Last month my roommate was packing to take off with her boyfriend to another city for the weekend, the day before rent was due. I asked if she was just going to leave me a check for rent and I'd pay it. Her reply, "Uh, no- I don't have the money." This infuriated me. A mutual friend was covering her shifts that weekend. I asked why she was going out of town if she didn't have money for rent. She just looked at me. I went into my room and shut the door- to calm down a bit.
20 minutes later she came into my room with a check for rent. I didn't cash for a week to be certain she had the money.
Wednesday, she asked me to go shopping. Before we left she checked her bank account and only had $52, so we didn,'t go. She's worked twice since then and tonight she hurt herself playing soccer, so she called in to work for tomorrow. Rent was due today. We get a penalty after the 5th- not to mention it looks terrible to pay it after the 1st.
How should I approach this?
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