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Religion & Spirituality - 9 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

for example I visited an AG(Assymbly of God) church last wed night & today & they welcome women reading scripture & sharing (without taking the Pastors spot!) they sing& worship with music, but not like a rock band. So why is the Church of Christ(I'm a member of) so darn strict?

2007-09-09 14:51:18 · 13 answers · asked by Whitney 2

If understand it correctly, Jesus spent alot of his time in the Middle East. Why did Christianity not seem to take hold? Or am I just wrong in my perception?

2007-09-09 14:49:57 · 19 answers · asked by dorkkvader 1

I was in church today and the pastor said the reason God lets people burn in hell is because he would never force his love on anyone. Then the pastor said that now a days we have a word for forcing our love on someone it is rape. Being a victom of rape I was really offended, becasue rape is not about love it is about power. During what I have gone through my husband has forced me to do things that I didn't want to do, like seek help and counceling and I would consider he was forcing love on me. Even though I didn't want his help in the end it was better for me. Isn't this what tough love is, no parent would allow their child to go a bad way, they would try and stop them right? That is tough love. Shouldn't God who is a perfect Father be the same way? Seems to me if God lets someone burn in hell because he does not love God, that is abuse of a child right? I know I would never punish my child for not loving me, what do you guys think?

2007-09-09 14:48:40 · 21 answers · asked by Jessy 4

I spent three weeks working in a LDS ward and feel really bad for the people!

I mean they certainly did get themselves into that trouble but my time at St. Timothy's reminded me that as a Baptist we need to pray for those addicted to drugs, crimes, and alcohol.

What do you think? Do you know anyone addicted to LDS, Crack, or Scientology or anything else that can be harmful? What about Tom Cruise. He was born a Catholic and then fell into Scientology.

2007-09-09 14:46:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I honestly don't mean to disrespect to religion but why a bible?Why not something more practical to a vacationer/traveler?How about a local map?Pack of batteries or a guide to the area?
Being a foreigner I would like to know the history behind it.Is it a tradition or requirement?What about customers who are not christian?Why not provide all major religion books?

2007-09-09 14:46:02 · 5 answers · asked by zoltar 1

For all we know, God doesn't want people to believe in Him and if you do choose to believe you will be punished eternally in the afterlife. Isn't that scenario just as likely as the one the Bible talks about?

Isn't it a safer bet to just live for the sake of living and not focus on unprovable superstitious?

2007-09-09 14:45:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay. Let me just say this. The theory that homosexuality is a choice seems severely flawed to me.

1) If homosexuality is a choice, then it is CERTAINLY not a conscious choice? Who would knowingly choose to be gay when they know that it's going to make their lives more difficult. Furthermore, if a person did consciously choose to be gay, wouldn't that mean that they already had an inclination towards homosexuality? Otherwise, why in the world would they choose the same sex?

2) If choosing to be gay is a subconscious choice (perhaps a choice we make unawaringly at a very young age) then that's essentially the same as being born gay, because the person did not consciously choose it and therefore can not be held accountable for "choosing."

I am straight and am/always have been a born again Christian. I simply just think the choice argument is weak and senseless. Also, if you truly believe in this choice theory, please explain when and how people make this decision. Thanks.

2007-09-09 14:42:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Bible is based on things which have no actual rational logical explainations for their orgins or sources.
If a politican were to consule the state or nation with his/her illogical irrational fallacies what kind of person would believe these things the politican was saying?
For instance, one may say "We will kill all polar bears, because last night, I was informed, by a higher power, that polar bears are unclean."

What if your son came up to you, and said "Tomorrow will not come, because the earth will lose all it momentum, aftert he last earthly child is born. Causing the earth to stop with this sudden added mass."

Why does one put their trust in religion, if it is irrational?

2007-09-09 14:42:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

It would be much harder to reach the delusional and under-educated people without R&S.


2007-09-09 14:37:09 · 12 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

It's a small group and we're all about...16-18. Any good idea's.

(Im non-denominational, not sure if that matters)

2007-09-09 14:35:14 · 23 answers · asked by annonyyyymous 2

2007-09-09 14:32:52 · 25 answers · asked by 24Special 5

If it were a Christian would other religios websites posted it as "testimony"?
I do not defend this person, but I can defend that his act were NOT A PART OF HIS RELGION! Why was it made out to be?
It's just wrong....

