2007-12-17 00:34:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
By actually comparing what it teaches with what the Bible actually says and teaches. What people of today fail to realize is that it is God's opinion that matters; does He approve of our beliefs, not the other way around.
For example, many so-called Christian religions teach of an immortal soul. When I turn into the Bible at Ezekiel 18:4 and read "the soul that is sinning---it itself will die." I go with the Bible, not the opinion of man. Of course, I go further. Many pick one verse or part of a verse to try to prove anything they dream up. I look up Isaiah 53:12 and Acts 3:23 and both agree with Ezekiel that the soul dies.
If they are wrong on such a major belief they can't be correct. So I do not belong to such a religion.
That is how I know mine is true.
2007-12-17 00:47:31
answer #2
answered by grnlow 7
Now, I will be speaking for myself to start with.
Yes. My religion is very true (it is very, very ture for me).
How do I know that? I came to believe what I believe through my torments and vast experiences.
I know that you are not trying to insult anyone and I believe it. I felt the same as you some time ago.
Did you know that Atheism is also a religion? Something people believe in? (My mother and sister are atheists until now and I respect their point of vew.) Some Christians or etc. would call people like you Nonebeliever. But is it ture for you? If it is - be prowd of it and be as you are.
I was an Atheist some 8 years ago myself. And I searched, and searched...
Now I am happy because I have settled with religion of my own that is very ture for me. (good bits from there and from here and so on - but really GOOD bits.)
And my religion totally rejects it when other religios people try to push down my throat their believs that don't agree with my understandings and experiences.
I tried to be a Christian, got biptised - didn't work..... and so on. Until I came upon something in which I have a great faith now.
So....., I believe, that you are NOT any lesser of a person than anyone with any other religion, and just be yourself and believe in where your heart lies.
As one wise man said - what is true for YOU - THAT is TRUE. So, stick with your truth or search and find it, no matter what others might think.
2007-12-17 00:53:42
answer #3
answered by Crystal 4
Judaism is unique among the world’s religions in that it claims no copyright on, or exclusivity to, truth. It does not denounce other faiths as misguided or heretical. It is adamant that there are many paths to the one God. Judaism is a path, not the path. There is no one way. There is no one great truth, but rather a series of truths possessed by each nation that, when brought together, creates the truth. And this is what makes every nation indispensable. Jews, Christians, and Muslims could learn much from one another if they would only just stop and listen. As long as any religion leads to humility and worship of the one God, to passionate religious rituals and compassion and loving-kindness, then it has created a legitimate path to the source of the universe.
2007-12-17 00:54:31
answer #4
answered by Hatikvah 7
I was touched by the Holy Spirit and it is like being grabbed and held onto real tight and you feel the love so strong you can not Deny it .Praise God. for all who have ears to hear let them hear.That leads me to my bible to find out more about this love I feel and there it is and it all makes sense and then I know I have been chosen. see we all have eyes to see and ears to hear but not everyone does. I do think some of the problem is all "religions" have a man made adjenda and that you will not Get the word of God in most churches verse by verse without some special interest. That is why I am so thank full that I became awake and alive through the Holy Spirit because as most of them I was a good catholic but not a good child of God. now I do my best to uphold his commandments and be a good child and will never ever be catholic again. I am blessed because most ex catholics turn away from God and become like you . The catholics have been very successfull at blinding people soooooooo sad Praise Jah
2007-12-17 00:39:49
answer #5
answered by mairszee 3
I find religion just a word and nothing more, what I find true is Jesus Christ. Yes I am a baptist, and belong to a baptist church but that doesn't get me to heaven. Now what the pastor teaches yes I do believe it is true, I believe that because he preaches from the bible and nothing else. The way the pastor does it I believe is the right way, he looks at what the word meant in the greek or hebrew. He searches the scripture to make sure what he is saying doesn't interject with another scripture. The Holy Spirit leads him in finding the truth, he encourages us to find out for ourselves to see if he is talking the truth. It's not a dictatorship in the 2 baptist churches I have been to (with quite a few missionaires). So like I said the reason I believe what he speaks is because he is just reading what the bible says. and interpreting it correctly. I ask questions all the time, which I encourage to do.
2007-12-17 00:37:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As an atheist I am also curious as to this question.There are a lot of reasons why people believe in strange things and it's really complicated.People also follow sports teams and certain types of music at various points in their life,when I was sixteen I would play 3 or 4 albums non stop and really did believe that the music was perfect,now I am 47 I can't stand the same albums but I don't know what changed.
