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Religion & Spirituality - 16 October 2007

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I use the word "canon" to imply a compendium of wisdom or moral/ethical guidance. The final document need not be philosophically unified so anything goes.

2007-10-16 07:01:16 · 12 answers · asked by metanoia 3

Serious Christian responses only, please.

2007-10-16 07:01:16 · 17 answers · asked by FUNdie 7

Smart Atheists only please, who think they know it all?
Do you have a proof you are alive? or even ever been born? Do you have a proof?
You could be just part of the Matrix and you are delusion of it!
If you are so sure of other religion and their beliefs! shouldn't you at least be sure of what or who you Are!

Atheists insult others all the time, and keep asking others to prove there is a God. But, when someone ask them a question. It gets deleted.
Why Atheist can make fun of others, and they get defensive if they can't answer?
You are here and alive, and you can't prove who you are. How can you claim there is no God if you can't prove what you are?

This just proves it. There is no freedom of speech. or, does it mean you can dish it out, but you can't take it?

2007-10-16 07:00:29 · 19 answers · asked by Bravado Guru 5

OK,i am stupid and I deserve nothing more than Hell,but why does God force us to love Him?Its like-''Obey me,or you are going to suffer in Hell''.If I was God I would create a place for those who dont want me,but it will be a place where you are alone with others like you and you dont enjoy anything.Like a room where you are stuck with people and you cant get out,but without the fire punishments,etc.But this will be for those who only reject me,but are good people. For those who are really
evil and that are scum I would create place where they will suffer.So why are we forced to like Him?

2007-10-16 06:57:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious on how some of you feel that I'm going to a private Catholic nursing school when I am Athiest.
I love the school it is one of the best ones here. I know of course they accept all students but was wondering how others felt. Thanks.

2007-10-16 06:57:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

also called glossolalia.
Do you believe this gift is still alive and well, or do you believe that it died with the last Apostle?

if so, do you consider yourself a pentecostal (usual the only denomination that supports this gift in current days)?


2007-10-16 06:55:43 · 29 answers · asked by yvicks 4

2007-10-16 06:55:12 · 13 answers · asked by josh1302cn 1

We say that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west .this stament is based on the phenomenon we see every day .We the sun appearing in the horizen evedry morning in the directionwe call the east and sinking down in tehopposite direction we call the west .It is this impression tha tmade people believe that the solar system is geo-centric and the earth is in the center and the Sun is moving around it . It was this impressioin that was responsible for Galeleo being killed for confirming the finding of copernicus that the earth was going around the sun.Even before copernicus , Aryabhatta , the great Indian mathematician, said that the movement of the sun is just like the trees standing on the banks of a lake appearing to move away from us as we row oer a boat in th eriver .Thugh it was the boat that moves , it is the trees that on the bank that appear to move .Thesun is stationary .So it never rises or sets .

2007-10-16 06:53:07 · 23 answers · asked by Infinity 7

of another. Deuteronomy 24:16 - Every man shall be put to death for his own sins. Ezekiel 18 - The soul that sinneth, it shall die.
Let's not misinterpret the scriptures to prop up a misguided religion.

2007-10-16 06:52:43 · 16 answers · asked by JiveMan 2

In John 19 when Jesus is about to be crucified, Pilate says he has the authority to decide if Jesus would be crucified or not. How come he never let him go if he had that authority? I am a Christian, and I know Christ had to die for us. But I'm confused and would like more on the topic so I can understand my pastor's sermons all the more better. Thanks in advance! :]

2007-10-16 06:51:53 · 4 answers · asked by it is time for the waywardness 2

time and time again, i read a christian answer that says "godless heathens live without morals" or some other quote that amounts to the same thing. do christians really believe they are the only ones with morals? seems kind of sad to me if they do. also a bit arrogant and hypocritical, eh?

now before i get an answer that says: "non-christians are arrogant and hypocritical, too", please try to stay focused and dont go off on a tangent. thanks in advance.

2007-10-16 06:50:41 · 14 answers · asked by lostcause8436 3

Why is it that some people refuse to open their minds and educate themselves on other religions and beliefs in the world? Why is it that Christians especially feel a need to "save" others, and that they are the only religion ? I find it sad that there are so many people so closed-minded to the idea that there are many races, cultures and beliefs out there. Why do Christians have to try to convert and spread the word and force their ideas on others? Can't they just believe what they want without trying to "save" others? Why must Christianity be like that? Why can't we all just get along!

I keep seeing so many questions on here that lead to Christians having such hate for athiests, and anyone NOT of their faith, yet MOST other faiths are SO MUCH more forgiving and open minded to other beliefs?

