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Religion & Spirituality - 27 September 2007

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Surely this concept goes against what the good Lord says. "Thou shalt not kill". Ok, the criminal may have killed someone, but surely it is wrong to kill that person as you will be no better than the killer him/herself? Is this not hypocrisy?

2007-09-27 02:01:48 · 22 answers · asked by skullpicker 3

I typically see two responses to the above question...

1) God does prove himself all the time.

2) God does not want to prove himself because that would leave no room for faith.

Can any reconcile these two answers? Could they both be true? How so?

2007-09-27 01:58:53 · 35 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

2007-09-27 01:58:25 · 15 answers · asked by big red 1

2007-09-27 01:58:12 · 29 answers · asked by I give you the Glory Father ! 6

Have I not prayed long and hard enough? He knows that I need some new clothes and to pay for my gym membership. What more can I say to him to make him understand? Has God turned his back on me? Please God, please! This is important stuff. Otherwise, I'm stuck.

2007-09-27 01:57:25 · 14 answers · asked by Ask Donna 3

hi i am writing a play about religion and how one man takes over the souls of others a la koresh, khomeni, aum, jim jones, si barba l ron hubbard etetcetc and forces them to be nothings in the name of him and how power over the vulnerable is a dangerous and terrifying thing-i want to explore why people revert to a child like view of the world and prostate theirselves before the ugly altar of obedience to religion and religious practices- so my question is- what do people get from religion? how does it help? what does it give you? what do you do with it?
thnaks for any answers-

2007-09-27 01:55:04 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Live Love Laugh



Peace and Love

2007-09-27 01:52:56 · 12 answers · asked by digilook 2

2007-09-27 01:52:07 · 17 answers · asked by Orange County is great! 2

Flag of Burmese monk.


2007-09-27 01:51:07 · 3 answers · asked by ghtyjyum 1

A) Michael Vick
B) Paris Hilton
C) Britney Spears
D) Lindsay Lohan
E) Ted Haggard
F) other (please specify)

And just think...we've still got three months to go!

2007-09-27 01:50:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the KJV translators were inspired of God in their work, why did they not know it?
Why were all the marginal notes and alternate readings removed from modern editions of the KJV, along with the Apocrypha, the opening Dedication to James I, and a lengthy introduction from "The Translators to the Reader."?

When there is a difference between the KJV English and the TR Greek, why do you believe that the Greek was wrong and the KJV English is correct?

If the KJV-only supporters believe fully in the word-for-word inspiration of the KJV, why would italics be necessary?

In defending the KJV's use of archaic language, do you really think it is a good thing that a person must use an Early Modern English dictionary just to understand the Bible in casual reading?

2007-09-27 01:47:40 · 6 answers · asked by Marty 2

Forgiveness is the economy of the heart... Forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.
-Hannah More


Peace and Love

2007-09-27 01:43:45 · 16 answers · asked by digilook 2

Christians and Religious people alike won't accept the fact that Atheists don't believe in god vise versa. So, they degrade each other and go into an all out war that will never go anywhere. I have a friend who is a devout Christian and I am an Atheist. She accepts that I don't believe in god and I accept that she does. There is no all out war, no degrading, neither of us try to force our opinions on each other. We accept that we are different from each other. Why are people so unwilling to accept that people are different and that not everyone is going to believe and do what you do?

2007-09-27 01:43:02 · 10 answers · asked by Tim Buck 5

I believe in God and I believe in Christ, however I have noticed something among Christians that really bothers me. I know that people sometimes come to faith by being convicted of their sins or a strong belief that God is real and that the Bible seems to be right, but often I hear short and flippant answers when Christians talk to nonchristians. Its like so few seem to really research stuff and whatever answer works for the Has to work for whoever they are talking to. Also, I've noticed that someone might have a list of alleged discrepancies in the Koran and Christians say, "here here!!", but a similar list for the Bible comes up and they don't take it seriously. Its like, they come up with a quick answer but are afraid to really think it out.. I still believe, but I lose a little hope when it seems that Christians can be afraid to rigorously investigate things. Can't u have faith and not be afraid of anything man might come up with? An answer to any of these questions is cool.

