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All categories - 21 December 2007

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When I visited Scotland, I was walking across the glen when I saw a man holding a sheep with its back legs planted in his Wellington boots. "Are you shearing that sheep?" I asked. "Nay! laddie!" he replied. "Get yer own."

2007-12-21 02:55:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

Our mobile home and the land it sits on are privately held, (we've been here for 9yrs) and this LLC co. has harrassed, intimidated, broken terms of contract, and are now 'bearing false witness' on court documents to try to re-posses our home. We want to answer the court properly, and want to counter-sue for release of contract, with the titles to both land and mobile as compensation... how do we properly word this after our denial to the 'charges'?? We have to 'answer' by Christmas eve... I didn't know about this resource...I'm not so good at 'computer stuff'...lol... otherwise I'd have asked earlier...

2007-12-21 02:55:09 · 4 answers · asked by bandaide1960 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-12-21 02:54:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

I just bought a house. The previous owners painted the bathrooms, but didn't cover the tile where it meets the wall.

2007-12-21 02:54:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Decorating & Remodeling

10 points first correct

2007-12-21 02:54:55 · 7 answers · asked by Blatant 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-21 02:54:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Well Since i'm sick I had to wake up around 3 in the morning to get up and go to the bathroom. While laying in my bed I glanced toward my door and saw a white figure (not really the shape of a body, but kind of a wide straight figure). I simply got up thinking I was just seeing things and moved my way towards the door.

When i got to the door I tripped over something and glanced at the floor to see what it was. Down at my feet I saw a really light white light sitting there. I know for a fact that it wasn't a light in my room, because during the night I make my room as dark as possible, by shutting off all things that make lights..and since my house has alot of property, we don't have neighbors to give off house light.

I know that this wasn't an ordinary ghost, because I've seen alot of those! For some reason this one was different, because it didn't give me a fear of happiness but a good feeling.

Any ideas what this was?

2007-12-21 02:54:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

Does anybody have a recipe for the rice they serve at Greek restaurants (with Greek salad, souvlaki or legs)? It looks like plain rice without vegetables and it tastes delicious! I have no idea how to make it! Any recipes?

2007-12-21 02:54:42 · 6 answers · asked by Zachary & Jeremiah's Mummy 3 in Cooking & Recipes

Tenn has sent police to neighboring states to watch for tenn citizens to purchase cigarettes from out of state and bringing them back home.


When stopped at the border inside Tenn, would this not violate the driver's 4th amendment rights againt search and siezure? I would think that if you put the cigarettes in the trunk and refused consent to let the officer search the car, they [police]would need a warrant to search. Would the statement that another officer saw you walking out of a store in another state be sufficient to get a warrant?

( http://www.flexyourrights.com )

2007-12-21 02:54:42 · 4 answers · asked by MICHAEL 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

i want to play .MKVfiles ..in ratio 4:3 so in my monitor i can get full screen without any black lines top or bottem (widescreen) ..i have jetaudio its much better than VLC but can not play MKV files in 4:3 anyway is there any player that i can use and VLC don't have any sound control like 5.1 sound so i really need some thiing good t o play thess files ..

2007-12-21 02:54:38 · 2 answers · asked by randike2007 1 in Software

I ordered a package, it got sent to the wrong address. The person at the address signed for another package they were receiving at the same time, but gave mine back. The driver scanned both as if they both had been signed for. SO, he should still have my package.

I called UPS yesterday afternoon, the lady said she would call the driver and would call me back.

I didn't get a call back, so I called again an hour ago. I got another lady and she said she would call the driver and call me back "in two minutes."

It's been an hour. I know they're busy, but I'm leaving town tomorrow. It's a Christmas present for my boyfriend that is leaving for Iraq right after Christmas, and I'd like to be able to give it to him in person.

If she doesn't call back, when is an acceptable time for me to call AGAIN? I don't want to be a bug-a-boo.. but I really need to get my package today or tomorrow. Preferably today, because I kind of want to leave tonight.

2007-12-21 02:54:21 · 7 answers · asked by a.lane 4 in Etiquette

I want to send a girl pink roses, i like her and she knows this, what kind a message can i attach to them! Can anyone help me with this? What can i write? i need a nice note or a poem!
what do you thing about these which one?
1. I saw these and they reminded me of you.
Hope you like them, (my name)

2.These roses are beautiful, but I wanted them to meet you.

4. To a Beautiful Lady inside and out.

5.I saw these roses and though they were beautiful.....but nothing can compare to the beauty i see in you.

2007-12-21 02:54:18 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How hard does it get on Christmas day in Sydney Australia to get a cab to get to the suburbs?

2007-12-21 02:54:11 · 4 answers · asked by vitania 2 in Sydney

I am doing a science fair project on rusting nails. I am going to put 1 nail in a jar containing water, salt water, bleach and vinigar to see which liquid will make the nail rust faster. My question is, should I put the lid on the jars or just leave them open?

