I've noticed something on my recent rides that surprised me a bit. You know how if you're on a sport bike, Harley riders won't wave at you, or wave back? Well I've noticed two things:
Lots of other people won't wave back as well
People wearing full face helmets riding cruisers WILL wave back
Now that I think about it, it seems that people wearing full face helmets will wave back whether they're riding a sport bike or cruiser or whatever...but I cannot remember ever having been waved at by someone in an open face helmet.
Granted Harley riders and open face helmet wearers overlap as groups, but this is still my observation.
What's the deal? Is the same kind of insecure image problem that forces someone to wear an inferior helmet (it just doesn't protect you as much, you clods) also lead to an image problem with waving to other riders?
"Oh shoot, I don't want other people to see this and think I'm some kind of pansy who waves at people."
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