2007-09-27 01:41:54 · 11 answers · asked by sojourning.sarah 2

For one thing, it suggests that someone else is responsible for one’s wrongdoing. That fits in with the secular idea that all wrong behavior can be explained by a natural cause and need not be called sin.

There is no question about the fact that heredity and environment do pass some things on to descendants.

"I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations! ..." (Exodus 20:5,6).

What is YOUR view point???

2007-09-27 01:37:49 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know of a bunch of books by people coming into the Christian faith from outside or moving from one branch to another, but I don't know offhand of any books by people who fell away and came back. I'm interested in *stories*, not apologetics or stuff like that, so I'm looking for personal narratives, novels, or even movies. And I'm interested primarily but not only in stories from or by or about Catholics. Any time period.

This is a research project and not a personal quest, so no advice please. Just book names.

:-) Warning! If you post a rude or critical response I will cheerfully pray insipid positive prayers for you an unspecified number of times over an unspecified period of days! You have been warned! :-)

2007-09-27 01:35:29 · 3 answers · asked by wilsonch0 3

Why does God not intervene and into things like Genocide, Famine, and War. I thought he was powerful enough to help out in these situations?

2007-09-27 01:31:29 · 40 answers · asked by skullpicker 3

Shouldn't we at least get the tip? What have you done for Him lately?

2007-09-27 01:30:42 · 7 answers · asked by Semp-listic! 7

I mean the word 'God' distinctly refers to a specific ancient Germanic pagan deity, Godan, who was later renamed Odin. (Who's famous in comic books, Hiter's metaphysics and Gaiman's literature) Is this inconsistent with the prohibition of the worship of pagan deities? Shouldn't you call God (the father) one of the "pronunciations" of YHVH, like Yahweh or Jehovah? Because I'm pretty sure Godan's son wasn't Jesus of Nazareth.

2007-09-27 01:30:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do so many Christians walk around believing a lie? The lie being that Holy Pascha (Easter) is based on some utterly UNSUBSTANTIABLE "pagan spring festival", when all the reliable evidence shows that Holy Pascha (called "Easter" in English) is a direct offshoot of the Passover. Indeed, in Greek, "Pascha" is the word for both "Easter" and "Passover". How did so many Christians become so blindingly ignorant and willing to swallow such hideous lies about their own faith. I understand non-Christians spreading such pernicious propaganda, but why did Christians abandon the very easily available knowledge that Holy Pascha is from the feast of the Passover? Where did this ignorance come from, and why is it so especially widespread among those very Christians who claim the loudest to be practicing a "true" or "pure" form of Christianity?

2007-09-27 01:27:21 · 19 answers · asked by Hoosier Daddy 5

you will find all the answers in the BIBLE... sin is death, and the word of GOD is LIFE.... if you have any problems regarding your youth life... just feel free to email me...

2007-09-27 01:27:13 · 12 answers · asked by rafael m 1

2007-09-27 01:26:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is the religion about? I wanna ditch Christianity, its no good for me.

2007-09-27 01:25:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do KJV only advocates reject the apocrypha, since the original 1611 version contained the apocrypha?

If God always gives the world his word in one language (as KJV advocates say of English), then the KJV is certainly not that language, for God chose Koine GREEK not ENGLISH to reveal his New Covenant!
If God gave us the KJV as an inspired translation, why would God not repeat the process again in modern language in each language?

If God supervised the translation process so that the KJV is 100% error free, why did God not extend this supervision to the printers?

2007-09-27 01:23:25 · 7 answers · asked by Marty 2

2007-09-27 01:21:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last night on the democratic debate Hillary was asked what her favorite bible verse was. Her response was "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This is NOT even a bible verse. It is the golden rule, but is not a bible verse.

2007-09-27 01:18:20 · 25 answers · asked by firefly 5

Do not say he doesn't have one.

2007-09-27 01:14:51 · 19 answers · asked by J Mar 1

An artiest don`t hate ,or kill in the name of God
An artiest is not mindcontroled, by a voice in the sky
We beleave in ourselfs
We don`t beleave in a God, who feast with demons

Can you kick it out of your life?

2007-09-27 01:14:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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