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Business & Finance - 4 September 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

The Wema Bank Ltd of Nigeria is saying the scam victims can be reimbursed with US$150,000 but before the funds leave Nigeria there must be a tax clearance. The scam victims must apply for this tax clearance to Mr. Phizman Whyte, P.R.O., T&T Revenue Taxation Institute, Nigeria or Mr. George Olumide who is the processing/transfer Officer of Wema Bank Ltd, Nigeria says to save time they can do the needful for this tax clearance. Is this a scam within a scam. Please advise. W ith thanks

2007-09-04 02:29:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

Marvin is planning to open a fabric dyeing business. He plans to do large scale dyeing of both fabric bolts and ready-to-wear garments. The source of business will be garment makers and cleaners. He has worked in this part of the fashion industry and knows how much capital he will need to buy the equipment required for this specialized activity.

He has some cash, and he is trying to decide whether to incorporate or to form a partnership. What would you say to him about the major advantages and disadvantages of chartering a corporation rather than forming a partnership?

2007-09-04 02:25:14 · 1 answers · asked by shawnta e 1 in Corporations

We are researching and writing a report on "2005 New York City Transit Strike".

2007-09-04 02:24:05 · 1 answers · asked by shawnta e 1 in Corporations

Are there catches to buying foreclosed homes, then just purchasing a home that is offered through a Realtor on the market?

2007-09-04 02:19:31 · 4 answers · asked by joeyz51 2 in Renting & Real Estate

A bit of background about the job. It's a business analyst graduate/entry level position. The job starts Feb next year and I applied 3 weeks ago and was interviewed last Wednesday. However they reloaded the job add last Friday and I rang them on Monday to ask whether this means my interview did not go so well and they said that the reloading of add just means that Friday was the closing date and they wanted to get as many applicants as they can

Now I already emailed the interviewer and thanked her for her time after the interview and she said "no problem we will be in touch with you in next few weeks". Considering they are looking for more applicants should I email them again and briefly re-state my interest in the job and some of my skills? If so what words should I use? I was thinking of making up a question but I can't think of one that hasn't been answered.

Should I email again? what words should I use so that it doesn't come out as desperate comments thats bothering them?

2007-09-04 02:17:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Recently, i've been very unhappy in my job it's getting to the stage where I can't wait to go home and then am dreading having to go back to work the next day, Sunday's is a nightmare because i'm constantly thinking, great I have to work tomorrow. When I wake up in the morning, I really just want to stay in bed, i've lost all motivation and have been really down over it. I've been working here for a year and have been applying for jobs but getting no where. This is my first job since leaving uni and I would never quit a job without having another, so i'm not lazy just really fed up, I get treated like a slave and don't get any credit for it. I really would like a job related to my degree, which is in Marketing but not sales, i'm working in shipping at the moment but feel like i'm wasting my life. I'm really stuck as to what to do next? I've tried agencies with no luck and applied on my own for jobs but there just isn't much out there at the moment and no one will give me a chance!

2007-09-04 02:05:13 · 8 answers · asked by ♥ Miss E ♥ 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

I was wondering if anyone knows or knew what it takes to build a small town because I got to talking about it with family and friends recently..

Please let me know what's involved in starting a new town.


2007-09-04 02:04:10 · 1 answers · asked by magicbay02 3 in Small Business

Does a person who dies in November, 2005, have to file taxes for that year?

More info:
The person was disabled, not working, had no income aside from social security, and hadn't filed taxes since they stopped working. Are they, or the Executor of the Estate, supposed to file taxes?

As the Executrix, I followed all the requirements that the court gave me but I never saw anything about filing taxes.

2007-09-04 01:58:28 · 6 answers · asked by Curious Jenna 2 in United States

I"m 19 and live with my mother. im not married,and have no kids.
on the w4 where it says put 1 here if no one can claim u as a dependant, should i put nothing there since my mother supports me for the most part right now,even tho im over 18?
im not sure if she claims me or not,or if she even can

and was it right for me to put a one in the spot where it said"put a 1 here if your single and have one job?" because that is my situation right now

2007-09-04 01:56:24 · 6 answers · asked by liltammy1988 2 in United States

A Project manager must have the third eye or sixth sense to manage his/ her project effectively.
I need more info on this.
Please help.

2007-09-04 01:54:35 · 1 answers · asked by sravi_iyer 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I am doing the accounts for a partnership do I include the both electric bills, phone bills, mortgages ect or what is the best way

2007-09-04 01:09:46 · 3 answers · asked by CHRISTINE 2 in Small Business

I have been living in my apartment for a year this month. Our lease was month-to-month during that time, and now of course we are month-to-month, but without a valid lease. We have been paying on the 15th of the month, sometimes would be a day or so later, but we would always let them know and they seemed like they had no problem with it.
NOW, we are trying to move. I gave them our 30 days notice, and our move-out date is set at October 1st. They have not called us, written us, nothing ever since we called about us moving. I sent the later a day after and they have yet to contact us. Mind you, when we finally did get in contct with them, it was 2 weeks after we 1st started calling! U can understand myfrustrations.
I called an attorney and he informed me that we are entitled to our deposit up to 60 days after we give our 30 days notice. My problem is: will my landlord attempt to charge for worn carpets / dirty oven that we couldn't use b/c it was dirty when we came and would smoke...

2007-09-04 01:07:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate


2007-09-04 00:59:07 · 8 answers · asked by lornalmnopqr 2 in Personal Finance

Three main component of total compention:
Fixed pay, flexible pay,and benefit.
senarion that related for the compensation.
and also the management for the compesation.

2007-09-04 00:52:35 · 2 answers · asked by CHIAKI A 1 in United States

I have approx £15 equity and am looking for a three bedroom property with close ameneties. Also, any new developments/regenerations throughout leicestershire?

2007-09-04 00:33:49 · 2 answers · asked by n4im7 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Hey now I have dry face, except there's trace of oil just below my eyes.

Half year ago my face is just too oily, and if I don't wash my face at the morning, my face will get oily at night. Today I just don't wash face (I don't going out from home), and there's no trace of oil.

Is it normal? I mean back then I just wishing my face would be not oily. I even worse when I was 14 years old, and now the wish comes true. How this happen? Maybe you could share too...

I'm over 20

10 pts. for good or detailed answer.

2007-09-04 00:14:00 · 1 answers · asked by Doo.ri 3 in Corporations

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