So if you want to lose weight, people say to consume less calories than you burn. Usually like 200-500 a day or something. If you cut out like 1,000 calories or more a day, peopel say as soon as you start eating you'll gain it all backsince your body is used to basically nothing. But if you cut out 500 calories per day for several months to lose weight the healthy way through exercise, and then returned to your usual eating habits once you lose the weight, eating500 more a day wouldn't your body just gian back the weight as you would if you orignally cut 1000 cals a day and then started eating 1000 more cals a day. what im trying to say is byt even decreasing your cals just a little, your slowing down ur metabolism and thus if you started eating more again you'd gain the weight back anyway?? and is there a way to gradually increase your caloric intake after dieting so you don't gain all the weight back?
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Diet & Fitness