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Cars & Transportation - 12 December 2006

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Free motorway recovery why do they always charge you when you get home

2006-12-12 04:30:49 · 10 answers · asked by colin050659 6 in Commuting

I have just been allocated a Shelby GT 500 and I will have it in Febuary 2007. What is the best venue to sell it?

2006-12-12 04:27:34 · 8 answers · asked by piratepete 2 in Ford

I am not talking about when all lanes are filled with cars to capacity. The left lane is traditionally for passing slower traffic and not for cruising. There is alwasy that one person holding everyone up when that same person could travel in one of the other lanes at the same speed. Are they trying to make people drive slower? Are they the boss? I understand that the speed is the same in all lanes, but this is a common courtesy that is often ignored by communters.

I drove the speed limit this morning to see how many people actually were (not in the far-left lane). There were a few over to the right and two jackasses in the passing lane holding traffic up. Everyone else was flying by me (I'm saying that the ambiant traffic flow was faster than the speed limit to prove its not just me).

If you say, "speeding is against the law", do you ALWAYS drive under the limit? You never, EVER drive over the limit, not even a little? You always, ALWAYS err to the slow side? ALWAYS?

2006-12-12 04:23:34 · 10 answers · asked by xxx 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have a 96 Toyota 4runner 3.0 liter and I need to replace the clutch. I am wondering if there is anything in particular that I need to worry about when doing it, as I would like to do it myself. I have moderate experience and am confident that I can do it.

The main thing I am wondering is, what parts am I going to need to buy to do this. I want to buy everything that I will need to do the job in one trip (that has rarely happened in the past) as well as things that I might as well replace while I am in there, as far as maintanence.


2006-12-12 04:23:16 · 2 answers · asked by mallicoatdd 4 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-12 04:17:52 · 5 answers · asked by militarygramma 1 in Chevrolet

its a 2000x plate and when does the belts require changing

2006-12-12 04:14:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Nissan

This is dangerous and inconsiderate. Modern automobiles have no problem getting up to the posted speed by the time the on-ramp ends. So why do people think it's OK to merge into highway traffic at 10 or 15 mph below the posted speed? If this offends you, then why do you do it?

NOTE: The little pedal on the right is what you need to push. Not only does it make the car sound louder, it also makes the car go FASTER too. AMAZING!! The things they come up with these days!!

2006-12-12 04:13:45 · 9 answers · asked by xxx 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

Me and my sister are really into them,and we really,want them.But i'm only 12,and she's only 9.What should we do? WE wanna hurry up and grow.We wanna be free and have a house and stuff.Is it all that great?

2006-12-12 04:13:23 · 3 answers · asked by Nicole 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I own a 97 Mustang covertible and I have looked EVERY WHERE for these keys and after a week of searching, I cannot find it. The car continues to sit in the front driveway and I need it moved. I cannot take it out of Park without the key to it.
First, how much does a new car key cost for a car? If too much, I will just sell it to the local junk yard. It's a nice car, but I cannot afford over $200 to rekey it.

Any responses appreciated. Thanks.

2006-12-12 04:10:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

My rear brakes squeaks when cold but it dissappears when i drive it a couple of blocks. Should have it serviced now and how much would it cost?

2006-12-12 04:08:55 · 7 answers · asked by sirbomb 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

On a 2001 Kia: My friends car is having starting problems. He's replaced the battery and the altenator. He had to jump it off twice last night to get it home. My meter shows that the battery has 12.1v charge, but it won't start on its own power. We jumped it off and removed the cables, then my meter showed a flucuation in charge. It went from 12v to 13.5v then down to 9.2v and shot up to 22.5v and dropped to 7.0v.

I suspect a faulty voltage regulator but am not sure since the car won't start (acts like a dead battery-click,click).

After all this I discovered that the neg. cable was loose so I tightened it up. THEN, he told me that he was running a 2,000w amp for his stereo. I believe that he will keep going through altenators as long as he's running that amp!!

Assuming he quits running the amp, should I check out anything else. We're going to go ahead and replace this altenator.

2006-12-12 04:06:18 · 8 answers · asked by nate_625 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

I'm about to take my behind-the-wheel driving test and I really hope I pass. Any tips?

2006-12-12 04:02:20 · 5 answers · asked by Diana 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have a vw golf 2.0L 2001 recently bought and i only got 220miles to a full tank..please help!!

2006-12-12 04:00:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have a vw golf 2.0L 2001 recently bought and i only got 220miles to a full tank..please help!!

2006-12-12 03:59:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Volkswagen

My 96 Intrepid (150000 miles) makes a loud clunking noise when either turning sharply or when accelerating quickly or up a steep hill. I am pretty sure the CV joints need to be replaced, but am wondering if those symptoms are all consistent with that or if it may also be the air filter, or possibly a timing belt issue. Any ideas??

2006-12-12 03:59:34 · 10 answers · asked by prisoner96720 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

who decided that red should mean STOP and green should mean GO?

2006-12-12 03:59:33 · 17 answers · asked by tillytigger 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

Does anyone know the website that allows you to choose your car and place the rims on them to get a visual of how your ride will look with the rims.

2006-12-12 03:58:20 · 3 answers · asked by KLR 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I dropped it off at 10am and I'm just wondering how long it generally takes before the diagnosis is complete (assuming they start on it right away- which is unlikely). I'm trying to figure out why it's jerking/ shaking and my RPM meter fluctuates when I'm at a stop and is worse when the heat is on. It actually shut off this morning! (hit adeer, but cosmetic damage is fixed) Also, what are the pros/ cons of a diagnostic test? I'm being charged $93 for the test, does that sound ok?

2006-12-12 03:39:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

Other than the oil change, are there any other things I can do to keep my engine healthy and clean and long-lasting? (Own a 94 Grand Prix)

2006-12-12 03:39:06 · 4 answers · asked by LG 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Is the Final Fantasy and Video Game station thats on AOL XM sattelite radio an actual XM radio station or is it just for online?

2006-12-12 03:31:48 · 1 answers · asked by ivegotquestions 1 in Car Audio

Hi, im buying a quad bike from a freind. It's a black 250cc quad. 2005 made and it is road worthie with lights and everything on it. What make could it be? It's not Honda, Suzuki or Yamaha.

2006-12-12 03:25:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

2006-12-12 03:24:29 · 1 answers · asked by markcharles_02 1 in Buying & Selling

We have a '89 thunderbird, gage is broke. If i gave him $20 a week how many miles would that give him? $2.19 gallon and about 180 miles a week. I think the fuel capacity is about 22 gallons. Let me know how you figure it to. Or just give me the way to figure it instead of answering. First one to figure gets best answer.

2006-12-12 03:21:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Commuting

If so can you plz describe 4 me that thing and how is the password installed in it and so on?

2006-12-12 03:21:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft

I hardly ever drive my car(1999 Dodge Neon, two door)...I drove it a short distance-less then a mile and it overheated. The mechanic I took it to said there was a huge crack in the radiator and he'd get the part and do the labor for $325. I called some auto part places and I found I can get a new radiator w/lifetime warrenty for $143 for my model. I went back and asked what he'd charge for labor if I just bought the part- he said $80. If I need to replace the radiator is there another part I should be concerned about? I heard somewhere you should always replace the theremostat when you replace the radiator. I just really need to make sure everythings running right before I pack up my car and move to Montana (from Cali). And I want to know just what I need so I don't get swindled. Help much appreciated.

2006-12-12 03:18:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

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