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All categories - 16 December 2007

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for christmas i want to get my boyfriend a hoodie. which out of these 2 links(hopefully they work) do you like better? and which colours?



i think these sweaters look really comfy but i dont know...do you like them? if not any other suggestions? my boyfriend is 17. thanks so much for the help:)

2007-12-16 11:07:54 · 21 answers · asked by blondie<3 2 in Fashion & Accessories

the golden compass is a movie toward hating God and wanting to kill him. why would people watch that? that's so stupid. i'm a christian and the makers of that movie deserve to be burried alive. do you want to see that movie?

2007-12-16 11:07:52 · 5 answers · asked by spill my heart 4 u 2 in Movies

sound and light

2007-12-16 11:07:48 · 1 answers · asked by kay kay 1 in Weather

2007-12-16 11:07:48 · 16 answers · asked by daria 4 in Religion & Spirituality

these brands are ok but i want to try a new brand

2007-12-16 11:07:44 · 5 answers · asked by radic 1 in Fashion & Accessories

Please help, if you can. I want to make sugar coated pecans but I can't crack them so that they come out whole.

2007-12-16 11:07:36 · 4 answers · asked by Spirit Dancer 5 in Cooking & Recipes

We broke up one week ago, her decision. She wants to be friends. says that we can be friends, start from the beginning, and take things slow. She doesn't want to see me right now bc she says i still have feelings and only when i can be her friend we can see each other..

We started out our relationship really fast from the get go, three weeks of knowing each other and have been dating. for 2 months, until last week.

It is so hard to see her as a friend than a gf.
She says she wants to be single, have fun with her friends..

what should i do?
is it the end?
this is really bothering me.

She has been hanging out with her guy friends and will take vacations with them this holiday. She wont even spend Christmas with me, instead it will be with someone else whom she calls a friend, an the unknown gender, due to information, when i spoke with her three days ago. In doing no contact and will try to heal my inner wounds.. hope i will be okay and over her soon. thx for reading.

2007-12-16 11:07:35 · 36 answers · asked by mangolove 1 in Singles & Dating

My friend adopted a cat from a local animal shelter and was told at the time he adopted her that she was spayed.

This morning, she gave birth to eight kittens.

2007-12-16 11:07:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

2007-12-16 11:07:24 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I've decided that the risk of hell is too great, and I don't want to be an atheist anymore. But here's the problem: most Christians on here tell me if I don't accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I will go to hell. The Muslims say if I don't become a Muslim, I will go to hell.

So who's right?

2007-12-16 11:07:18 · 32 answers · asked by jacob decibel 3 in Religion & Spirituality

where is the freedom of choice?

2007-12-16 11:07:14 · 3 answers · asked by Jen2U 3 in TiVO & DVRs

2007-12-16 11:06:45 · 5 answers · asked by Unoptrid1aq 4 in Comedy

My girlfriend and I have been dating for over a year now, we're both 17. She loves me and I love her and we both know that. Our relationship has had many ups and downs like any relationship has, but we've gotten through it. I would do anything for her and I do, to the point when her friends and my friends have both said that she takes advantage of me. We've talked about her giving me more respect and lately it's been great. I think that it's time now to have sex, and i've told her this, but I would never pressure her into anything. She's said she wanted to and promised she would, but whenever she says she will, she ends up not. I don't know why, and i've talked to her and not received a concrete response. The farthest we've gone is her giving me a handjob, and she will not do anymore than that. I'm frustrated more by the broken promises that the actual lack of action (though that bothers me too) what should I do? I do everything for her.

2007-12-16 11:06:43 · 51 answers · asked by John H 2 in Singles & Dating

for some reason i want the song for the first dance in my wedding to be I Thought We Had by The Family Stand. the song is really good but its about breaking up, and there's absolutely nothing positive with a slight hope of a better future between the couple in it. in fact it pretty much confirms that theyre ending the relationship for good. still id really really want it to be the song at my wedding. odd?

btw, im not planning on getting married any time soon.plus i cant see myself married to anyone i personally know right now.
this is just something that comes up to my mind whenever i listen to it.

2007-12-16 11:06:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

do you know where you can buy them. like at target, hobby lobby, etc.

2007-12-16 11:06:23 · 5 answers · asked by just wondering... 1 in Other - Business & Finance

Please don't just say the US because I know that is not true

2007-12-16 11:05:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My 3year old duaghter Jenna i screaming and is trying to open her presents and tries sucking on the christma lights on the tree. and she will sream if she does not get it. I DO NOT TO SPANKS AND TIME OUTS DO NOT WORK.

2007-12-16 11:05:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler


1. On average, an evacuation for the study cases occurred every 11 days. An average of 336,328 departures occurred every 11 days in 1998 by scheduled aircraft operating under 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121.

