I am a big hockey fan and I have been one for a while so I pose these questions as a big fan of the game. It seems that hockey is hard to market in America as a professional sport, this may be caused by marketing blunders, but I do not ever remember a time when hockey was really THAT marketable to the average American. Because of this, compounded with the fact that there have been some blunders (ALL STAR on Wednesday?), I feel the NHL is rather weak, especially with the current fan base. New changes have alienated old fans without attracting new fans. So the questions I pose to you all is: Is the NHL worthy to be saved? Is it really that bad? Companies have crumbled because they relied on older customers to carry them without getting new customers, and when all of the old customers died, they were left without anyone, should the NHL try as hard to attract new fans? How much sacrifice should be made? What is a good compromise? Thanks, please refrain from straw man attacks on Bettman,
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