I was paid for auction item with stolen check, bank 1st cleared check & I shipped item & then I used the profit to write checks($450 profit-I sold my used computer on ebay) When the bank heard the check was stolen I showed them the auction, gave them the envelop, they canceled my checks & I had to pay nsf fees & an overdraft which I did. They opened a new bank account for me too.
They however apparently had filed a grand theft charge first before approving me as the victim of the crime. Apparently they forgot to drop it so 2 days ago I was with my 6 year daughter waiting for someone to drop off my lost wallet because my wallet had been.
The police were very nice.I closed the door when they found this old
charge, came up to the door making some excuse about wanting to see the wallet and make sure they didnt forget something-with my front door open and my 6 year old behind me. My hand extended he grabbed
me never read rights or warrant & arrested me. wife spent rent on bail help!
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