The mind of God and His unconditional love He has for His creation. He sent us His only Son, Jesus, to show us that the perfect life He displayed was the exact kind of life we could be living. Jesus was perfect and in His perfection, He plainly stated that "If you truly believe in me, and the WORKS that I do, greater works than these shall you do, because I go to the Father!" Jesus also rebuked those who had little faith, like Peter, When Peter knew it was Jesus walking out to them in the storm and on the water, Peter was the only one who had the faith, to ask Jesus to bid him to come to Him. Jesus did. and Peter got out of the boat, walking on the water and then began looking around and losing faith and began to sink crying out, Lord, Save me! and Jesus got him and they got in the boat together. You see, Jesus gave us His life so that we could do as he done. He was glorified and now sits at the right hand of God and giving eternal life to all who believes but His also gives you and me His power to do as He done. He said, in Marks Gospel 16 chap. Go ye, in all the world and preach the Gospel of my Kindom, those believing shall be saved and those who don't will be judged and thiese signs shall follow them that believe..In my name, shall you cast out demons, you shall speak with new tongues, you shall have power over the eliments of this world and if you should drink anything deadly, it won't harm you, and you shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover!! This is Jesus giving the command of all believers in Christ. We are kings to do as Jesus has showed us. Where is your faith? Do you have the Holy Spirit of Christmas in you? Receive Him, walk in this new life and do as Jesus died for you to do. Doubt and unbelief will stop you just as it did Jesus but God will direct you to where the faithful is and signs will follow the Christ in you..This is why Jesus was born. For you. Merry Christmas.
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