Do you think that Christians are brainwashed and forced into this way of thinking from early childhood? Is there ANYTHING that can open their minds, and stop these thoughts?

2007-10-16 06:49:38 · 13 answers · asked by Triple Threat 6

Wanted to know where people on R&S post from? are you at work ? at home? school?

2007-10-16 06:45:42 · 38 answers · asked by Undead 3

Just curious.

I see a lot of people on here say that all Christians are brainwashed.

2007-10-16 06:41:18 · 35 answers · asked by Drake the Deist 2

Will the world end? Will nothing happen? Tell me what you think and why

2007-10-16 06:40:46 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many people refuse to accept evolution as a proven fact but why would scientists lie?
What would they possibly hope to gain by these lies?
It doesn't give them any power over others or tell people how to live their lives.
So why would they lie?

2007-10-16 06:40:30 · 35 answers · asked by darwinsfriend AM 5

human life is a fortune and the future depends on the line we choose at the present movement ,we know the scientist worked hard and the their energy fruits we are enjoying to day
saints also leads a fortunate life with all their dedication and worship to god -and may born with all fortunes in the future birth- as we experience that some born with silver spoon in their mouth , as a common person we prefer both are important and preferable ,but for the lay man to choose which way is better

2007-10-16 06:40:05 · 14 answers · asked by Bal N 2

Has anyone seen the video, or read the book of "The Secret"?
I myself am a true believer of positive thinking and the good it can bring. What is your own opinions of this? Has it brought good things to your lives?

2007-10-16 06:39:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-16 06:38:59 · 23 answers · asked by AwesomeJoeKnows 3

Have you noticed this pattern or am I being falsely biased?

2007-10-16 06:38:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-16 06:38:01 · 11 answers · asked by AwesomeJoeKnows 3

A deliberate attempt by a radical Homosexual /Gay Militant organization in San Francisco to desecrate and mock the Holy Scarements of the Catholic Church, to date ... goes unreported and unchallenged .

If such a sacriledge was committed against a mosque or a Jewish synogoue there would be an uncontrollable outcry and outrage ...

Yet Far Left Wing Liberals dedicated to denigrate Christianity and now even the Cathloic church gets a Pass!?

The silence is deafening !!!

Is it cowardice because of the priest pedophile scandals?

Whatever their reason, inaction now means any radical Activist Gays can go into a religious service, disrupt and desecrate it and act-out ... in Drag no less!

The incident was totally Blacked Out from the Left of Liberal Main Steam News Media. i.e. NBC and of course The SanFrancisco Press!

The silence is deafening !!!

What is happening???

2007-10-16 06:36:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked some offensive questions in a spirit of jest and everyone thought I was serious. It was really funny getting angry replies from people whom I normally agree with. Was I wrong to do this? What would Flying Spaghetti Monster do?

2007-10-16 06:36:09 · 14 answers · asked by average person Violated 4

Last week I turned in an outline on what the essence of human personhood was. My thesis is: "Humans can be divided into mind, body, and soul, but the essence of human personhood is the soul."My two arguments are "Humans have a conscience" and "humans have free will."
My teacher was disappointed in our outlines so he's letting us re-do our argumentation. He mentioned using sanctity for crimes as support for an arument.

I'm at my wit's end. I've researched and researched and I need help. Does anybody have reliable sources, preferrably classical writings/authors, that they can give me? My outline was written from a Christian perspective, but has to be information that a non-Cristian could understand.
Does anybody have any ideas that I can use to shore up my arguments?
10 points will go to the one who helps me with all of my questions or provides the best source. I am desperately asking for your help!!!

2007-10-16 06:36:03 · 11 answers · asked by kace 3

I must ask this question, because of all the Anti-Christian questions posted on here all the time. I am a very strong, proud Christian woman, and I admit that the church is a great gateway to achieving a loving relationship with God, my Savior. How is that wrong? Who has the right to doubt my faith, even though I am not allowed to doubt theirs? If someone can answer this question with a logical, thinking statement, I will happily award the points. I really am curious, though, why people who claim to have no religion constantly and consistantly bash other peoples religions. Me and my Christian friends and those who worship with us don't go out and do these things. Why is it that people view me, my fellow Christians, our places of worship, and worst of all, our Savior and our key to Salvation as the bad guy?

2007-10-16 06:35:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

So the most informed scientific minds on earth are lying to me, and a man speaking with a mouth-full of 'chewin' tabackie' is more capable of relating to the subject...It all makes sense now.

2007-10-16 06:33:48 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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