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[Selected]: All categories Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

any thing ill take
just give me the basics or an internet site somthing

2007-12-09 18:10:08 · 11 answers · asked by the Nomad 2

I got a small butterfly on my wrist! I love it! But my mom told me that I will never get the job I want (which is to be a surgeon)! I dont want people to not want me to operate on them because of that! She said I will never be able to dress up and look elegant! I have always been in pageants and stuff and she said I couldnt now! A lot of other people told me that it was one of the worst decisions I could've made! But I think it is cute! What do yall think?

2007-12-09 09:50:12 · 14 answers · asked by jessitate07 2

Some time ago I used to study in Paris just for a summer session. However, I forgot where it's the place I could get a tatoo, since my friends want to go to Paris by first time and I want to go back as well. Both of us want to get tatoos, and I was pretty sure that it was at Quartier Latin, but I can't clearly remember.
Please, if you know any place of piercings and tatoos tell me.

2007-12-09 08:54:08 · 2 answers · asked by YinYin^_^~!!!! 无条件为你。。。他还是不懂!!! 3


i want that on the back of my kneck i just turned 18.
im not hindu , im white but i love the meaning behind her.
will it look good on the back of my kneck or where else should i put it?

2007-12-09 08:11:42 · 17 answers · asked by KATIE NATALY RYANT 2

hey..me and my friend are really good drawers and very creative.and we want to become tattoo artists and open a place together .BUT he got bummed because he has hepatitis BUT he is healthy carrier ...i heard that you cant become a tattoo artist if you have an illness like hiv or hepatitis..i didn't believe it..i told him "no man you wear protective gear and sterilize everything and you're tattooing someone else so your blood wont get mixed up with them and stuff" i just wanna be sure if its true or not..

2007-12-09 01:27:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'm thinking about getting a tattoo on the back of my neck. Any suggestions?

2007-12-08 17:22:45 · 12 answers · asked by lissaloveee 1

I have a week old quite large tattoo on my forearm its all healing perfectly except for a small area on my inner elbow which is heavily scabbed the scabs having a slight yellow tinge to them it is also red,itchy and still sore
My tattoist warned this area might bruise (which it hasnt) but im worried that it is infected and will scar
Any ideas or tips on how to heal it?

2007-12-08 09:15:13 · 4 answers · asked by artyd 1

im getting a tattoo very soon and i know that i want it on my side and i know i want a college of stars but what else should be in my college? if anyone can post pictures that would help!

2007-12-08 01:19:11 · 5 answers · asked by Lauren H 1

"morality is herd instict of the indivudual"


and yes it holds meaning to me

2007-12-07 07:39:07 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-07 03:06:47 · 26 answers · asked by navygirl19 1

i want to get a tattoo but i need to know where i can get a good one thats not so expensive

2007-12-07 01:52:02 · 4 answers · asked by Trappa 2


2007-12-06 18:45:41 · 22 answers · asked by sammyantha 1

Ok i have never tattooed a day in my life but i really want to learn i don't want to buy a cheesy starter kit for 99.00 but i cant spend over 300. i want a kit that has everything but not disposable crap except for the needles i really don't know what to look for i know i want shader liners and ink i want the most for my money please send me links in the us only please help.

2007-12-06 18:18:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone heard about the new tattoo ink? It's made with plastics instead of metals, so it can be removed easier. Does anyone have more info??

2007-12-06 16:43:13 · 7 answers · asked by Dee B 2

It's late and I'm feeling silly......it time for a list of extreme, as wild as you want to get methods of tattoo removal.

PS Neither yahoo answers or myself condone the use of ANY of this methods. Anyone attempting to use one of these methods will be declared a dumba$$, tarred and feathered and banned from the internet for life.

