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Religion & Spirituality - 17 December 2007

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I enjoy church and need it. However I don't make it my life. It disappoints me a great deal to go to church and see cliques. I mean I understand people with like minds gravitate to one another. But @ my church its much more than that. Cliques are separated by class from rich to poor. Its like some unwritten rule that if you u don't have quite as much money, then u shouldn't expect to be supported much. (support meaning moral and spiritual) *However these same semi shunned individuals are expected to pay tithes* And the closer you are to the pastor the worse the mentality gets. I grew up in this church and as a child I never knew the "cliques" that existed. My dad and the pastor are related so that "spared" me. I don't want to have a negative attitude towards church. But that sort of foolishness GETS ON MY NERVES!!! its unnecessary.. really. People have been deeply wounded by the actions of some of these ppl.

2007-12-17 01:00:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband is for almost a year now a saved christian (pentecostal). things have been tough since he has changed so much and is not really the person i married anymore. 2 years ago he was a catholic, i went to his birthplace of guatemala +brought back a souviner of a cristo *****. this is a crucifix with the jesus made of some black material. there is a story behind that. anyway now he is demanding i throw it out. i told him it is just art and a momento for me and to demand i throw it out was wrong. he seems to think it is evil demon type thing since money is tight right now. im like dont be stupid, we have house,food and all bills paid i dont see us having bad luck. i offered to compromise by not throwing it away but taking it down and putting it in storage since its mine. i guess i really dont care since im not really religious (deist) but its the principle of the thing. since he has demanded it goes to the trash. what would you do? and whats the big deal anyway with crucifixes?

2007-12-17 00:57:56 · 16 answers · asked by maylene1852 4

Name them if you can please.

2007-12-17 00:56:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-17 00:53:31 · 11 answers · asked by Benny 3

Do the people who ask questions only taking into consideration atheists and Christians not know that there are other religions and religious positions than these two?

I mean it's not like they are polar opposites or even the majorities either, so why the focus on these two groups?

2007-12-17 00:52:21 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Of course there is no God etc.

2007-12-17 00:48:05 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

He says athiests dont existed because evryone has a god. But i have pointed out that atheism has othing to do weather god exists BUT the choice to belive in him.

Is that correct?

2007-12-17 00:45:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can they NOT expect negativity to come back to them?

I often see some Christian questions like: "Why do atheists attack Christianity?"

Isn't cause and effect a reality in their worldview? Or is their entire worldview so encapsulated by religious superstition that simple cause and effect becomes 'prophecy' to them?

Christians, Muslims, what do you think?

2007-12-17 00:41:30 · 15 answers · asked by Bajingo 6

Many Christians often say that GOD created the Universe, and that there was no need for anything to create GOD because he is outside of space and time.

Beyond the notion that that would mean GOD doesnt exist, since for something to exist, it probably has to be within the bounds of space and time, let's ponder this:

Christians say GOD is eternal, and just always was. What was GOD doing for say, 2 billion "years" before he made the Universe?

Was he sniffing cosmic dust? Was he painting his Godly toe nails? Just imagine this with me now. He always was......that means he could have been "always was", for 2 billion "years", before he finally took a notion to create the Universe!!??

What would be the purpose of an all powerful, all knowing GOD to create anything?Wouldn't a GOD be content with himself alone? Did he create us and the Universe simply to worship and praise him? Wouldn't that make him a vain and selfish Deity beyond belief?

2007-12-17 00:32:23 · 16 answers · asked by Gellen 2

I'm not sure the 2 are connected, but I'm just wondering.... Feel wellcomed to provide quotes but please add some explanations to them. I hate long bible quotes and if I must read them, I want to make sure I understand what you understand of them

2007-12-17 00:32:12 · 22 answers · asked by larissa 6

And is what you do written in scripture. Such as does the bible say its ok to have a bandstand instead of an alter. A big screen TV and such at the front of the church. How the Minister preaches are their any guidelines in the Bible for church service.

2007-12-17 00:30:35 · 32 answers · asked by Benny 3

What about the Romans (Italians), they had at least part in it and nobody nags about them. Is it because they have the pope now, or is this the secret working of the pasta church?

I only want serious answers please.

2007-12-17 00:30:33 · 38 answers · asked by kwistenbiebel 5

Religion was never crammed down my throat, nor was I forced to believe. Sorry for your bad experiences, so why don't you blame your parents?

2007-12-17 00:30:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-17 00:27:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm an athiest but also believe whatever religion a person practiceses is true to them.I was just curious to what makes you so uttery and truly convinced your teachings are true. In no way am i trying to insult or disprove any religion i am merely curious.

2007-12-17 00:21:56 · 38 answers · asked by EMjAY 2

2007-12-17 00:20:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-17 00:19:19 · 12 answers · asked by Cassandra 2

where did these prophesies originate from?

Were they passed down from above , similar like the 10 commandments?

2007-12-17 00:19:00 · 10 answers · asked by give me TRUTH 3

I just encourage all of us as we ask our questions to be open to answers that we may not want to hear but may make the most sense. If your looking for someone to agree with you, you'll find it. Someone will give you an answer that may support a decision that may not be the best for you. but knowing that one may agree with you, could give you a false confidence in what your doing is ok. I pray the majority of us are really looking for the answer that brings Glory to God, and not to just support what we want.

2007-12-17 00:18:28 · 4 answers · asked by tom3264 2

Tell me about your faith journey.

2007-12-17 00:15:56 · 32 answers · asked by SeeTheLight 7

3 out of 4 'adults': 75% believe the virgin birth story is literal,
when same bible says it's all "allegory" in both "covenants".


2007-12-17 00:15:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

what i'm asking is why the cristian hurt Muslim,is there another things?Muslim,Cristian and Jews all believe in God,why we don't live with peace together?

2007-12-17 00:13:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mother of Jesus?

Although the Chapter 19 in the Holy Quran, is named Soorah Maryam, in honor of Mary, the mother of Jesus.(p.b.u.h)

2007-12-17 00:12:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dont you think the length of time for an abortion should be at least until the kid is a year old? That way you could look it over and make an assessment as to whether it's a keeper.

2007-12-17 00:09:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-17 00:09:00 · 18 answers · asked by pau 5

2007-12-17 00:08:38 · 10 answers · asked by herman 1

Was it one of Ascendence like a Sage who became Realised or one of Descendance like an Avatar of Lord Rama or Krishna or Was it simply the case of Just Be, Just Being without any botherations for anything and everything around like the Nirguna Para Brahma, The Param Purusha, The Great Father as referred by Bible, beyond the dualities of Good and Bad ?

If you need more clarity please refer Best Answer for the previous Question.


2007-12-17 00:08:25 · 9 answers · asked by jayakrishnamenon 3

Has anyone noticed Jesus is "standing": Acts 7:55?
BIG LORD said to Little Lord: "Sit": Psalms 110:1 !
Has anyone noticed Christ "sitteth": Colossians 3:1?
Has anyone noticed that God was in "Christ": 2Cor 5:19?

2007-12-17 00:07:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What nation around the world has peace in mind? What country doesn't produce weapons to take the life of their so called enemy? Yet they all proclaim their right to, they are aloud to murder. They are allowed to kill because they believe they are right in doing so. They use religions to back up this belief and convince the multitude of people to follow by mass brainwashing and hysteria. You may wish to agree to these beliefs, I shall lay down my weapons and walk, and if I die it is because I respect life more than I respect death.

2007-12-17 00:06:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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