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Cars & Transportation - 5 December 2006

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Aircraft · Boats & Boating · Buying & Selling · Car Audio · Car Makes · Commuting · Insurance & Registration · Maintenance & Repairs · Motorcycles · Other - Cars & Transportation · Rail · Safety

i hear that there is supposed to be smoke and a smeel of anti freeze....but i dont have either of that...so what could be the problem....i know the fans work...but only cold air comes out?

2006-12-05 17:02:16 · 9 answers · asked by Z3RO COOL 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I know the path that it needs to go, I can't get enough slack to get it back on the right track/

2006-12-05 17:00:36 · 5 answers · asked by missytimsturgis4 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Any workshop manuals on cd,-rom, dont need books.

2006-12-05 16:59:55 · 6 answers · asked by Kun 1 in Maintenance & Repairs


I have a 1997, chevy Z71, 350,4WD, The hub on the d.s. back tire is hot 2 the touch[this is a truck] Its making a noise but, not all the time.thank you if you can help.

2006-12-05 16:57:19 · 3 answers · asked by madman 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am replacing a transmission in a 1994 DeVille 4.9 Litre. Are there any special precautions I should observe when I install it? Particulary the introduction of the new fluid.

2006-12-05 16:53:31 · 1 answers · asked by MalibuSS 2 in GMC

Did it happened to you?
For me twice , they apologized and then turn around and tell insurance a different story. What is wrong with this world? This hapens 3 more times with my brother as well.

2006-12-05 16:51:39 · 11 answers · asked by Kongfucius 5 in Safety

Airports in the U.S. reduce airplane takeoff/landing capacity in bad weather significantly more than those in Western Europe, causing longer weather related delays. What is behind the different approaches? In which way (if at all) are European airports better technologically equipped?

Answers should be factual, and not be opinions or guesses. Thanks.

2006-12-05 16:47:47 · 5 answers · asked by patricknewyork 2 in Aircraft

to get scratches out of plexi-glass or to be more specific the faring on my motorcycle

2006-12-05 16:36:13 · 2 answers · asked by launchpad 2 in Maintenance & Repairs


I was thinking about my Fiat 850 fastback. i was wondering if anyone else had one. what did you like about it? what sucked? mine had some running problems, and NO Power, but hey, it was an 850.

2006-12-05 16:33:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fiat

Hi iam j iam looking for sportes bike (kawasaki,honda, yamaha & suzuki) make. I tried to find in website but iam finding other cuntries where as they payment method is immediat & only available in their own country i waht to find in india on EMI( easy monthly instalment).whare to contact & how,
Please let me know i am very crasy about the sportes moterbikes
As soon as posible

2006-12-05 16:33:40 · 2 answers · asked by J 1 in Motorcycles

do u rush to nearest public shelter like a store, or like on a highway, stay under a by-pass, im clueless.
or simply pull over. just curios for "one day need to know info"

2006-12-05 16:32:47 · 11 answers · asked by kypria311 2 in Safety

I think my 2000 daewoo lanos might have blown its head gasket. The engine is running very rough (the car shales a lot) and uneven. This started 2 nights ago after a 10 minute drive when i was parking the car, so it seemed to happen randomly.

The next day i turned it on but didn't try to move it. It was still shaking a lot and there was white smoke coming from the back of the car and it smelled sweet. I've checked the oil and it does not look strange to me but my coolant tank smells like gasoline.

The oil level has dropped to the halfway point of the dipstick since the last time i checked it a week earlier (which never happens) when it was a little above max, though i did take a 300 mile trip in the meantime. I've also been losing coolant (and refilling) these last couple of weeks and would find small or no puddles.

I know there are a lot of factors involved here but any insight (esp. on sealing fluids) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading and for any replies.

2006-12-05 16:32:09 · 11 answers · asked by Phil 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Currently I've come into a stuck situation where I'm having some difficulty obtaining a car loan. I have bad credit due to several past layoffs, and I'm now working on recovering from that. I'm wanting to purchase a used truck for about $13,000 and I already have about $7000 saved for a down payment. I make a good steady salary now ($70k/yr) and I could probably get the difference paid off in a matter of months. However, I can't get banks or credit unions to finance me (they all but laughed at me when I applied) and I'd really rather not go with one of those rinky-dink operations that require a 60 month loan at 25% on their car lots only.