2007-09-09 14:32:16 · 20 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

I want to go to a Catholic service... I am a protestant but I have been interested in the Catholic traditions and such and I was wondering if there was anything I should know before going... sayings or anything


2007-09-09 14:32:05 · 26 answers · asked by meant_to_live11 1

I was thinking today about how blessed we are to have R&S. For the first several years, if you were found guilty of being a Christian, you would be thrown out of the synagogues, have all your possessions taken away, you and your entire family would be jailed, and some were even executed. Let’s face it, spreading the gospel has always been dangerous and many have paid the ultimate price for obeying God.
So, when you think of it, is dealing with the people here on R&S who don’t understand God really that bad?

2007-09-09 14:19:43 · 20 answers · asked by Linda J 7

how do you know if you are dead. what happens if what i'am living is not real, i have been put into a false reality for something bad that i have done in my life, what happens if you go into this limbo like state if you drug O.D.
i mean somethings in life thats happened to me in the past just dont add up.its like i have been put into this reality and being pushed to commit suicide to get out of this state and go to heaven as such...i mean this could happen untill you work it out you live in a hell which goes on for ages with little clues here and there until you do kill yourself and see our creator.

2007-09-09 14:19:30 · 12 answers · asked by matty m 1

What should I do about him? Should I just leave it be and let him live his life the way he wants or should I try to save him? My brother is older than me by 5 years and he told me that as long as he's doing nothing wrong to everyone he knows, religion doesn't matter. I believe otherwise. What do you guys think I should do?

2007-09-09 14:18:18 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Tannaïtic Midrash Sifre to Numbers in §157 comments on the above quoted commandment of MOSES to kill the Midianite women as well as the male children...."

"....According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, MOSES therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were [virgins and] "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]...."

Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats the Midianites. They kill all the adult males, but take the women and children captive as sex slaves. When Moses learns that they left some alive, he angrily says: "Have you saved all the women alive? Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." So they went back and did as Moses instructed, killing everyone except for the virgins. In this way they got 32,000 virgins . ----(Numbers 31:1-54)

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2007-09-09 14:18:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

because you are still asking for forgiveness and repentance. then what was the point of Jesus death?

so what does "Jesus died for our sins" mean?

2007-09-09 14:17:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bishop Bob of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints said that he would baptize me online but I have not seen him in the city chatroom over the past week. I sent him the $2,000.00 donation for a new pipe for the organ in Salt Lake City like he asked.

Is there another way to join the Latter Day Saints?

2007-09-09 14:17:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've realized that atheists treat the statement, "Bible is illogical" as given information. Please elaborate, seeing as how I would like to learn. If you are going to bash and going to act like a wise-guy, please dont waste space on here. Go clown around elsewhere

2007-09-09 14:15:23 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nasty. I have seen a few very hateful ones that others are telling to be quiet because they make their side look bad.
Have you noticed this too?
Is this the future too? How do you figure the Yahoo! community can fix this?

2007-09-09 14:13:11 · 8 answers · asked by great gig in the sky 7

2007-09-09 14:10:59 · 31 answers · asked by brothermikegoestenkors3 1

whats the dangers of me doing a spell that inceases my attractiveness, and sexiness?



i know that what u do comes back 3x more

2007-09-09 14:09:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shouldn't your time and energy be put to better use?

2007-09-09 14:09:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where can I get valid information on reincarnation (case studies, etc.)? I am doing reserach on this topic for an independent study seminar class in psychology.

2007-09-09 14:06:22 · 9 answers · asked by cajungirl_2004 4

Hi, i just got done reading the chosen for school, and it made me think of religion. I'm starting to see why people don't like the jews, but thats horrible!!
After reading the chosen, i see its very wrong to say that one religion is wrong and on is right, i see people trash talking others for what they belive and i think its horrible, i am chirstian, but for some reason i really want to learn more about evalution, i'm not going to be Athiesim (even though theres nothing wrong with athiesim) but i really want to learn about Evalution, can someone tell me the details about this belief? just what happens from the beggining to the end? i'm thinking i might want to have a class like this in collage, but im still christian, i belive that GOD created me and everything around me, and that one day HE will come down and bring all of his children to heaven with him. From now on i choose not to be Desrimaginst others for there beliefs!

Also anyone that says anything rude, i will block you!!!

2007-09-09 14:05:37 · 26 answers · asked by Mrs.Chandlerbong 2

2007-09-09 14:02:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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