2007-12-21 02:53:56 · 4 answers · asked by jaydkast 4 in Chemistry

Or would he consider it "God's will" and do nothing whatsoever to interfere?
That's the kind of psychotic questions you have to deal with when considering a "religious" person for office.

2007-12-21 02:53:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

So many times I have heard unmarried couples who live together referred to as being "living in sin". Does anyone know of a specific biblical reference that defines living together unmarried as being sinful? I've had plenty of people tell me that "the Bible says it" but can never tell me where! I understand the importance of Holy Matrimony in Christian living, and am a married woman myself, but I'd like to be able to back myself up if someone were to ask me this very question. Thanks. :)

2007-12-21 02:53:31 · 13 answers · asked by lizzybh84 2 in Religion & Spirituality

So, i adopted two kittens from the RSPCA.
They're from the same litter and are brothers.
The thing is, one of them (morris) wasj poorly so stayed at the RSPCA for an extra 2 weeks, when the other (Bo) was allowed home with us so.
So, Bo has had our undivided attention for the past 2 weeks thinking all his toys are his and the house is his etc.
Today we bring Morris home...and they HATE each other.
When they were at the RSPCA, they were kept in seperate cages...so i don't think they know each other.

There's another problem.
They're both 10wks old but Bo is a bigger kitten, at least twice the size. I think Morris must have been the runt of the litter because he is tiny.
So everytime Bo sees Morris, his backs raised and he attack him with his claws and Morris is frightened of him.
Since we brought Morris home (about 6 or 8 hrs ago) Bo has not been playing..right now Bo is chasing Morris around the room!

2007-12-21 02:53:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I'm 16 years old and I think I'm just as informed on issues as any adult. I should be able to vote. I agree with most Americans and would totally vote for Obama. He's really hot and Oprah likes him too. Shouldn't we lower the voting age to 16?

2007-12-21 02:53:11 · 25 answers · asked by AhmadinejadFAN 3 in Elections

A particular base triplet in the coding strand of DNA is TCA. What would be the triplet in the complementary strand of DNA?






The problem associated with replication of DNA proceeding in the 3’ > 5’ direction only, is solved by the use of:

A.Complimentary base pairing

B.Replication forks

C.The enzyme that unwinds the DNA, helicase

D.Okazaki fragments

E. The semiconservative replication of the molecule

What type of inheritance pattern is exhibited in a genetic cross if the phenotypes of two unique homozygous parents (AA and aa) are different from the phenotype of a heterozygous (Aa) offspring?

A. Pleiotropy


C. incomplete dominance

D. multiple alleles

E. selinkage

2007-12-21 02:53:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

(Taken from" "Words are Spiritual") ..."out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks..")

2007-12-21 02:52:57 · 7 answers · asked by Mr. "Diamond" 6 in Religion & Spirituality

This is based on a previous question of similar topic. The answers given by women claimed that men GIVE these women the power.

If thats the case... why do women complain about abuse from men?.. don't they GIVE these men the power? When they get raped.... don't they GIVE the rapist the power?

What kind of logic is that? Men don't GIVE women any power. The focus should be on the fact that women miss use their power of beauty... not on why they are allowed to do it. If people would just do the right thing in the first place.. no one would have to STOP anyone from doing the wrong thing. Savvy?

If I rob a bank... are you going to attack the bank for letting me rob it? Lets get serious for a minute...

2007-12-21 02:52:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Anybody know? Two people have told me that they sent me messages via the email thing here on the forum, but neither of them got to me.

I have the box checked that says "Allow others to email me... etc."

What else do I have to do?

2007-12-21 02:52:25 · 10 answers · asked by Acorn 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Bindings and skis purchased online and not from the place that will mount them. But have done business with the store in the past.

2007-12-21 02:52:09 · 4 answers · asked by birchill 1 in Snow Skiing

On christmas eve my boyfriends aunt has his family over for awhile. They are serving like deli style sandwhiches and drinks. Its pretty relaxed, nothing fancy. Well I am meeting my boyfriend there when i get out of work. The thing is I dont want to walk in empty handed, I feel I should bring something. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

2007-12-21 02:52:07 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertaining

im asking because iv'e tried it a million times and it still won't work.i did everything they told me to do i put the roms in the rom folder but when i open it. it says some files are missing or corrupted. wat is the deal!!!

2007-12-21 02:52:06 · 1 answers · asked by Dixit 2 in Video & Online Games

In thje Old Testament, what did the Ark contain?
1) The Word of God in stone tablets
2) The Manna; bread from God
3) Aarons rod, symbol of the High Priesthood

In the New Testament, what did the Blessed Virgin carry within her?
1) The Word of God made flesh
2) The Manna which came from heaven (John 6)
3) The True High Priest

This is why we call Mary the "Ark of the New Covenant", and this is based on an interpretive principal called "Typology". Learn how to read the Old Testament in a typological manner, and you will learn how to interpret the Scriptures as the first Christains did, and you will how all of Catholic theology is based on the interpretive principals used by the apostles.

2007-12-21 02:51:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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