I don't mind paying the higher interest rate as I'm expecting this, and the vehicle I'm looking at is from a private person and not a dealership, so I have to obtain financing myself. Does anyone have any ideas to finance something for a shorter term, maybe 12-24 months for $4000-6000?

Any ideas?? Serious answers only please.

2006-12-05 16:27:09 · 6 answers · asked by resistnzisfutl 6 in Buying & Selling

Planning to get one in future so any pros or cons? the horsepower seem to be way more than what it suppose to be for camry which is the great fact. so if anyone out here did a test drive or own one please go ahead and leave a feedback.

2006-12-05 16:24:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toyota

yo, i just bought 2 12's, 2 15's, and 4 8 1/2's (for the doors), i need help on the amp's i need, and i know my car can't power them with the stock battery, what can i do to fix that

2006-12-05 16:21:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Car Audio

I am buying a used car from a private party. I know my local sales tax rate is 8.25% which will be used to compute the use tax. How will california dmv determine the sale price on which to apply the 8.25% tax rate? Do they used edmunds or kbb to get a ballpark? Or whatever I fill out on the registration form?

2006-12-05 16:20:09 · 3 answers · asked by way wall 1 in Insurance & Registration

the car insurance company says my driving history has made me unsureible lots of speeding tickets and accidents im currently driving with no insurance!

2006-12-05 16:18:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance & Registration

I have a vtr1000f and LOVE it. Even after wrecking it and putting a bandaid on the gas tank (I am not sure the bike knows the difference LOL). Just had this question.
Also If I listen to earbud headphones I hear electronic interference that directly changes pitch and volume with RPM and at idle.....tick,tick,tick,tick,t,t,t,t, I think with the spark plugs.

2006-12-05 16:18:26 · 4 answers · asked by Sam 1 in Motorcycles

Has anyone rebuilt one? How hard is it? Is it worth it? What would it cost? Thank you

2006-12-05 16:16:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-05 16:13:22 · 11 answers · asked by naveen k 1 in Motorcycles

Is there a known problem?? I have a 2005 Chevy Suburban 2005 Z71 with 41k Mi, and the transmission went today. I have no third gear.

2006-12-05 16:12:58 · 9 answers · asked by Lawrence D 2 in Chevrolet

Hi am a 25 years male unfortuntely i have a problen which is not even rare i.e.. i dont know driving i have nill knowledge og driving i want to learn 2 wheelers in any good driving institute (hyderabad)who should take personal interest.if can help me in this problem i will be great ful iam very sensitive. i stay in hyderbad.Please any body help me to overcome this problem i feel shy when i see others.

2006-12-05 16:12:06 · 6 answers · asked by naveen k 1 in Safety

Ford Taurus heater has been having probs in the winter. It gets below zero and it blows warm air, then cold air. Does it pay to just replace the heater core? If the heater core is replaced will the heat work better, or should I not bother? What is the cost of a Ford Heater Core for NY state? How many hours does it take to replace the heater core?

2006-12-05 16:11:31 · 3 answers · asked by QueenKingKatLizard 1 in Ford

2 12' kicker CompVr's 600w RMS with 600w RMS amp, hit hard or not?

2006-12-05 16:01:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Car Audio

please help me locate the heater core on my dodge ram pickup
6 cyl. without airconditioner.

2006-12-05 15:57:14 · 4 answers · asked by scottirotten 1 in Dodge

I am a licensed and have an insurance policy of my own, but my son is NOT insured and does not have a vehicle of his own. He does have a valid license, however. Today, I had asked him to drive me to some places in my car, and he accidently rear ended another vehicle. I am wondering what I should expect my insurance company to say when I report this accident tomorrow. Will I or my son be in trouble since he is not covered under my insurance policy?

2006-12-05 15:51:05 · 13 answers · asked by Christopher 1 in Insurance & Registration

If not, where can I go to get a few hundred bucks for a car other than a dealership? thanks

2006-12-05 15:45:57 · 12 answers · asked by gatorsrule062002 2 in Buying & Selling


WIll a clogged fuel filter cause a car to run hot?

2006-12-05 15:45:40 · 9 answers · asked by Jassierra 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

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