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Business & Finance - 4 September 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

It's amazing how quickly you can go from livin' phat to flat broke.
My husband and I have $60,000 in home equity mostly from a very large down payment about 6 months ago. And now are about $15,000 in the hole with credit cards at about 10%.
I think taking out a home equity loan (we are 6% on that one) is a good idea, but don't know that much about it. Will it damage credit ratings, etc?
We can pay the bills just fine but don't like the fact that amex owns our azzes.
Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

2007-09-04 09:34:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I've done some crunching on my expenses and I've got to make some hard choices. I've just started a program for an MA in history. My BA is in the same thing. However, it looks like I won't be getting much financial aid, except for loans.

I don't think I can work a full-time job and succeed in grad school. I successfully did it during my undergrad, but grad school takes more concentration. I have enough in savings to last 2 years if I work part time. At the completion of my master's I'll be about broke.

They're offering me $8500 a year in loans, which is about what I need for school and rent. But then I'd be adding $17k to the $10k I already have in student loan debt.

Or should I go to work full time, save some money, and come back to school?

2007-09-04 09:31:39 · 9 answers · asked by redguard572001 2 in Credit

i'm filling out an online job application for a volunteer position as an assistant graphic designer. The application has a box for "experience" and one for "qualification". how do the two differ from each other?

for example- I was editor-in-chief of my high school yearbook

that shows i have experience in using particular programs because i had to use them in yearbook, but then what can I put under qualifications?

2007-09-04 09:27:33 · 2 answers · asked by thatssorisque 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

when does it start. ive heard it starts from the date it was sent to collections and other ppl have said it stays on there for 7yrs after a zero balance.and the 7yrs can start over if you start to pay it later. is that true?

so if something is on your report for 3 years and you pay it then it will start over at year 1...

does anyone really know?

2007-09-04 09:25:41 · 6 answers · asked by nikkylyn 5 in Credit

What does that mean?


2007-09-04 09:24:36 · 10 answers · asked by Koter Boters misses Rufus! 6 in Other - Careers & Employment

I guess Im a little slow. I have several old debts that I want to get validated, or dismissed. What steps, in detail do I need to take to get them validated? And what do I send to the credit bureaus?

2007-09-04 09:24:03 · 3 answers · asked by hasdad62 6 in Credit

if we are in so much debt- why cant me just make more money?

i know this is a blonde ? but i couldnt think of another example.

2007-09-04 09:23:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

Iheared about 401k but idon't know how can ienroll .which investment cooperation is good
how much can iinvest?

2007-09-04 09:17:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

Im thinking about painting them Green or Blue do I have to do something special or do I just paint over the original paint?

2007-09-04 09:12:22 · 4 answers · asked by Sara 3 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-09-04 09:11:33 · 2 answers · asked by Horse Store 2 in Corporations

Is it likely they will get refused again for that? I mean, will it definitely happen?

Has anyone been refused credit for one thing then accepted for another soon after that?

2007-09-04 09:06:30 · 14 answers · asked by blackmamba5069 1 in Credit

Could anyone could lend me their advice on how to get our business number permanently removed from a company's calling list? The FTC says that their do not call list is not for business use, what to do? This is taking up a lot of my time

There is a company that has been calling a couple times a week for the last 3 months. Each time they call I tell them to take us off their list. They say "ok" and hang up. Today, they called again and as usual, I let her know that you have to remove someone from your list if they ask to be removed. I am getting really frustrated! Today, the caller told me that she can remove me from her calling list but cannot stop the other 1,500 employees at this business from calling me. IS THIS TRUE??

What info would I need to take action, & does the phone co block all numbers from certain companies if you ask? I have had no luck finding this bus. on the internet, and only was able to get one direct line number of one of the callers. Thank you!!

2007-09-04 08:57:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

Okay my mother-law lost a diamond bracelet. It was insured and she got money for it from the insurance company. This was several months back. Now she is moving and found the bracelet hanging from a nail behind her dresser. Should she just keep her mouth shut?
Why wouldn't people just do that..my wifes engagement ring and wedding band are insured....what stops me from just calling the insurance company and saying they are lost and collecting the money.

2007-09-04 08:55:03 · 4 answers · asked by Saw 3 in Insurance

I understand I have to pay taxes in advance quarterly. Oct 1st is the next time. I don't know the total % to pay for medicare, social security or other taxes that I have to cover as a consultant. Does anyone have estimate? I am single. Started earning income this month.

2007-09-04 08:51:16 · 5 answers · asked by Lockhart3 1 in United States

No pyramid schemes please. I am a college educated individual looking to start up a company. I have a few ideas tossing around, but nothing concrete as of yet. By little income I don't mean nothing, I can get a small business loan.

2007-09-04 08:46:51 · 7 answers · asked by RMX378 1 in Small Business

If my wife has our baby before Dec. 31st of this year will we be able to get the EIC in arkansas?

2007-09-04 08:44:43 · 10 answers · asked by Herodaddy#1 2 in United States

i know a person who files head of hold single to get earn imcome credit and has 2 kids but the husbands files for the other kid. if irs finds out what will happend?

