Which word or phrasal better than "follow up" for describs the procedure who handle the contract?
2006-11-22 19:56:42 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1
2006-11-22 19:40:22 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Lyla 5
1 這是你所點的開胃菜,請慢用。
2006-11-22 19:01:27 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 文勝 1
2006-11-22 18:10:01 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 想飛 1
2006-11-22 17:32:25 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 4
To give a Comprehensive Description on the following themes and you may also add your own perspectives on related issues?
1.Social Contract(people's right to resistance)
2.Check and Balance(Separation of powers)
4.Democracy(people's Sovereighty)
5.228 Historical Incident in Taiwai(1947.0227)
2006-11-22 17:26:58 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1
1. 我們都是善良的人
2.Neither of us felt like going to see the film
1.A dress is like a barbed fence. It protects the premises without restricting the view.
2.I do not believe that a decay of dogmatic belief can do anything but good.
3.There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.
2006-11-22 17:20:10 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 5
1.The only effective way to avoid hay fever at this time of the year,if you are a sufferer,is to stay indoors.
2.The number of tourists travelling to Britain this year has not been affected by the strength of the pound.
希望能有詳細的解釋 Thanks.......
2006-11-22 16:08:28 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ken3333 2
入面個 "王屋" 系宜家邊座山亞??
2006-11-22 15:56:47 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 2
我曾聽過有這樣的說法:「見其人屋舍,得其人品格。」 有時候我要向別人陳述我房間的狀況,我總是會回答:「我的房間喔!不知道已經被幾千萬噸的原子彈轟炸過了!」所以我不得不承認我曾經是一個很瘋狂、雜亂無章的人。 這種狀況直到我上了高中之後,總算有比較好的改善。我會定期整理自己的房間,好讓他能夠比較「正常」地運作。我學會要開始選擇丟掉一些佔空間的東西,即使自己很想留著。我開始把床鋪弄整齊,好讓我整夜能睡個好覺。
2006-11-22 15:07:22 · 8 個解答 · 發問者 YehZorPieu 5
2006-11-22 14:05:58 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1
2006-11-22 13:04:57 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous
< 赤雪 >
< Red Snow >
Red snows float down from the sky
Oh, is fall once again...
My tears and red snows are float down...
I'm so much love her
Why she quieted left so, only left me alone?
I'm so much love her...
When the red snows float down form sky, my tears will drop down, too
But when I fell so lonely, you are coming
Coming to save me, coming to sing with me
Let me has energy to rebirth
When the red sonws once coming again, you are always beside me
小人還只是個國中生,還請各位大人多多指教 <(_ _)>。
2006-11-22 12:35:05 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Reay 1
「及」、「 與 」&「和」,它們的意思在使用上有何分別?應在什麼情況下使用?
2006-11-22 10:57:25 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 星月郡主-玉兒 4
例如: Jack of all trades and master of none.(樣樣精通,樣樣鬆)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(突然忘記中文意思)
2006-11-22 10:46:28 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 §Y¨£¦p¨Ó~ ¨ 2
That evening, a cold wind began to blow. We all started to shiver. Then it started to rain again. We all got into our tents. But the tents were old and they all leaked. Water was dripping on to us. We tried to stop it but it was no use. It kept on coming in. Then one of the tents blew away. The four people inside it had to squeeze into other tents. It was very uncomfortable and no one got much sleep.
想問問Then one of the tents blew away. 這一句 不是應用被動式嗎?
2006-11-22 10:00:44 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ? 7
2006-11-22 09:34:22 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 kelman 7
2006-11-22 09:26:41 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ? 3
2006-11-22 09:14:32 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous
有請"各路英雄好漢"幫助我將下列句子分別翻譯印尼文和英文好嗎?謝謝~(用翻譯機就免了...不夠貼切 呵呵~)
請勿亂丟東西 使用刀具或物品完畢請歸位!
2006-11-22 09:10:23 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 超級市場 1
2006-11-22 08:47:48 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 kelman 7
2006-11-22 08:41:40 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Howard Chui 1
My assignment topic is to write an letter to my daughter who invites my to atted her same-sex marriage, and i as a (Roman) Catholic respond the reasons why i will not attend her wedding.
here it is:
The third reason is that not only, as I mentioned before, homosexual unions cannot meet the function of procreation and that of continuing human race in the aspect of biological, also homosexual marriage will result in disorder in society. Even though gay or lesbian can adopt children, however, it will cause many problems as they grow up, having no full human development.. And this act is considered to be violence to children. Furthermore, even though there is an advanced bio-technology to produce human being, such artificial reproduction is still been considered to be disrespect to human dignity. In order to have health children, I oppose to attend to your wedding and to adopt children.
