Was it the Gentile Romans soldiers who nailed Him to the cross?
Was it Pontius Pilot, who tried to release Him, but eventually gave in?
Was it the leader of the Jewish Sanhedrin, the Pharisees, and/or the Sadducees?
Was it the mob of Jews who demanded the Romans to “Crucify Him!”?
Was it Judas, for betraying Him?
Was it God the Father? (See Isaiah 53:10!)
Was it Jesus Himself? (See John 10:14-18!)
And/or most importantly:
Was it YOU?
Is this not the essential Gospel message, the very core of Biblical Christianity, and what it means to be a true Christian?
= = =
So, what is YOUR CHOICE:
1) Do you accept responsibility for the death of Jesus Christ – believing that He died on the cross for your sins, clothe yourself in His righteousness, and freely receive the gracious gift of eternal salvation?
2) Or instead, do you blame someone else – and instead, dare to stand before God naked, with your sins unforgiven and for all to see, doomed to justly go to hell?
= = =
46 answers
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