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Religion & Spirituality - 21 October 2007

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I find our current pope hilarious. Never had we had someone go so far to piss off so many. So far we've learned that the protestants are mislead and are going to Hell and that the American Indians deep down want to be Catholics. I'm sure that the iron first of the Church can convince them.

Anyways, I look forwards to hear the next statement of controversy this guy comes out with. It seems to get better by the moment. When his brain hits complete senility, we'll be watching history in the making. Agree or disagree?

2007-10-21 04:02:02 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Genesis chapters 1 & 2 both give accounts of the Creation and they disagree with each other even to the number of beings involved and the order of events.

2007-10-21 04:01:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

First he says "You shall not kill" then he orders everyone from Abraham to Joshua and beyond to kill, and they do. "You shall not kill" does not mean "it's ok to do it in this situation but it's not ok any other time". Even Christians throughout history (Crusades anyone?) have killed countless others in the name of God and religion. What did any of those people do to deserve death other than standing up to the Christian church and saying they don't agree with their teachings in many cases? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Knowing this, why are people flocking to follow this bloodthirsty God? Even Pagan war gods weren't known for being near this violent.

2007-10-21 03:58:37 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-21 03:53:20 · 15 answers · asked by Steve 1

Who comes to live with the true believer in Jesus Christ?

Thanks in advance for all sincere, polite replies.

May God bless you.

2007-10-21 03:52:55 · 10 answers · asked by Carlito 3

Also, I heard that some of the beliefs is that Dinosaurs didn't exist and that the Ark actually happened.

Is this just the media going overboard, or is this true.

2007-10-21 03:50:37 · 11 answers · asked by Mancloud 3

The theme of this year's peace summit is "A World Without Violence: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue,"

Pope Benedict's comments:

In the face of a world torn by conflicts where violence is sometimes justified in the name of God, it is important to reiterate that religions can never become vehicles of hate," said the 80-year-old pontiff.

To the contrary, religions can and should offer precious resources to build a peaceful humanity ... especially where tensions are strongest, freedom and respect for others is denied and men and women suffer the consequences of intolerance and incomprehension.

....violence tends unfortunately to become a widespread mentality, insinuating itself into the fabric of society.

The pope underscored "the importance of intensifying efforts for a serious strategy of prevention centring on schools, work and helping young people to manage their free time.

Intervention is needed that involves everyone in the struggle against all forms of violence.

2007-10-21 03:50:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a few new bibles I want to give away, to spread the Word. Contact me and I will mail you one. No charge. First come, first served until I run out.

For those who will leave hateful or unresponsive answers, I will pray for you!

2007-10-21 03:49:24 · 8 answers · asked by duke 5

Close friend of Jerry Falwell; senior pastor at Thorington Road Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama for 15 years; graduate of Liberty University; vociferous opponent of the abomination of homosexuality, etc etc. You know where this is going.

He was found dead in June of "accidental mechanical asphyxia." He was hogtied, wearing two complete wetsuits, including mask and flippers, rubber underwear, and had a condom-wrapped "marital aid" lodged in his rectum.

Is anybody surprised anymore when "conservative" "Christian" "Republican" "morals and values" types turn out to be complete and total FREAKS?

Not that I'm judging! More power to him if he gets off on dressing up like Jacques Cousteau. At least he died doing what he loves! But of course, this is the guy who spent his life preaching that nice decent gay boys like myself are sicko perverts who will burn in hell forever. I assume he probably never mentioned the hogtying and the wetsuits to his congregation.

2007-10-21 03:45:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I haven't been to church in about 5 years but have recently started wanting to make the Lord part of my life again.I don't want to go back to my original parish because I don't really care for the priest. So I was thinking of joining a nice church a few miles up the road. How do I go about officially joining?

2007-10-21 03:44:26 · 11 answers · asked by purplepurplesage 1

Assume: to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit.

2007-10-21 03:43:27 · 12 answers · asked by MoPleasure4U 4

Everybody cheats. Thousands of people make millions of dollars because they look pretty on camera. The media NEVER talks bad about itself.

We will ever wake up and turn off the glitz?

2007-10-21 03:43:10 · 19 answers · asked by TD Euwaite? 6

Isn't that kind of like saying we "own" God? Sounds a little blasphemous. Personal butler, personal bodyguard, personal hairdresser, these people all serve us.

2007-10-21 03:42:33 · 9 answers · asked by ccrider 7

According to a television show on Jesus, they have the Roman census from that time. Why would Mary and Joseph give him a name that thirty other couples gave their sons?

Is the record of many boys named Jesus or of one boy 31 times?

Am I trying to understand the ununderstandable?

