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Religion & Spirituality - 28 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Luke 11:47"Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your forefathers who killed them. 48So you testify that you approve of what your forefathers did; they killed the prophets, and you build their tombs. 49Because of this, God in his wisdom said, 'I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.' 50Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world, 51from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all.

HE gave a solid foundation to Anti-Semitism

2007-11-28 02:52:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who do you think made these quotes?

"science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind ... a legitimate conflict between science and religion cannot exist."

"To be sure, the doctrine of a personal God interfering with natural events could never be refuted ... by science, for [it] can always take refuge in those domains in which scientific knowledge has not yet been able to set foot."

"If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

I'm sure it must have been a pretty stupid guy, right? How dare he say that there is no point to science without religion! Also, he said that science has discovered a world so structured that he believe someone created it!

Also, I KNOW this man does not believe in the Judeo-Christian God, so don't bother pointing that out. However, he is one of the greatest scientists of our time, and the fact that even he believes in God says a lot.

2007-11-28 02:48:34 · 28 answers · asked by Free Thinker A.R.T. ††† 6

i want an Islamic answer for this question please

2007-11-28 02:48:09 · 23 answers · asked by ? 1

And why? What are your beliefs about them both? Just curious x

2007-11-28 02:47:45 · 18 answers · asked by Cotton Candy Pie 1

aknowledging that whoever or whatever youre believing in might not prevail or that they may not be true. you admit that you might be wrong but that regardless you still choose to believe. but if you cant admit you might be wrong then thats being brainwashed. but if you can admit god might not exist but you still believe in him then thats faith because youre taking a chance. right?

so can you admit that god might not exist just like atheists should admit he might?

2007-11-28 02:46:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Christmas Tree
2. Popcorn on a string
3. Mistletoe
4. Giving presents to children, which makes them greedy at the same day of the year for each year.
5. Stockings
6. "Stocking Stuffers"
7. Santa Claus
8. His Reindeer
9. Wreaths and Garland.
10. Anything else im forgetting?

Also, im atheist, yet if i am correct, Jesus was born in a manger, in a stable, with no pine trees for at least a thousadn mile, and i do not think popcorn was invented, and i know Santa is a saint, but i dont know which, and where the hell did trees, stocking, stuffers, mistletoe come in withing the past 2000 years?!?!?

2007-11-28 02:45:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now, evolution goes ALL the way back to the primordial soup. But, does it cover not only how life changed, but how life started? If not, what branch of science would it fall under? Or, what theory so to say. The BB does not have anything to do with life, so I think evolution should have to cover this issue, since you can't evolve without having something come to life.

Now, if evolution does cover abiogenesis like I believe it does. And scientists cannot figure out how to do it yet, that it has faith involved? The Miller experiments had several flaws in them. It lacked any oxygen, only had one bolt of electricity (not like a lightning storm would just zap once), it produced mostly lethal materials, produced both right and left amino acids, and didn't produce enough amino acids to create even simple life. Since this experiment (although usually called a great success) obviously failed, and we have no explanation for how it happened, does that require faith to believe in it?

2007-11-28 02:44:27 · 11 answers · asked by sir_richard_the_third333333333 2

I mean we are supposed to feel bad that Christ died, feel guilty that he had to do suffer. All Jesus had to do was say you sins are forgiven and skip the drama.

2007-11-28 02:42:26 · 17 answers · asked by TSIRHC 3

Is it a sin for a church to require or encourage a tithe?

The idea of tithing is no longer biblical. We are to give everything to God. The idea we need to give 10% to a church so they can afford a new carpet, air condtioner, roof, or whatever is insane.

The old widow gave EVERYTHING she had.

2007-11-28 02:39:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have watched with amused interest how Atheists seem to attack Christians without mercy, and vice versa (thankfully, they leave us Jews pretty much alone).

But, has Atheism become a form of religion in its own right? It seems to me that the non-believing extremists are just as dogmatic as the religious right.

Your view?

2007-11-28 02:39:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Matthew 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Jesus states that all the signs marking the end of the world in Matthew 24 would be fulfilled before his generation ended. That generation ended 2000 years ago, and the world has not come to an end, neither has all those signs been fulfilled

2007-11-28 02:36:54 · 33 answers · asked by TSIRHC 3

All religions have gone from love to power, money, and control. But we continue to support them.