OK....Me first. My favorite, a match and gasoline. Its cheap and the equipment is readily available. (Hurts like a ***** though, not to mention the scar) though dragging it on asphalt at high speeds (road rash) comes in a close second......... Next

2007-12-06 16:00:20 · 22 answers · asked by Rider (12NI) 5

I think 15 or 16 but thats just my opinion...I really want one

2007-12-06 12:55:23 · 19 answers · asked by yellowyorkynice 1

2007-12-06 11:09:33 · 22 answers · asked by ♥BEX♥ 7


can someone give me a link to a site or somethin that tells me how to make a good tattoo gun. Thanks

2007-12-06 09:05:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was hired into a top worldwide hotel chain over 3 years ago and made the agreement to remove my earrings and shave. I agreed to that and was told that my tattoos were not a problem. I have 2 tattoos on my forearm and my last name around my wrist. A year into my employment the General Manager changed and for the last 2 years there hasn't been an issue. I was informed today that all "offensive tattoos" must be covered by long sleeves. I am the only one affected by this policy change. There are others with plenty more tattoos than me but they are not in the public eye and do not have to follow the policy. There is another person who is in the public eye in my department with tattoos on his forearm and he does not have to cover his. I have been singled out for this change and do not believe my tattoos are offensive at all. The men I have worked with for the last 3 years had to ask to see them today. What should I do? Is there anyone I can contact to ask or somewhere to get information?

2007-12-06 08:48:19 · 21 answers · asked by APBT4Good 3

2007-12-06 07:49:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been considering a tattoo since I was 14. I am now 26. I think that when they are done well they look great on other people. I am considering a large design from my knee down to my ankle. I have been taking my time picking out the design, but I am still not sure about it. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

2007-12-06 07:28:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm especially talking about women who won't wear the same dress twice in 6 months, who need a new purse every month, who change their hairstyle and color at will, who have a different set of heels for every day in the year and who have 45 shades of lipstick and nail polish. Why do they intentionally get body discolorations that pretty much last a lifetime?

2007-12-06 06:32:27 · 20 answers · asked by Agent 00Zero 5

like right above the knee.

2007-12-06 06:07:39 · 12 answers · asked by intestinal mucous 1

Here's the picture:

I got it in memory of my grandpa when he died. It's supposed to be a lily, but the artist obviously isn't much of an artist. I'm getting it "touched up" today, and was wondering if anyone had suggestions. I was thinking taking out the yellow completely and making it purple and blue. I figure that it's not going to hurt anything if i go and get it touched up.. if it doesn't look good still, then I'll try someplace else. :/
Please, don't be rude. I know it looks like a banana.
It's sort of a touchy situation and I just don't know what to do with it.

2007-12-06 05:59:53 · 5 answers · asked by Trixie 2

I went to this local place in Cincinnati, and the owner did my tattoo. He not only overcharged me, but it looks absolutely TERRIBLE. It was supposed to be a yellow lily, but there's absolutely no detail that it looks like a banana. I later found out that because it owns it (and over charges more so then other shops) that he doesn't care about the work that he does. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true. Does any one else think that I should have to right to ask someone else at the shop to touch it up? I already got over charged by thirty dollars, and I would tip the other artist. I just don't think it's right that I should have to go back to him or pay full price (overcharged full price). Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
Don't be rude. I like tattoos.
Clearly they're permanent.
Don't date judge me.
And keep your answers realistic.

2007-12-06 05:17:29 · 9 answers · asked by Trixie 2

2007-12-06 04:02:15 · 5 answers · asked by forever21b.me 1

You've never going to get a REAL job with those tattoos on you. FALSE.
There are lawyers, doctors, astronauts, bankers, preachers, teachers, racecar drivers, scientists, all with tattoos........the list is endless. Getting a tattoo DOES NOT prevent you from doing what you want to in life...... NEXT?

2007-12-06 03:40:58 · 12 answers · asked by Rider (12NI) 5

I can't pass a mirror without stopping to look at my tattoos. I'm not vain.....I don't spend a lot of time on my hair and I shave when I feel like it so I look kinda scraggly (like Sam Elliot on a really bad day). But I spend way to much time examining my ink. Sometimes I love my tattoos and other times I look at them more critically. (This line is crooked... that area is shaded too dark.... I should get more added....it's too big now). I have to admit I'm slightly obessed with the damn things. Am I the only one with this sickness?

2007-12-06 03:38:07 · 18 answers · asked by Rider (12NI) 5