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Religion & Spirituality - 9 September 2007

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I went to an are exhibit in St. Louis to see Napolean. His wife's shoes were so tiny and their bed was tiny too. The clothes looked like they fit 4 ft tall people. I know Napolean was short but this was ridiculous. If people in the past were so tiny, were the war's they fought fighting for God so tiny too? Little wars that spread across Europe. But in the paintings the men looked big on the horses. Were the Painters of Early Art liars. Horses haven't changed that much. Unlike Humans. Were they trying to impress people to make it look like 1800 humans were big? Napoleans wife had shoes so tiny I thought they were doll shoes. What the heck is going on with Humans? 200 years ago they were so different from us. How can God change men in just a short period of time? How tall or short was Jesus. I suspect he must have been about 4 foot tall and in that time that must have been very tall.

2007-09-09 19:42:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do you prefer to rely on common sense instead...?

2007-09-09 19:42:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-09 19:42:02 · 15 answers · asked by rihannsu 2

I'm so skeptical about psychics. Is there anyone who had a convincing encounter with one? If so tell me your experience. Or tell me why you're like me - not believing in psychics.

2007-09-09 19:40:45 · 10 answers · asked by CEO 2

Okay so a while back i decided to start reading the Bible so I can know for myself what it says. My parents raised me to believe in God so i know a lot, but not enough and i want to read it for myself. Anyways, I'm in the Old Testament, and God is really jealous and does not want us to pray to or have any gods before him. So, Jesus is the son of God and no one gets to God except through him. So we accept him as our Savior, but is it right to pray to him or ask him forgiveness, if God is supposed to be the only one we pray to? Aren't we just supposed to pray to God in Jesus' name, but not actually pray to Jesus. I hear a lot of people pray to Jesus, so is it okay? I'm kind of confused. But I know the devils are afraid of Jesus, but Jesus taught us the Lord's prayer and it's directed to God and...idk..is it okay to pray to him?

2007-09-09 19:37:00 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-09 19:34:17 · 14 answers · asked by jubka1 2

This is not a troll! I really want to know the answers.
Why is it that when a child or a very loving, warm sole passes, the explanation is something like; ‘God wanted it that way.’ Or, ‘God has his reasons.’ Or “God needs them in heaven.” Why? Isn’t heaven filled with nothing but righteous people anyway? I can’t get my head around that. Why not take a wife-beater, or a child-molester, a rapist, Adolf Hitler?
From what I can understand in the Bible, it says man has been around for about 5000 years. Then how does it account for things dating way before that?
Like how does Christianity explain Dinosaurs? Things Science says are millions of years old. The only things I can find are references to ‘Demons and Foul beasts’ or something like that.
If God has always been here, why did it take Christianity so long to come about?
What is Jesus supposed to be saving me from? It seems the world is in a much sadder state than in His time, why is He waiting to come back?

And how does the church justify modifying their beliefs?
The earth was the center of the universe. Many people died believing it wasn’t. Now the church says nothing about it.
The ‘plague’ was the scourge of God. Now we know it was tiny little creatures.
The church condemns homosexuality, yet homosexuality is recorded before there was Christianity.
So how do you do that? I really do want to know.
Is it faith? Or just what you interpret from the Bible?
This is not a homework assignment. I really want to know. I find it fascinating.

2007-09-09 19:28:30 · 16 answers · asked by Larry J 5

2007-09-09 19:26:34 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because you were told that since you were little child or did you come to this belief on your own.

2007-09-09 19:26:21 · 17 answers · asked by 1st Liberal 6

How come people who have loose morals and are unorthodox in how they do things( e.g moving in with girlfriend BEFORE being divorced from first wife.) materially and financially propser and they dont even consider God?

Yet I know other couples who follow the Lord and struggle like hell for everything that they have. Do you think this if fair? Or do you think apprerances are deceiving? Are there consequences for some people but not for others who willfully and blantenly do wrong?

2007-09-09 19:24:07 · 28 answers · asked by encourager4God 5

most of you christians hold his only son hostage in the form of a jesus statue on your car dashboard facing in or out? Well, yes when you do this in fact what you are doing is telling God if get in an accident his only son sitting on your car dashboard will be killed (again) before you in an accident so what you are doing is using jesus just like putting a gun to his head to keep God from killing you in a car accident... Christians please! Put your jesus statue in a safe place in your car!

2007-09-09 19:21:45 · 10 answers · asked by larry d 2

Why so much of suffering and hardship in life ?
Can't YOU give us only happiness ? What stops you? Please explain
Why should we be tested
Why should we undergo sufferings
Why should we talk truth
Why should we get a certificate from you that we are good
Why can't everyone get heaven

You ask us to give what we have to others (poor and needy) and make them happy.... like charity etc

No you have everything.... why can't you give us everything what we want.....

Why only few get everything ......

Please stop creating us if you cannot give us everything we want ?.............



WE ARE SO BAD, EVERYONE IS CURRUPTED IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER...... running behind, money, power, pride forgetting you the creator.

2007-09-09 19:20:36 · 32 answers · asked by ? 4

If so what made you turn Christian. I have been a Christian all my life and was just wondering what made you change.

2007-09-09 19:19:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are we here ?

2007-09-09 19:18:22 · 15 answers · asked by tricky_trav 2

Do you believe in god...?
Reasons for...not more than 20 words...

there will be a post for if you dont belive...

2007-09-09 19:16:56 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are your survival skills or smarts you can share with us here?

2007-09-09 19:14:02 · 15 answers · asked by Inou 3

or are you level headed and know what to do?

2007-09-09 19:12:24 · 19 answers · asked by Inou 3

As a christian with faith Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, I believe interfaith dialog is impossible because of one person
and that is Jesus Christ. Does anyone agree?

God Bless

2007-09-09 19:11:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-09 19:10:56 · 13 answers · asked by lakersforreal23@yahoo.com 1

2007-09-09 19:10:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

has their ever been one? no deeper reason just curious. or red head for that matter.

2007-09-09 19:06:44 · 13 answers · asked by otis spunkmeyer 3

I heard of gang initiations where all the members of the gang knock you to the ground and everyone just kicks the hell out of you. Do you think God, Jesus and all his gang are into that kind of kinky stuff

2007-09-09 19:03:22 · 14 answers · asked by larry d 2

There are lots of individuals who are preaching God's word that are very rich nowadays.

2007-09-09 19:01:54 · 20 answers · asked by NoName 1

How come this planet is not ruled by might alone?

2007-09-09 19:01:38 · 25 answers · asked by iamh2ok9 3

Put three nails on the counter and said, "Can you put me up for the night?"

2007-09-09 19:01:02 · 11 answers · asked by Oprah's Minge 4

God gives us "acts of God" which include hurricanes like hurricane Katrina... tsunomies like that which devastated Asia... Floods including that which killed thousands in India and China and all the other various acts like trees and coconuts falling down and killing us


Satan has his demons who tempt us to lift some girls dress up and take a peek and the various demonic possessions although I do think born again christians just can't hack the real world and blame that on Satan

2007-09-09 19:00:35 · 12 answers · asked by larry d 2

would it be better or worse? please explain your answer

2007-09-09 19:00:03 · 22 answers · asked by rihannsu 2

what would Rasulallah say to congress if they asked him how to solve the American immigration issue? please explain your answer and why?

2007-09-09 18:57:50 · 5 answers · asked by rihannsu 2

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