2. In the 46 study cases, 92 percent (2,614) of the 2,846 occupants on board were uninjured, and 8 percent (232) were injured.

3. The Federal Aviation Administration does not evaluate the emergency evacuation capabilities of transport-category airplanes with fewer than 44 passenger seats or the emergency evacuation capabilities of air carriers operating commuter-category and transport-category airplanes with fewer than 44 passenger seats. In the interest of providing one level of safety, all passenger-carrying commercial airplanes and air carriers should be required to demonstrate emergency evacuation capabilities.

4. Adequate research has not been conducted to determine the appropriate exit row width on commercial airplanes.

5. In general, passengers in the Safety Board's study cases were able to access airplane exits without difficulty, except for the Little Rock, Arkansas, accident that occurred on June 1, 1999, in which interior cabin furnishings became dislodged and were obstacles to some passengers' access to exits.

6. Emergency lighting systems functioned as intended in the 30 evacuation cases investigated in detail.

7. In 43 of the 46 evacuation cases in the Safety Board's study, floor level exit doors were opened without difficulty.

8. Passengers continue to have problems opening overwing exits and stowing the hatch. The manner in which the exit is opened and the hatch is stowed is not intuitively obvious to passengers nor is it easily depicted graphically.

9. Most passengers seated in exit rows do not read the safety information provided to assist them in understanding the tasks they may need to perform in the event of an emergency evacuation, and they do not receive personal briefings from flight attendants even though personal briefings can aid passengers in their understanding of the tasks that they may be called upon to perform.

10. On some Fokker airplanes, flight attendants are seated too far from their assigned primary exit to provide immediate assistance to passengers who attempt to evacuate through the exit.

11. Overall, in 37 percent (7 of 19) of the evacuations with slide deployments in the Safety Board's study cases, there were problems with at least one slide. A slide problem in 37 percent of the evacuations in which slides were deployed is unacceptable for a safety system.

12. The majority of serious evacuation-related injuries in the Safety Board's study cases, excluding the Little Rock, Arkansas, accident, occurred at airplane door and overwing exits without slides.

13. Pilots are not receiving consistent guidance, particularly in flight operations and safety manuals, on when to evacuate an airplane.

14. Passengers benefit from precautionary safety briefings just prior to emergency occurrences.

15. Limiting exit use during evacuations in the Safety Board's study was not in accordance with the respective air carrier's existing evacuation procedures. At a minimum, all available floor level exits that are not blocked by a hazard should be used during an evacuation.

16. Evacuations involving slide use could be delayed if passengers sit at exits before boarding a slide or if crew commands do not direct passengers how to get onto a slide.

17. Without hands-on training specific to the airplane types that frequent their airports, aircraft rescue and firefighting personnel may be hindered in their ability to quickly and efficiently assist during evacuations.

18. Communication and coordination problems continue to exist between flight crews and flight attendants during airplane evacuations. Joint exercises for flight crews and flight attendants on evacuation have proven effective in resolving these problems.

19. Despite efforts and various techniques over the years to improve passenger attention to safety briefings, a large percentage of passengers continue to ignore preflight safety briefings. Also, despite guidance in the form of Federal Aviation Administration advisory circulars, many air carrier safety briefing cards do not clearly communicate safety information to passengers.

20. Passengers' efforts to evacuate an airplane with their carry-on baggage continue to pose a problem for flight attendants and are a serious risk to a successful evacuation of an airplane. Techniques on how to handle passengers who do not listen to flight attendants' instructions need to be addressed.

21. Unwarranted evacuations following Boeing 727 auxiliary power unit (APU) torching continue to exist despite past efforts by the Federal Aviation Administration to address this issue.

22. Evacuations continue to occur that are hampered by inefficient communication. Current evacuation communication would be significantly enhanced by the installation of independently powered evacuation alarms on all newly manufactured transport-category airplanes.

23. The frequency of false indications on the two regional airplanes in the Safety Board's study cases-the Saab 340 and the Canadair Regional Jet-is too high. There are insufficient data, however, to determine if the frequency of false smoke indications is peculiar to the two regional airplanes in the Safety Board's study or if the problem is more widespread.

24. Air carriers do not always make reports to the FAA SDR system, or reports are inadequate, to identify the extent of component problems or failures.


As a result of this safety study, the National Transportation Safety Board made the following safety recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration:

1.a Require all newly certificated commercial airplanes to meet the evacuation demonstration requirements prescribed in Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 25, regardless of the number of passenger seats on the airplane.

1.b Require all commercial operators to meet the partial evacuation demonstration requirements prescribed in Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121, regardless of the number of passenger seats on the airplane.