2007-09-04 08:31:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

Do you think it's good time to buy the refiners like VLO.. ?

2007-09-04 08:31:31 · 3 answers · asked by Rain L 5 in Investing


i try to work out a deal with my credit card company they did not want to hear it they turn me in to collections and they call me up day and night and at work harrassing me, what can i do , they want all the money it started out at $500.00 now its up to 1700.00, i dont have that kind of money i offer to give them 25.00 a month they refused

2007-09-04 08:30:37 · 12 answers · asked by Linda B 1 in Credit

I have a interview with a company that sells frozen foods (scwhawn's) and would like to know if I have a customer that is irate, how do I handle it?

2007-09-04 08:29:29 · 21 answers · asked by hidalgo_frances 1 in Corporations

I recently cancelled My URGE music account in advance of the billing date. I cancelled this account because i was not satisfied with the service and 'cos I knew i WOULD NOT HAVE ADEQUTE FUNDS IN my DEBIT CARD ACCOUNT TO COVER THE CHARGES. Urge sent me confirmation that my account had been cancelled , yet they continued to try to charge my debit card for the subscribtion amout for 7 days after the cancellation , until I closed the bank account. This caused my bank to charge me over $350 dollars in overdraft for URGES ATTEMPT TO CHARGE THIS ACCOUNT EVEN AFTER i HAD CANCEELED. I went to my bank to discuss this matter and ask to be credited but they said I WOULD NEED TO DEAL WITH THIS WITH URGE. As i said I have emailed URGE CUSTOMER SERVICE REGARDING THIS ISSUE , BUT THEY HAVE ONLY SENT ME A EMAILED RECIEVED REPLY; NOTHING ADDRESSING THE ISSUE. i CAN NOT EVEN FIND A NUMBER TO CONTACT URGE ABOUT THIS ANYWHERE. DOES ANYONE KNOW A NUMBER FOR URGE CUSTOMER SERVICE OR WHO i CAN CONTACT ?

2007-09-04 08:28:03 · 4 answers · asked by cgs60649 4 in Credit

I'm new to this so I'm curious to know what costs aside from mortgage and space rental are associated with owning a manufactured home as opposed to a "regular" house.
Is it always true that they never appreciate unless you own the land? I'm looking at buying one that's on top of a hill in san diego and there are views all the way to the ocean. How could that not appreciate?
Are the HOA fees included in the space rental?
Any info you have is much apprecaited.

2007-09-04 08:20:14 · 6 answers · asked by what's the point 4 in Renting & Real Estate


i didnt go to my job for two days...i didnt call out...do i assume they fired me? or what can i say to cover my @$$? any good excuses or is it too late?

2007-09-04 08:18:56 · 11 answers · asked by Chi Chi 1 in Law & Legal

They took me in while i was searching but i only took it because i needed something, anything. Now i found a job that i want and I feel bad trying to leave because my department only consist of 2 people and when I'm gone, many are worried that my department will be what hurts us the most because no one can deal with this supervisor that overworks her employees, like I did.

2007-09-04 08:16:37 · 10 answers · asked by badbitty101 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I am new to US. have been here for 2 months. so, I don not have any credit cards. When I see my credit report, I cannot see my employment records. I came to know that only credit card companies update the employment records with Credit Bureau. The other option is for the individuals to update it directly with Credit Bureau. I am not sure how to do this.

2007-09-04 08:15:37 · 5 answers · asked by Raj 1 in Credit

I recently got a full time job offer doing school counseling, and I currently work part time in a supermarket. I was supposed to start work on the 18th of OCTOBER but it was moved up to the Tenth of this month. Here's the problem.... I want to keep both jobs in order to afford an apartment. I just found out not even 30 minutes ago that I have a last minute Orientation TODAY at six oclock at the counseling job.. but I have to work tonight at the Market job at 6:30! I know the choice would be to call out from the MARKET job, but I did last week-- 3 times, because I was injured, and they're already Pissed because of that. Today I called and asked what time i was coming in, so I know if i call out now, It will seem like i'm totally bluffing. I desperately need to go to the counseling job, but i don't want to get fired from the market job... WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?!?!?

2007-09-04 08:08:49 · 18 answers · asked by 21GunSalute(Female) 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

Last trade is basically the last recorded price of a single share, right? Let's pretend that last trade is about 50 bucks, and the EPS is $7.00 (considered a good return, isn't it?) If you buy 50 shares of this company you'll be in the hole $2500 dollars. Those 50 shares will be worth $350. Why would anyone do this? Isn't 50 shares considered conservative? Don't serious investors buy WAY more shares than that?Someone please help me with the basics of investing, it just doesn't make sense to me.

2007-09-04 08:04:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

2007-09-04 08:01:50 · 5 answers · asked by priceless797 1 in Personal Finance

Would you lose all the money in your account if this could happen.

2007-09-04 07:59:46 · 17 answers · asked by Soul Dreamer 1 in Personal Finance

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