2007-11-28 02:35:03 · 18 answers · asked by Ann E 2

Has your church every given you a world view test? I am surprised by the questions that are used to determine this. Do you feel these questions are central to your beliefs? Are these the items that separate you from others? If you took this test did it reveal what you thought? For non-christians are you surprised by the questions asked?

Sorry, so many questions.

2007-11-28 02:32:13 · 7 answers · asked by Desert Lotus 3

Have you been in such situation?

2007-11-28 02:31:13 · 19 answers · asked by stayathomemom 1

Isn't it OK for them to just believe that these things are wrong and leave it at that? Why must they be so vocal about their beliefs and try to legislate them into the public square?

2007-11-28 02:30:00 · 18 answers · asked by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6

2007-11-28 02:28:05 · 39 answers · asked by anil m 6

It must be true because everybody just knows it's true. How can the whole world be wrong?"
"The Bible is true because it is the word of God."
"It's true because it is the most perfect moral guide ever produced. Nothing written by humans approaches its perfection."
"Its writings span 1,500 years, written by 40 authors, and there are no errors, contradictions or difficulties. No book written by mere humans could be so flawless."

2007-11-28 02:27:55 · 14 answers · asked by TSIRHC 3

It seems to me that most non-Catholics think it is all about ritual and legalism*, but upon my cursory study of it, I do not think so. I find more freedom and yet more responsibility under (my rudiment understanding of) Catholic's idea of grace. Am I wrong?

*that's not to say I believe in it, I do not.

2007-11-28 02:27:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people confuse God with Science!
When God Created the universe, he created science at the same time, which is the explanation of all the living things! Why do people like to compare Science and spiritual things, like if its the only answer for everything!

2007-11-28 02:25:33 · 37 answers · asked by Not of This World Returns 3


Then why do you so readily accept that a God exists? Are you making your very own decision, or are you perhaps just taking what you've read or what some other human being has told you to be the absolute (God's honest) truth?

2007-11-28 02:25:18 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

and what is the difference between priests and reverends, and can they have sex?

2007-11-28 02:23:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

maybe the children named the teddy bear after mohammed because they rvered it. So the muslims should be glad that the first thing the children thought of when they seen something they liked was mohammed. But they are so thick and vain. They just want to bully people who are weaker than them. But their time will come. The world will not stand up for all this bullsh!t. Does anyone else agree with me.

2007-11-28 02:23:31 · 13 answers · asked by joe m 3

When asking a question yesterday re science becoming so advanced one day that we will be able to reach the supernatural world, several people said it was not possible because the natural world and the supernatural world were completly different things. What is the difference and why will humans never be able to reach the supernatural through science?

2007-11-28 02:23:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm so glad to live in a country where we can worship our lord (or lords) as we please and when something goes bad, you have GOD to tell it all too! That just makes me feel good - to know that there are other people in this sinful world who feel as emotionally touched as I do as our GOD makes us feel special in our own unique way! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

*Skater Girl*

2007-11-28 02:22:02 · 17 answers · asked by Skater Girl 2

What was the situation with the Samaritans? For instance, in the Good Samaritan account, or accounts of traveling through Samaria, why was there a negativity associated with samaritans?

Serious answers please.


2007-11-28 02:19:07 · 9 answers · asked by Rob 5

When they find out that there was a God after all ??

2007-11-28 02:18:57 · 37 answers · asked by Grandma 1

I have realised that life's just not fair no matter what... Things just dont get better and i feel unfortunate. Its very evident that God's teasing me by giving people around me whatever they want...and I've been waitin for years and nothing's going good for me... In my present life, i m doing morally correct things and all.. but may be im being punished for my past life sins??? Will my life have to be disappointing throught???? :((

2007-11-28 02:18:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It claims as much in the Koran (Al Baqarah, 2:62). I found that pretty refreshing. Do contemporary Muslims believe this?

2007-11-28 02:17:34 · 9 answers · asked by g_doak 2

2007-11-28 02:14:25 · 22 answers · asked by Cotton Wool Ninja 6

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