laxman be 1

I am a Junior in college and still wondering what grade I would like to teach. I have worked with kindergarten, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade. What grade is your favorite and why? What were some bad things about the grades you have taught?

2007-10-30 16:46:00 · 6 answers · asked by Dave & Sunny 2

I have read the book but have a hard time answering this essay question

Explain the personal impact that Pip’s expectations (make sure you understand what this refers to) have on those in his life, as well as himself. What are some of the important life lessons that Pip learns through his experience? Discuss 2 - 3 in depth.

2007-10-30 16:37:10 · 3 answers · asked by n/a n 1

Identify internal and/or external rewards that impact recruitment and retention of quality teachers. How do such rewards influence recruitment or retention? How might these rewards shift as new accountability-centered teacher reforms are proposed (such as merit pay and competency testing)?

2007-10-30 16:04:09 · 5 answers · asked by love to ask questions 1

Do you think it is right to have certain teachers talking excessively about religion,while some students do not believe in what the teacher is saying

2007-10-30 11:40:19 · 18 answers · asked by ASA 2

If I get a Bachelor's of Arts and Humanities degree, but do not have a major, can I later get certified to be a teacher in the state of Texas? In any other state?

Thank you.

2007-10-30 11:25:50 · 5 answers · asked by she_isnt. 2

anybody have some tip for how to do well in math class
thank you

2007-10-30 07:41:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i asked my economics teacher...if i can get a packet cuz i didn't till next class ..she tells me that she mentioned it in class and that i'd have to wait for the next class.....so she cancels 2 consecutive classes... she has this tutor that works with business courses such as economics, accounting etc.
and so i accidentally took the packet w/o giving it back.....so i come to class ask for the complete packet and shey says didnt u didnt get it from the tutor?. i say yes..but I only....copied the ones I needed at the time...
she starts yelling...u didnt give it back to her!!!students were looking for it!! you need to give it...back!!! i say.......i apologize i thought i had given it back to her.....so go downstairs to see the tutor andapologize about it
and i told her the teacher yelled at me and accused me of taking it...the tutor says i didnt mention ur name but i did tell her i handed it to a student and it wasn't given back to me...I'm sorry
I say I thought i had

2007-10-30 07:21:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Compared to the cost of living. Highest pay to least expensive place to live. High school teacher(art) Thanks

2007-10-30 01:51:10 · 2 answers · asked by Paint Expert 3

My son is currently in his second year of teaching and is preparing to pursue his degree in school administration. He has all level certification. However he has two young girls and I know assistant principals are overworked. Does anyone know if there is a notible difference the after hours spend by an elementary principal, middle school or secondary. I know there are a lot of games with secondary. Anyways any suggestions would be helpful.

2007-10-30 01:17:57 · 4 answers · asked by Jason G 3

2007-10-29 18:23:50 · 5 answers · asked by ? 1

Do teachers act the same way outside of school as they do in the classroom/school?

2007-10-29 18:14:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im in the 6th grade at a school called westrocks i have a spanish techer named ms,osses and i think she really hates me im usually late to class dont do my homework or class work but the only reason i dont do that stuff is because i hate her because is not like i dont understand what we are learning spanish is my first lenguage i wanna do something to stop this o yea i kindda hate her back =p

2007-10-29 16:39:18 · 3 answers · asked by Crystal 1

It is so weird. I keep getting jobs, and they never seem to be good. I have a college degree, and I figured that would get me jobs that I enjoy. However, I keep applying, and I keep getting sucky jobs. Mainly jobs teaching, which is what I wanted to get. However, they are always at bad schools. The good schools seem to always have filled positions. I seem to always get jobs at poor performing schools. Why is that? I hope someone could answer. Thanks

2007-10-29 12:13:56 · 18 answers · asked by fred g 3

I need to complete interviews (perhaps five questions) for an assignment for a school project for one of my teaching courses.

Are you a middle school teacher/principal that I can contact (email) with about five questions?

Also, does your school have teaching teams?

Thank you!

2007-10-29 04:24:33 · 2 answers · asked by Pink Denial 6

2007-10-29 04:14:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 04:11:29 · 6 answers · asked by Shegail W 1

2007-10-29 04:01:32 · 4 answers · asked by Shegail W 1

2007-10-29 03:55:27 · 8 answers · asked by Shegail W 1

When a person forgets something, tries there damn best to remember but does not, the other person (teacher, employer etc) may condemn them for it.
But if they cannot prove that the person was not trying thier best, then they have no right to condemn them.

If you agree or disagree say why?


2007-10-29 03:09:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wanted to become a teacher when ive left school (im in year 10) but the thing that puts me off is the behavour in classrooms what kind of behavour do you get in your classrooms and has it got worse since you've been teaching?
Because i think by the time I get to become a teacher the behavour will be so bad that students will be impossible to teach!

2007-10-29 02:22:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous