My student loan was approx. $25,000. My payments were over $300 a month. It should've been paid off in 6 years. I was having a difficult time making the monthly payments. I discussed my situation with the loan company over the phone. They suggested that I consolidate my loan to lower the monthly payments. I consolidated it on the computer and electronically signed. They said it would take 30 days for approval and they'd send me a letter with my scheduled payment plan. Well, I received the letter and there is an accumulation of $25,000 interest. So, I'm suppose to pay $25,000 for the loan +$25,000 interest for a total of $50,000. I'll be paying $200 a month for the next 20 years! My loan that should be paid off in 5 years will now take 20 years to pay. I need to call the loan company and talk to them, but I'm not sure what to say. Any suggestions what I should do?
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Personal Finance