Many Christians often say that GOD created the Universe, and that there was no need for anything to create GOD because he is outside of space and time.
Beyond the notion that that would mean GOD doesnt exist, since for something to exist, it probably has to be within the bounds of space and time, let's ponder this:
Christians say GOD is eternal, and just always was. What was GOD doing for say, 2 billion "years" before he made the Universe?
Was he sniffing cosmic dust? Was he painting his Godly toe nails? Just imagine this with me now. He always was......that means he could have been "always was", for 2 billion "years", before he finally took a notion to create the Universe!!??
What would be the purpose of an all powerful, all knowing GOD to create anything?Wouldn't a GOD be content with himself alone? Did he create us and the Universe simply to worship and praise him? Wouldn't that make him a vain and selfish Deity beyond belief?
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