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[Selected]: All categories Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

I have a tribal armband tattoo that I really want covered up. Is it possible or is the damage done? I understand that I might have to have an upper quarter/half sleeve for it to be fully covered.

2007-12-12 16:01:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to get a tattoo over my old one, The tattoo I have has black and some other dark colors and is pretty big.Could I still get a cover up and would a pink or other light color be ok.

2007-12-12 10:37:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which heal easier? I was told that black tattoos take longer to heal than color tattoos because its harder for the skin to accept the ink. Is this true? Which do you perfer colored or black and gray tattoos?

2007-12-12 10:03:12 · 11 answers · asked by krystal b 3

k so i got a tattoo dec 6th 2007

its of a hello kitty on my foot,
after he got done he just sprayed
it with water i think and didnt wrap it.
he left like 2 minutes after he cleaned up
his station, just left the tattoo shop.
maybe he had the runs or something,
i really dont know.
but my friend was getting one done
by another tattoo artist that was there
in the building. all of hers were sprayed
with rubbing alcohol and wrapped with seran wrap.

my tattoo seems like its fading outside the lines,
almost like the ink is staining around the outline.
it still is way sore when i walk.
i really dont think he did his job!

what are some suggestions on what to do?

2007-12-12 09:08:50 · 12 answers · asked by roxygirlchantelle 3

I've wanted tattoos ever since I can remember. I want to start planning some things to get done soon but my boyfriend is so adversed that I would "want to do that to myself" or I'm "too pretty for that", even though I have piercings now. my family reacts the same way but they've known me longer, so they aren't as bothered. I think tattoos are beautiful and as long as they're original, I don't think you can go overboard. that's just my opinion though.
what have you dealt with and how have you resolved any conflict about your choices?

2007-12-12 05:07:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i want some opinions, i am a guy and i want to get a small tattoo, u know the movie 28 weeks later or 28 days later? that symbol i dont know whats its called but its like the bioharzard symbol maybe on my wrist or on my chest, wut do you think? good or bad?

2007-12-12 05:01:46 · 6 answers · asked by yup yup 3

Hello Ladies, Just wondering if you think this Tribal tattoo is sexy ?? I just want to get something like this but a little different , I want to get one only on my Right side of the Body and how it comes from the chest and travel down to about half way down to the arm?? please let me know what you think thanks

2007-12-12 03:54:15 · 26 answers · asked by DONKEY PUNCH 2

My mom is unfortunatly not going to be with me much longer cause shehas lost the 10 year battle with Breast Cancer. I want to get a tattoo in memory of her. Does anyone know any good sites that have breast cancer tattoos? So i can get somewhat of an idea what i can do

2007-12-12 03:21:25 · 8 answers · asked by Jen W 1

Im trying to get a friend a tattoo gun for christmas- what would be a good one? something professional in a way- he does not have a studio but is trying to get a lot of practice. Thanks guys!

2007-12-12 00:51:46 · 5 answers · asked by Yari 2

i have psoriasis and i have recently been thinking about getting a tattoo. I was wondering if it would be possible to considering i have psoriasis. please help. thank you.

2007-12-11 23:12:06 · 7 answers · asked by ib4evamackin16 1

How does one get a tatoo license in the state of Florida?

2007-12-11 20:30:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm getting ready to go get my tattoos touched up. The guy thats going to do it tattooed 2 of them that im getting touched up ( 3 in. stars on wrists) and will be also touching up a dragon tattoo that he didnt do, but said he'd touch it up for me ( 7 x 4 in dragon on my left lower back). All ink is grey and black, no color. I was planing on tipping him. My thought was around $100-150... ish? is that acceptable? I dont want to feel like a jerk and not give him enough for his time.

2007-12-11 18:35:54 · 3 answers · asked by Sam H 3

I have recently saved up and scheduled a tatto that should be 3 or 4 all day sittings at $130 an hour. I have been told tips should be 20% of the full price but, does this mean I should tip my artist nearly $1,000 for one weeks work?

2007-12-11 18:34:38 · 4 answers · asked by Donovan 1

I am looking for a tattoo artist can you recommend me any?
i wan to get tribal tattoo for my back, i would like a tattoo artist who can help me make a design for it, also with reasonalbe rate. I went o few and they were unfriendly and kept tellin gme that i should some up with design. Please let me know there tel and address alabang area or makati would be great qc i wont mind too.

