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我對於這個網頁的投票跟評價部分 感覺....這是很無聊而且不合理的
只要發問的人認定回答好不好就可以了 那需要其他人來投票或評價呢?!
尤其是知識語言方面 不懂得人有什麼資格評價懂得人的回答呢??

還有 點數的事也是很silly 可以說笨吧
限制回答問題的數量?! 這個限制的意義在哪裡呢?
想回答 想幫忙都不行 有這個必要限制嗎??

I think one day everybody will be tired of playing this game.
I know I will.
This is just pure silly.

2006-11-22 03:09:53 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Angela 3 in 社會與文化 語言

Hello Omega,
Thanks for leaving the meaasge - really appreciated.
When I said tired of playing this game I meant the voting part, though. You are totally right about "don't treat it like a game".
(more next)

2006-11-23 08:14:28 · update #1

I am not. I look at it as a way/place to help and learn, just got frustrated when people picked the wrong answers though. Well, thank you so much for your input. I will relax and enjoy from now on! :)

2006-11-23 08:14:46 · update #2

Hello gs71099, Thanks for coming! :)
I don't care about the points either, though. Just as long as people don't pick the wrong answers, I don't really care.
I was just thinking there is really no need for points at all.

2006-11-23 08:21:22 · update #3

Well, I will still hang around until I am tired of it or no time for it. Thanks again! :)

2006-11-23 08:21:41 · update #4

Hi Nina, 謝謝留言 :)
我所謂的無聊 是指投票和評價部分 我不覺得回答問題無聊啦 當然很多人得到幫助好事 問題是給點數根本是沒必要的事 如果你去過背包客棧網頁就知道 同樣性質的網頁 沒有點數 還是很多人在回答問題 再說 投票這件事 我發現有些票選的答案並不是最好的答案 (並不是指我自己) 有些評價也不確實 所以我覺得沒有存在的必要
還有 翻譯怪怪的 不見得就不對 翻議有時候不是只看字面的意思 而是要看真的的含意是什麼
謝謝你發表意見喔 不過你有點誤解我的意思 希望我的說明你有更了解一些 :) 再次謝謝!

2006-11-23 08:38:23 · update #5

我要說明(並不是指我自己) 一下 免得又有誤會
我的意思是 我不是在指我沒被選上 或 我的答案是最好的 我並不在意是不是被選為最佳答案 只要被選上的答案不是錯的就好 發問者有權選最佳答案 她可以選擇她受益最多的答案 只是要是選到錯的答案就很令人沮喪
好了 就這樣 謝謝大家 ^_^

2006-11-23 08:47:46 · update #6

3 個解答

Well.....don't treat it like a game.This is suppose to be a knowledge base using everyone's knowledge. The whole idea is to have people answering other people's questions just like the "Wikipedia". The point system here is almost meaningless (depends on how you see it). As for me, I don't care whether I get chosen to be the best answer and get the point. I am here to "help out" others with what I know.Treat this place as a place where people help each other out. There will always be people who think/feel otherwise, but....you can't make everyone all agree or do the same thing....My suggestion : Relax and enjoy

2006-11-22 03:27:37 · answer #1 · answered by D L 6 · 0 0

我想不管知識或語言或其他各方面沒有所謂"不懂的人"只有懂得多或懂得少.雖然我不會翻譯可是一看就覺得不通或是怪怪的, 有這樣判斷力的人很多, 所以他們可以評價可以投票.在這邊我覺得是集眾人之智慧來解惑或是宣洩情緒...等等.也許你覺得無聊.可是對很多人可能改變一生.本來我很煩悶很不平生活中發生的一些事.於是上知識來搜尋.發現不是只有自己有這樣的問題.很多人情況比我更糟.慢慢發現我也可以給別人一些我知道的.那些東西是我生活累積的經驗.不一定能是最佳解答.可是我知道有人在投票時看過.在評價時給了意見.素昧平生可是卻是最寶貴的.

2006-11-22 04:12:21 · answer #2 · answered by Lina 7 · 0 0

For me, I like to think of it as a total time killer. And you are right, the voting system in certain sections maybe very bias. However,I like to think of this place as a knowlege sharing place where we can dump some of our knowledge out to help others.

2006-11-22 04:11:39 · answer #3 · answered by gs71099 7 · 0 0

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