I am nineteen will be twenty within a couple of weeks. I am pregnant. about four weeks, My boyfriend is tweenty three and already has a son who just turned 3. He does not have custody of his son but we do see him every weekend. When I went to my doctor two days ago and found out that I was def. pregnant , my boyfriend and I had a long talk . He says that he is not ready for another child right now. He is more or less trying to get me to have an abortion. I am against abortions, but maybe it is something that i should consider. but on the other hand , having a baby is suppose to be beautiful . It happened to me and i feet it is for a reason. My boyfriend and I have been arguing and i am looking at him in a totally different way that i thought i would never look at him . I have never been through this , he should be more suportive and he is not. We have been together for about 7 months. I need some advice.I think that ijust might want to raise the baby on my own i dont like howHEisACTIN
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