2007-12-11 17:54:29 · 2 answers · asked by johnny52172 2

i wan to get tribal tattoo for my back, i would like a tattoo artist who can help me make a design for it, also with reasonalbe rate. I went o few and they were unfriendly and kept tellin gme that i should some up with design. Please let me know there tel and address alabang area or makati would be great qc i wont mind too.

2007-12-11 17:41:20 · 2 answers · asked by johnny52172 2

I went to get a relatively large tattoo, the artist did it half way and told me that he couldn't finsh it all in one day and I should come back in 2-4 dyas time.

Is it normal for a tatto artist to do it over a few days? Doesn't it hurt a whole lot more to do it this way (now that my skin is tender)?

2007-12-11 17:39:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm looking for someone who can draw really really well. I want a one of a kind tattoo but I can't even draw a stick figure. If you are interested can you please post a picture of a drawing you did or email me a picture of it. I'll explain the tattoo when I decide who will draw it. Thank you.

2007-12-11 17:26:47 · 2 answers · asked by sharks blade 3

I know it may sound silly but I just got a tattoo 1 week an 3 days ago, and it's on the bottom side of my wrist. I sat under a uv light lamp, and unfortunately my tattoo was exposed-totally forgot :( It was oly for 4 mins, and I was wondering can that short amount of time cause damage to my tattoo? I know you"re supposed to stay away from tanning beds and such.....

2007-12-11 14:57:15 · 11 answers · asked by Princess D 3

I am wondering what options there are for a tat that was done poorly, or generally did a lot of damage? My daughter has a monarch butterfly tat on her lower back that was really beautiful at first. We didn't notice the damage until it began to heal poorly. Apparently the artist went too deep and there is some hard scar tissue present there. Does anyone know what options there might be for this type of damage?

Asking this for a friend... any help would be appricated... thanks

2007-12-11 14:03:11 · 4 answers · asked by moon_fariey 3

I'm looking for a Texas tattoo artist that can do amazing work for a photo-realistic eagle shoulder piece. I'm wanting someone that can do realistic work, with a very traditional, American look. I don't want Japanese influenced, or 'Flash' type artwork.

I live in the Dallas area, but I'm willing to go anywhere in Texas if I can find the right artist. The problem is that I have an artistic background, too, so I'm not necessarily picky, so much as particular.

So please no generic replies, I want to hear from artists, or people who have had amazing work done by someone particular. Thanks!

2007-12-11 13:54:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm going to be 18 soon and i'm getting a tattoo......i just dont have any idea what of. its going to be there forever so i want it to be something nice and that i'll like forever..i was thinking like a butterfly or cherries,....what do u think?

2007-12-11 06:58:58 · 10 answers · asked by j.lynn_08 2

Has anyone ever had a tattoo on their cheek(face)? I would like to get one on my right cheek, a small little black dragon. Here's another question. Has anyone ever had a tattoo on their right face cheek and have had to hide it from work. If so, what did you use?

2007-12-11 03:21:53 · 17 answers · asked by breathe_in2687 1

Now that I'm 16 I want to get a tatoo but my mother said I couldn't, but my sister who is also 16 has 7 tattoos and I can't get any thing done to my body, and she had her first tattoo when she was 15, and I'm the only one who gets treated like a baby.

2007-12-11 00:49:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked earlier if tattoos were tacky, reason for this is a male freind of mine recently got his name tattooed on his arm. Do you think this is a silly thing to do.

2007-12-10 12:57:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend died in a car accident in july 2007. i want to get a memory tattoo on my back for him. i have 8 tattoos now so its not the issue of getting a tattoo but my mom doesnt want me to get this one at all. she says its too soon to know if i really want it or not. i personally feel that i want it. i suppose i could be wrong but i truely feel i want it. i love and miss him sooo much. what do you think i should do??

2007-12-10 12:36:13 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm seriously thinking about getting a tatto on my wrist. What do you think about this?

2007-12-10 10:04:09 · 9 answers · asked by Jasmine 2

She wants a tattoo machine for x-mas, to practice on fruit she says. She is an amazing artists and thinks this is the path she wants to take. I took her to the Tattoo show and she fell even more in love with the idea. Just curious if any working artists have any advice for me?

2007-12-10 09:54:50 · 29 answers · asked by hooamihere 1