2. Conduct additional research that examines the effects of different exit row widths, including 13 inches and 20 inches, on exit hatch removal and egress at Type III exits. The research should use an experimental design that reliably reflects actual evacuations through Type III (self help) exits on commercial airplanes.

3. Issue a final rule on exit row width at Type III (self help) exits based on the research described in Safety Recommendation (forthcoming).

4. Require Type III overwing (self help) exits on newly manufactured aircraft to be easy and intuitive to open and have automatic hatch stowage out of the egress path.

5. Require air carriers to provide all passengers seated in exit rows in which a qualified crewmember is not seated a preflight personal briefing on what to do in the event the exit may be needed.

6. Require flight attendants on Fokker 28 and Fokker 100 airplanes to be seated adjacent to their assigned primary exit. (This recommendation may be revised)

7. Review the 6-foot height requirement for exit assist means to determine if 6 feet continues to be the appropriate height below which an assist means is not needed. This review should include, at a minimum, an examination of injuries sustained during evacuations.

8. Require flight operations manuals and safety manuals to include on abnormal and emergency procedures checklists a checklist item that directs flight crews to initiate or consider emergency evacuation in all emergencies that could reasonably require an airplane evacuation (for example, cabin fire or engine fire).

9. Review air carriers' procedures to ensure that for those situations in which crews anticipate an eventual evacuation, adequate guidance is given both to pilots and flight attendants on providing passengers with precautionary safety briefings.

10. Review air carrier training programs to ensure that evacuation procedures call, at a minimum, for evacuation through all available floor level exits that are not blocked by a hazard.

11. Review air carrier procedures and training programs to ensure that the commands used for slide evacuations are consistent with the commands used for slide evacuations during certification.

12. Establish a task force to address the issue of providing periodic hands-on familiarization training, or the equivalent, for aircraft rescue and firefighting personnel at all 14 CFR Part 139 certified airports on each airplane type that serves the airport on a scheduled basis.

13. Require air carriers to conduct periodic joint evacuation exercises involving flight crews and flight attendants.

14. Conduct research and explore creative and effective methods that use state-of-the-art technology to convey safety information to passengers. The presented information should include a demonstration of all emergency evacuation procedures, such as how to open the emergency exits and exit the aircraft, including how to use the slides.

15. Require minimum comprehension testing for safety briefing cards.

16. Develop advisory material to address ways to minimize the problems associated with carry-on luggage during evacuations.

17. Require air carriers that operate Boeing 727s to include in the auxiliary power unit (APU) procedures instructions, when passengers are on board, that the flight crew will make a public address announcement about APU starts immediately prior to starting the APU. (This recommendation may be revised)

18. Require all newly manufactured transport-category airplanes operating under 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121 to be equipped with independently powered evacuation alarm systems operable from each crewmember station, and establish procedures and provide training to flight crews and flight attendants regarding the use of such systems.

19. Document the extent of false indications for cargo smoke detectors on all airplanes and improve the reliability of the detectors.

2007-12-16 11:05:22 · 4 answers · asked by stuttgart 3 in Air Travel

I'm really close with my cousin. She really wants some of those Ugg Boots and I was thinking of getting them for her, but if I do, that would be more than any other gift I'm getting for my brother and sisters, and even my parents. Do you think they would get mad...or maybe upset or something knowing that I spent more on my cousin than anyone else?

2007-12-16 11:04:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

my question is my arm reset in 2009 i'm getting prepared now if value dosent go up i bought house in 2006 for 225,000 its worth 227,000 now credit is much better making 30,000 more than i was in 2006 year. if i try to buy another house will they add the house note that i have as a debt and say that i cant afford two houses or will they disreguard it since im selling it

2007-12-16 11:04:13 · 4 answers · asked by dede d 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I make very good grades in school but they dont seem to care. Last week i showed them my report card and i got all A's and one B and they said they are proud but thats it and they didnt really look proud. im sure they were just saying that

i dont know what to do to make my parents happy?!

2007-12-16 11:04:03 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I am interested in why a person embraces atheism. What made you embrace atheism?

2007-12-16 11:03:41 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Lieberman just endorsed McCain, If they join as running mates it could really pull together a lot of people who are tired of all the partisan bickering.

2007-12-16 11:03:33 · 16 answers · asked by James L 7 in Politics

"If we give up freedom to gain security, we lose both"

Benjamin Franklin

2007-12-16 11:03:18 · 15 answers · asked by Krys 2 in Politics

When I was five my parents took my brother and I to Lake George, NY. I remember going to the Land of Make Believe, Frontier Town & going across Lake Champlain on a Ferry, and driving home through Vermont.

What's your first vacation memory?

2007-12-16 11:02:53 · 24 answers · asked by genaddt 7 in Polls & Surveys

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