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Cars & Transportation - 5 December 2006

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2006-12-05 19:06:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toyota

2006-12-05 19:05:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Ford

I mean like chevron, shell, I go to mobil. I live in california

2006-12-05 18:59:26 · 9 answers · asked by latindragon23 2 in Honda

What if the driver turning left onto the busy street gets there first does he have the right of way? What if on the other side of the road the other car is going straight through. The turning left would yeild but would he continue to yeild to cars coming straight through the intersection from the other stop sign even though turning left is stopped first?

2006-12-05 18:50:25 · 7 answers · asked by ross3012001 1 in Safety

ok. i have a honda civic 1990 DX . i bought a clutch for abou 130. ok that was the easy part, i got this guy to install it and he put it in but he told me that this was his first time dealing with a cable tranny so anyways he puts it and i go and pick it up and i test drive he even told me that he thinks he did it wrong .. the speedometor does work and it is really hard to change into gears especially 1st and 2nd. what do you think is the problem should i go to clutch or would cost a lot of money or the dude said in two weeks he will work on it and find out what went wrong. see the thing is i am in high school and i aint got a job. do you know what is wrong.. thanks

2006-12-05 18:44:26 · 5 answers · asked by Johnny 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Hi. All of a sudden (for the past couple of days) I've noticed this orange light on the left side of my dashboard that stays on after I have put my car into gear (whether drive, reverse, whatever). The orange light is in the shape of a car and the back of the car has 3 lines coming out of the rear left and rear right. I thought it might have meant that my tail light was broken, but whenever I brake, I see the red lights come on on both sides of my car. So it can't be that I have a broken tail light. Anyone know what this is?? Is it traction?? Please let me know how I can turn this off. Maybe I accidentally hit a button one day and that's why it's on. Not sure if its serious. Thanks for your help.

2006-12-05 18:38:06 · 6 answers · asked by kamis 2 in Toyota

http://i10.ebayimg.com/01/i/000/7b/07/9f6e_1.JPG Just read it.

2006-12-05 18:36:28 · 11 answers · asked by Keith C 5 in Other - Cars & Transportation

i have a 97 buick regal GS. 290kms, and the 3.8 S/C engine and trans run beautifly. but by running all the time in perfomance shift mode cause me problems in the future?

2006-12-05 18:28:10 · 4 answers · asked by boost_junkie 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

My friend want to sell me his Suzuki 2002 GSX-R 600 for $3500. Its in good condition, brand new tires and a brand new Yoshi pipe. The thing that concerns me is it has a salvaged title cuz it was stolen but then recovered. They stole lots of parts but he replaced everything. He also put in a new engine and it has about 7000 miles. Is this a good deal?

2006-12-05 18:27:29 · 7 answers · asked by ? 1 in Motorcycles

if u were in New York City and u were planning on spending the day there. which would u prefer to use : the cab or ur feet?? why??

2006-12-05 18:24:39 · 10 answers · asked by Hamdi93 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

My boyfrind was driving my car , my insurance did not cover him , I had crappy insurance. A van darted in my boyfriends lane then breaked it my boyfrind hit him , He said it didnt do anything to the van .My boyfriend got a ticket for carless driving, so he is considered to be fault. Okay the driver of the van loaned his car to a non lisensce illegal imigrant, How know this is i just got the police report , I got a letter saying we were being sued for 21 hundred dollars, I called her and said it was b.s , the driver was non licsensed and he shouldnt have been driving, she said it didnt matter because he wasnt in fault. Lawfull can we get out of this because he didnt have a licsene, he shouldnt have been driving.

2006-12-05 18:23:22 · 10 answers · asked by Diane26 3 in Insurance & Registration

Hi , i have a big fear of hights and i'v always wanted to over come it but even just thinking about being in a hight building or see a birds eye view from t.v or being close to one when i'm in the car makes me feal sick ! when i'm on a high building lets just say the 6th floor i can't move my legs it's like my legs are frozen i shake i turn white as a ghost and like i said before i feal sick ( but not to the extent that i throw up). i even have trouble crossing high bridges !and becuse of my half brother and his wife i hate elevators too! how can i get over my fear i would love to go to rome one day and i can't if i'm afraid to fly! all advice is appreaciated! God Bless! and have a Merry Christmas!

p.s if i do fly is there a drug i could get from a doctor to make me calm & relaxed?