2007-12-17 00:34:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am an atheist, but some of my beliefs are from Jainism too because I was raised in a Jain family. I am not saying that Jainism is the truth, but a lot of the things said do make sense. For example, if energy is neither created nor destroyed, then the earth has no creator and it always existed.
I don't believe in it's theory of reincarnation, but Jainism is about finding the truth and not accepting everything written down for you anyway.
2007-12-17 00:27:11
answer #8
answered by Cookie 2
Hi there.
Even though you are coming from a predisposed idea - You still pose a very good question.
One thought which is often said is .¨(a religion that)is true to them¨
¨I feel it¨
¨I also beleive that your religion is true to you¨
So in many people eyes , 'truth' of belief is from ones own viewpoint.
The means that 'truth is relative'
What is right for you might be wrong for someone else, and vici-verca.
However , is this logical thinking. ???
Would you board an airplane whose pilot 'believed' that he had the skill to fly the aircraft.?
Would you trust a heart surgeon to do an operation on you , if he (in his own eyes) 'believed' he could do it. ?
NOOO ,never.
We would expect proof and evidence that these people were qualified to do such a job - 'belief' is not proof.
The fact of the matter is that Truth is absolute !
Real truth is not variable on ones own opinion.
Something is either 'true' or 'false'
The True religion is therefore based 100% on truth.
So what is is the basis for REAL truth?
2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."
The Bible IS Jehovah Gods word to mankind.
It IS completely trustworthy in ALL things.
Religion based on it IS TRUE.
John 4:23-24 ". . .Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.""
But to benefit from it , we must follow it 'completely', NOT accepting pagan or man-made teachings or traditions , such as , the trinity doctrine, hellfire and the immortality of the soul.
If we allow these pollutions to enter into our worship of the TRUE God , then our worship is not acceptable to him.
We would then be following a lie , an UNTRUTH.
Isaiah 1:15-17 ". . .And when YOU spread out YOUR palms, I hide my eyes from YOU. Even though YOU make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed YOUR very hands have become filled. Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the badness of YOUR dealings from in front of my eyes; cease to do bad. Learn to do good; . . ."
ONLY by worshiping Jehovah the TRUE God in the way that he accepts can we please him and have a secure future.
We can do this by following his directions exactly as laid out for us in the Bible.
That is the basis for real truth.
For more Bible based info please feel free to email me.
2007-12-17 01:39:41
answer #9
answered by I♥U 6
Because I read the Bible and it makes me feel good. It enlightens me, teaches me, its full of wisdom and history. I go and speak with God and I know that all my problems will work out, and they do. I have a need and there is the answer sitting right in front of me. I get peace, and comfort. Afraid of nothing. I cry out to God and the thunder brings me to my knees. I feel the right and the wrong, the way to go and the way to turn from, and it has saved me many times. I cry to the Lord God and power from on high flows through me and overcomes all evil in my way. I feel Gods love, the friendship with Jesus, and the comfort of the spirit. I am assured of my God and his power. I have seen it, felt it. Its not just some religion, a set of practices. ITS GOD ALMIGHTY!! What evil has God done to you that you hate him. Is it the life he gave you, the family, the country, the food, the help, the deliverance. Look around you. Do you really think that you accomplished this own your own, or through science (by the way im a biologist). God made it all for you, he gave it all up. He wants you to know him and feel his power. He wants to talk with you, and guide you and help you make good choices. Cant you feel the right and wrong? What has God done so wrong?
2007-12-17 00:38:35
answer #10
answered by ? 3
I don't have a "religion." Religion means the format of worship, the rites and ceremonies that go with a particular system of belief. It doesn't bother me how you do it as long as you do it.
What I do have, is a vital, growing relationship with the Living God through His Son, Jesus Christ. He has transformed my life and my heart, healed many wounds and traumas (physical as well as emotional), and made me a much better human being. I am truly happy, though I am not and never will be rich, beautiful or "successful" by the world's standards. As a result I attend services in a local church where I can sing His praises, worship and pray, and learn more about the life He wants me to lead. It's all one to me if they sing and clap and shout, sit in silence, or cross themselves. Or not. He is what matters, and if His Presence is there and His Word is taught in simplicity, that's what it's about.
I wouldn't trade what I have for anything in the world or out of it.
2007-12-17 00:29:08
answer #11
answered by anna 7