2007-10-21 03:40:10 · 9 answers · asked by femalegtrst 2

I think its pretty hilarious.

2007-10-21 03:37:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the Old Testament, Saturday is the 7th day, the day of Sabbath.
Why do Christians mark it as Sunday?
Pagans on this site said it is because Sunday was the Pagan day of rest.
I am an Evangelical Christian.

2007-10-21 03:31:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm doubtful about the many different types of christian in this world.i was born n grew up as a catholic and i knew catholic was the first religion brought up to this world.yet theres still many denomination brought up...

2007-10-21 03:29:26 · 5 answers · asked by cleopatra clare 1

Please do the exercises in order - don't get ahead, or you will miss it.

Think of a number between 1 and 10. Got it?

Take that number and multiple it by 9: ? x 9= ??

Now take the sum of your answer and add it together:
?? = ? + ?= ? (say the answer to your multiplication problem
was 20, you would take the 2 and add it to the 0 and get 2, or
2 + 0= 2)

Now subtract that answer by 5: ? - 5= ?
Okay, think of the corresponding letter in the alphabet. For
example, if your answer to ? - 5 was 1, the letter would be A;
2 would be B; 3 would be C; 4 would be D; etc
Got it? Okay. Now think of a country that begins with that
letter. Please do not go any further until you have a country.
Okay. Now think of an animal that begins with the last letter
of that country.
Got it. Great! Now think color that begins with the last letter of that country.

Sorry there are no orange kangaroos in Denmark.

2007-10-21 03:28:32 · 9 answers · asked by The Duke 2

Where is the verse "have mercy on my, oh god, for men hottly persue me." found? it was used at a bible conference i went to this weekend, and i think it is in psalms.

2007-10-21 03:28:03 · 5 answers · asked by ImCoNfUsEd 1

According to religion, one may not worship anyone aside "God."

But that implies that GOOD people will be subjected to eternal pain, torture, and punishment, simply because they don't pray to an imaginary man in the sky.

I simply see know reason that any good "god" would do that to his own creations.

I know this point's been made already. Don't bother telling me.

But, I think you all need a reminder.

No "god" would think in such a way, or do such a thing.

2007-10-21 03:27:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are Christianity and Judaism patriarchal religions that consider women to be second class citizens? In the OT, women were lucky to be considered third class, while in other cultures of the time they were given equal treatment as that of a man. Even God's chosen one Paul in the NT is well known for being mysogynic and yet he's considered a great teacher and is revered for his "expertise" on marriage which he himself states he would rather chew off his own limbs than to partake in. Doesn't that seem ironic?

2007-10-21 03:25:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you were to ask that question of anyone, who would you ask, and why?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer! May God bless you.

2007-10-21 03:23:12 · 18 answers · asked by Carlito 3

im very upset. just had a big fight with the husband. when we met things were fine. until he got "saved".
now things are just getting worse n worse cause i dont believe exactly the same as him.
well the problem right now is with halloween. i see this as a harmless holiday for kids to get free candy. and yes i know the true history of it not the distorted one some religions try to give.
well he forbid me to take the kids out trick or treating saying that they were his kids and that what i was doing meant im going to hell and he wont have his kids follow me there!!
i was livid.
he basically told me i had to believe the same as him or he didnt know what he was gonna do. i told him if he cant respect my beliefs like i respect his that there was only one other option which was to separate. i have respected him. even going to church as a family on sundays with him but i guess this is not appreciated. im very hurt and angry about this. what should i do?

2007-10-21 03:18:37 · 50 answers · asked by maylene1852 4

2007-10-21 03:13:12 · 7 answers · asked by Laff -Hugs 4all- 5

2007-10-21 03:06:47 · 15 answers · asked by clusterfuster 1

i don't really have one...

i dont believe in god [please don't preech to me] but i do believe that if you are a good person, you go to the other side and if you are bad, then your spirit is either forced to stay earthbound or you are horeshoed back into the womb...

does anyone else have the same beliefs as me...or does anyone else know if there is a name for this?

thanks =]

2007-10-21 03:05:45 · 18 answers · asked by lexi 2

Christianity has become very convenient, convoluted, and marketable. I honestly believe that worshipping God is the most difficult and challenging act humanly possible. I also believe that most people don't have the discipline and self-sacrifice needed to continue in absolute devotiong.

My opinion is that most are either cowards and hide behind the esteem of being an aethist, or are too self-centered and resort to customizing their own religions. On the flip side, is it possible that a "Personal Relationship with Jesus" is another way to customize, and make convenient, the most difficult calling in life: Serving God?

2007-10-21 03:05:30 · 5 answers · asked by young_masters 2

2007-10-21 03:02:36 · 20 answers · asked by clusterfuster 1

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