2006-12-05 18:21:02 · 8 answers · asked by Heather F 2 in Aircraft

I have 5 yr old Laguna and so far, neither of the keys lock the doors and if I lock the doors manually the keys then don't open them, the remote radio keys don't work, the driver door window doesn't go back up once it's down uless I manually force it and now I've been told I have rusty break disks - on a 5 yr old car! Is this normal behaviour for a renault?

2006-12-05 18:20:43 · 17 answers · asked by Jen S 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

2006-12-05 18:12:31 · 5 answers · asked by MAGGY@YAHOO.COM 2 in Rail

im looking at putting a new body kit on my 94 integra but dont no what would be best. any suggestions??? its already got a front kit but has been damaged so wonna get a whole new full kit.

2006-12-05 18:10:27 · 11 answers · asked by jazza 1 in Honda

1 of my four tires is a different tire and different tread pattern. I installed new wheels/tires today and I feel the steering pull to the right. Could this be because one tire is of a different tread pattern? Thanks.

2006-12-05 18:06:16 · 10 answers · asked by Vegas♠Bound 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I want to see if it's been 18 months since my last ticket so i can take traffic school but i don't know where to go to check for that information... if you can help, please let me know. thanks

2006-12-05 18:00:15 · 2 answers · asked by BlondyyGirl 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

The body is great, the inside is good,the paint is bad from the sun and the emerg/ break is stuck from not moving the car for so long oh yea it has 17 inch 5 spoke wheels. I'm in LA,Ca.

2006-12-05 17:47:09 · 3 answers · asked by Mrs Sunshine 1 in Mazda

which is faster?
4th gen prelude or 2nd gen eclipse?

both stock...

2006-12-05 17:43:59 · 5 answers · asked by imJUSTcurious 2 in Honda

I like the current alloy rims for my car and dont want to change them but I'm thinking of painting the rims to match the color of the car. I just wanted to find out if that's safe. Also, is it possible to take it to a piant shop or is it something I can do myself and id i decide to do it myself, what kind of paint is best?

2006-12-05 17:41:52 · 5 answers · asked by jay 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

If not does anyone know if any other sizes will fit?

2006-12-05 17:39:28 · 1 answers · asked by stiles_6969 2 in Motorcycles

I have a 94Toyota Celica and its been a great car for me. Now I want to look into the Toyota 4runner. I need to know if it gives you a lot of troubles? I know it eats up the gas but its been around for so long.

2006-12-05 17:36:41 · 9 answers · asked by Mrs Sunshine 1 in Toyota

A person has been granted access to his parents car and they don't have automobile license and I'm almost sure, no insurance. An accident has ocurred and there is a juvenile in the same car that ends up being transported to the hospital. There were 4 people total in the vehicle and three were transported to the hospital.

2006-12-05 17:35:25 · 4 answers · asked by Tonya F 1 in Safety

My car won't start sometimes. All I hear is a clicking sound. Now this was a more serious issue about 2 months ago when I had a new starter and battery put in because of the same problem. It seemed to work fine and then the problem happens again but less frequently. What should I do? Should I check the connections to the battery? I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the weather because it doesnt get too cold where I live, only around 34 as the low. Please help!

2006-12-05 17:34:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in GMC

my cd player is compatiable with cd-rw but the problem is if i erase the cd and reburn it it wont play. it will play a fresh cd-rw but not an erased. if it helps i burn mp3's and erase using the d drive

2006-12-05 17:32:51 · 2 answers · asked by happyclown5769 2 in Car Audio

When I come to a stop, my car will sometimes shudder, then the check engine light will come on, and my entire car will stop moving. I can hit the gas pedal and nothing happens. I have to restart my car every time, and while that does the trick, I fear that it's doing damage to my car. I went to Midas and had it looked at, and they told me to take it to a transmission shop. So I did, and they replaced a selenoid, and said that would take care of the problem. Well, my car is STILL sometimes stalling when I come to a stop. I'm getting super desperate here, because nobody seems to know what they're talking about. Can anybody please help me?

2006-12-05 17:25:30 · 9 answers · asked by simonboom25 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Because I just made an offer and it was accepted on the spot.

2006-12-05 17:18:20 · 3 answers · asked by mnitzani 2 in Buying & Selling

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