For above reasons, I hope you to reconsider your decision. However, if you insists on getting marriage with your same-sex companion, I respect your decision in your decision of sexual intendancy, but I will not attend your wedding ceremony.
2006-11-22 07:47:33 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 T J 4
My assignment topic is to write an letter to my daughter who invites my to atted her same-sex marriage, and i as a (Roman) Catholic respond the reasons why i will not attend her wedding.
here it is:
The second reason is that the sexual love between women has being condemned starting from ancient sources. The reason being is that the “phallocentric model, the sexual activity requires a penetrator and a passive, penetrated partner” (Brooten). However, homoeroticism does not fit into this model. Also marriage is a divine ceremony, and for much recourse, it points out that homosexual acts do not follow the natural moral law, and therefore, they cannot be approved, as doctrine has said, “Homosexual acts close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved". Also until now, homosexuality is considered to be "as sin, as crime, and then as illness" (Gomes) Since that homosexual acts cause many problems, the Sacred Scripture homosexual acts is condemned "as a serious deprvaity...(cf.Rom 1:24-27;1 cor 6:10;1 tim 1:10). This comment from Scripture does not make us to make conclusion that the people with homosexual inclination are responsible for their personality, however, it emphasis more on that “the homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered” (doctrine). This comment is generally found in many Christian writers’ composition and is generally accepted by Catholic Tradition.
2006-11-22 07:17:03 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 T J 4
My assignment topic is to write an letter to my daughter who invites my to atted her same-sex marriage, and i as a (Roman) Catholic respond the reasons why i will not attend her wedding.
here it is:
Dear Daughter,
I’m glad that you invite me to your wedding. However, I'm not going to attend your wedding since that as a Catholic believer and practitioner, same-sex marriage and homosexuality are opposed. There are few main reasons for my opposition, which I'll discuss them in the rest of the letter.
The first reason for refusing attending your same-sex marriage is that we as Romans Catholic believer have little doubt that the chief function of sax is to procreate. Therefore, it is considered to be "unnatural" if the purpose of procreation is excluded, as we are saying here is homosexuality. In God’s plan, he has commanded that “the sacred power and privilege of sexual relations be exercised only between a man and woman who are legally married” (Jesus Christ). In other words, the marriage can only be formed by one man and woman since that they are "mutually perfect to each other” (Doctrine) In short, the purpose of marriage and sexuality in God's plan is to practice of procreation and upbringing of new human lives" (doctrine). Since your marriage does not meet both needs, and therefore, it is not a tradition marriage, and I’ll never accept it. Moreover, it is not appropriate to have sex for "personal private pleasure and satisfaction with aspects of exploitation and degradation"(Gomes), since that this kind of sexual pleasure is being considered to be pagan sex, not Christian sex. Since that homosexuality and same-sex marriage have not general accepted by the entire Christian world, I’ll not attend your wedding.
2006-11-22 07:00:09 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 T J 4
For how many years have you emigrated/recolated there ?
2006-11-22 04:15:01 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1
科學博物館除了小朋友們喜歡去參觀 ,互動實驗和展覽也都很有趣, 室內和室外都有不一樣的樂趣.下次到台中時,歡迎來這邊玩.
2006-11-22 04:06:08 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 MMM 2
2006-11-22 04:02:16 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Marsh 2
大家都說用一台翻譯機比較好學音標跟英文 但要用哪一台比較好阿?我想要真人發音 整句式翻譯的!有人能幫幫我嗎?我真的想學= =
2006-11-22 03:55:48 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 TASI 1
我對於這個網頁的投票跟評價部分 感覺....這是很無聊而且不合理的
只要發問的人認定回答好不好就可以了 那需要其他人來投票或評價呢?!
尤其是知識語言方面 不懂得人有什麼資格評價懂得人的回答呢??
還有 點數的事也是很silly 可以說笨吧
限制回答問題的數量?! 這個限制的意義在哪裡呢?
想回答 想幫忙都不行 有這個必要限制嗎??
I think one day everybody will be tired of playing this game.
I know I will.
This is just pure silly.
2006-11-22 03:09:53 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Angela 3
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