i own a repair shop,an it should get a little better than that you might want to check the air filter in it,,if this gets dirty or stopped up,it will starve it for air,and it drink fuel real bad you might also want to just go ahead and have it tuned up real well,because you don't actually know when the last time was that it has a good tune up,,it cant hurt it,,id say tuned right will probably bring your mileage back up a lot,,i know it always helps my customer vehicles when i tune them up real good,at least you can have someone look at it,and they might can tell if it needs a good tune up or not,,,good luck with it,i hope this help,s.,,have a safe and good x-mas.
2006-12-12 04:10:19
answer #1
answered by dodge man 7
There is a myriad of things that can contribute to poor fuel economy.
When I think of a 2.0L vw with poor mileage the first thing that I think of is, Is the check engine light on? These cars have a terrible problem with Mass air flow sensors being improperly calibrated and cause the vehicles to run lean.
2006-12-12 09:36:39
answer #2
answered by oneintruder94 1
Some ideas: 1. Brake draggin? Check those rear brakes, and make sure a cable isn't hung! 2. What is your OBDII readout look like? I'd be looking for a dying O2 sensor, etc. 3. Fuel leak? Do you smell gas smells? 4. Clutch / tranny slipping. Seriously, I drive my 98 Jetta hard, and I get 28 - 29 mph (stick, mostly highway) and you should be in that ballpark.
2016-05-22 23:49:26
answer #3
answered by ? 4
1. Over or under inflated tyres.
2. Leaking exhaust (especially at manifold).
3. Leaking petrol tank or connections.
4. Over acceleration.
5. Roof rack or similar.
6. Unnecessary weight.
2006-12-12 04:07:16
answer #4
answered by thomasrobinsonantonio 7